Monsters in Their Minds



Jongin was always alone. Mostly not by choice; he was alone because nobody understood him.

He could see things others couldn’t. He could see the true face of the monsters. Ever since he was a kid, he saw it. Sometimes it was only a flash over the person’s face, and other times the image would hold for a good long minute, like the person was wearing a mask.

That’s how he identified the really evil people; the mean spirited human beings, who had monsters in their minds.

But nobody else saw it. No matter how many times he pointed it out, not a single person saw it. And he ended up making a lot of enemies on the way. Turns out people don’t really like when you call them monsters.

He was too naïve as a child, so he kept trying, time after time, to make people understand, to make other see what he saw. He got beat up a lot during those times.

So as he grew, he learned to keep to himself. But even like that, pretending to be like everyone else, he couldn’t make friends; because even the pure ones, without monsters in their minds, had friends who had the monsters in their faces.

And Jongin hated being around the monsters. At first it scared him, and then as he grew, fear turned into disgust. One way or another, he wanted nothing to do with such people.

So he stayed alone. And probably would continue to be alone his entire life, or until he found someone that could also see. And believe me, he was searching.



Follow the steps of the lonely boy as he moves on this earth, meeting people, reliving forgotten memories, deciphering what’s inside his own mind.



Hello everyone,

This story is not going to be like most fanfics I write; it won’t deal much with romance, it’ll be more focused on psychological matters, and I’ll try to keep to a gloomy and mellow mood with the narration. It’s a bit of a complex idea in my head, and I hope I can write it down properly. I hope you enjoy it.

Inspiration came from this.

To be started during 2016.


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