
The Eyes Of Love

Jimin cursed at himself, yet again, as he receives the news that another one of his patients has recovered. He had the ability to cure numerous other patients--hundreds, thousands, even more, but what's the point if he can't even take care of the one most precious to him? He's a doctor, for goodness sake, but yet, why does he feel so helpless, useless facing Yoongi's illness? Jimin puts on a brave front and forces out his smiles before Yoongi, but as soon as he steps away, he could only hide in a corner and wipe away his trickling tears.

Yoongi's ward was not far from Jimin's office, but every time Jimin visits him, Yoongi would urge him to leave, saying that there's still a bunch of patients waiting for him.



There's a teenage boy who's in urgent need of a cornea, and Jimin knows exactly who to go for. He tries to persuade a young girl's mother to agree to donating her daughter's cornea, since the girl was already 'too far gone to be saved', as commented on by Doctor Kim.

"No. No! NO! Don't you dare lay a finger on my daughter!" The mother almost screams, then snaps as Jimin keeps trying to coax her. "Can't you ask your own family to donate theirs?" She yells. 

Jimin freezes, momentarily lost for words.

As for exactly when Yoongi appeared on-scene, Jimin did not know. "Jiminie, can you check if my cornea can be used?"

The whole office fell silent, and everyone's gaze was on Yoongi. 

"What are you talking about, hyung? I can't let you go blind!" Jimin gapes in shock. Yoongi just smiles and approaches Jimin, staring him right in the eyes. "But I won't be here forever, Jiminie." He pauses as Jimin felts tears welling up in his eyes. "I want to be able to look at you till the end of time." 

Jimin chokes, then tastes salt on his tongue. He realises that he was crying, and for the first time in front of his patients, in front of Yoongi. He suddenly understands that this was Yoongi wanting to do something for him, and also, the final thing he's doing.



And on the day that Jimin finally stood before a black coffin with bouquets of flowers surrounding Yoongi's portrait, Jimin didn't know what to feel. He should have felt devastated that Yoongi had left him, but at the same time, he could still sense Yoongi's undying love for him floating in the air.

A teenage boy approaches him as Jimin sits down on a bench outside.

"Um, hello, are you Doctor Park?" The boy asks politely. When Jimin looks over and nods, the boy flashes a huge smile. "I'm Jungkook, the boy you saved by donating a cornea. I came to say thanks! If it weren't for you I wouldn't be standing here right now!"

Jimin stares at the smiling Jungkook, and it feels like Yoongi is smiling at him again, watching him carefully with those eyes and protecting him from a distance.

Jimin then learns that maybe, just maybe, the very same love between a pair can be sustained for as long as you want it to be, and maybe this is the exact way to do it.

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Chapter 1: Wtf no I came here to have a good time, to recover from another angsty Yoonmin fic like I can't deal. Someone call the police, you need to stop I'm crying
Jackterrence08 #2
I hate you. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ