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Dreaming Of A White Christmas.

It was a cold morning, so close to Christmas. One could practically feel the heavy snow and joy in the air. It was a very normal morning, and yet.... so abnormal. Seunghyun stretched carefully out of bed, his lower back aching to the core as he detaches himself from the warm expanse of Jiyong's body. The younger whined, murmuring something about being too early-- but, with such a special occasion, the elder fought past the sleepiness. He dragged himself to the kitchen, watching the coffee brew with bleary eyes. But he felt a hand hold him back from reaching for a cup, another hand gently caressing at the prominent bump at his stomach. Seunghyun closed his eyes, a small smile at his lips. The elder felt a kiss at his shoulder, 

"You shouldn't be drinking this. It's bad for the baby." Jiyong’s voice escaped in a tired, graveled tone, and Seunghyun found himself leaning back into the other, the flutter of fingertips across his stomach causing his heart to thump quickly in his chest.

“It’s just one…you heard what the doctor said, I’m allowed it once in a while-” he protested gently, though his own voice echoed in it’s usual tone.

His dreamy thoughts of coffee and his fiancé were interrupted, however, by a knock at the front door, and the elder let out a sigh, pressing a kiss to Jiyong’s lips before he waddled towards the front entrance. With one hand resting upon the swollen bump protruding beneath his shirt and the other grasping at the doorknob, Seunghyun opened the heavy wooden door to allow for a few familiar faces to pass by, all of whom he was excited to see.

“Jiyong ah! Our guests are here!”

It wasn't every day that the former band would get together for the holidays. The couple on the other side was bickering over Seunghyun's voice.
Seungri burst through the door first, head downwards and fully absorbed into whoever he was texting at that exact moment. Next was Youngbae, who gave a wide grin to Seunghyun before winking as he followed the younger to the couch. Seunghyun blinked in confusion, at all of the commotion-- But accepted it as he comfortingly ran his hand along the small bump. Closing the door and stepping back, Jiyong finally stepped out of the kitchen to greet the pair excitedly. Many loud shrieks and manly arm punches later, Seunghyun couldn't help but ask, finally speaking up. 
"Where's Daesung?" 
Seungri's attention finally rose up, and his mouth spoke before he could think,
"Bae, You owe me thirty bucks. I told you he bottomed--"

There was a ring at the door, followed by Daesung stepping through into the place, exclaiming, 
"Hey! I'm here, sorry I'm late-- What'd I miss?"


Turning his gaze towards Seungri with a dangerous glare, Seunghyun was about interrupt before a response could be made when the front door opened again.
He fluttered over to Daesung, welcoming him into their home and nudging him towards Seungri and Youngbae, who were now “play fighting” over the aforementioned thirty dollars and whether “switch hit” counted.
Returning to Jiyong, who was full-on grinning at the other three, Seunghyun leaned against his shoulder, and let out a sigh of content, happy to see everyone together again.
“Just imagine what it’ll be like next year - our baby’s first christmas with the whole family,” he mused, taking Jiyong’s hand and placing it across his swollen belly.

The room seemed to quiet then, everyone's happy and warm faces bright against the bleak, cloudy sky outside. Jiyong's grin only seemed to widen, and as he looked around the room, and then back to Seunghyun, he realized there was only one response.
"I can't imagine it any other way."


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turyka #1
Chapter 1: LOL so cute....
korzuan #2
Chapter 1: Omo.mpreg Seunghyun sooooo adorable.thank u.
LocketPrincess #3
Chapter 1: needs more
kamisan #4
Chapter 1: Mpreg seunghyun is my favourite
blood_orange #5
Chapter 1: A heartwarming and groundbreaking approach to GTOP fiction ,,