Leo's hungry

The fox and the wolf

"Leo beggopa" the wolf boy said well putting his fist to his mouth

"Do you want fish"the fox boy said

Leo nodded his head

"Alright then lets go hunt for some fish"Ravi said well holding his hand out for the other

Leo grabbed Ravi's hand and stood up following him out of there little cave and threw some trees to a little pond 

The to animal children played in the pond trying to see who can get the biggest fish and who could get the most fish out of the two. In the end Ravi got the most and Leo got the biggest witch was also the only fish he got 

"It's ok Leo if you only got one we can share all the fish"the Little fox boy said with a big goofy smile 

"Ok" Leo said with a small smile

"OI!!" a little boy yelled

"Oh no ...this is just grate why did he have to show up"Ravi said in annoyed voice

"Hi Ravi and Leo" the little boy with wings said 

"Go away" Leo mumbled

"Aww come on Leo don't be like that" Hakyeon said with a pout 

"What do you want crow boy" Ravi asked

"To play with you guys of course" Hakyeon said with a big smile 

"Oh well sorry Hakyeon we were just heading home why don't you ask Jaehwan"Ravi said well grabbing Leo's hand 

"Oh ok"Hakyeon said sadly well putting his head down and walking away

"Bye" Leo said with a smirked 

When the fox and wolf boy got home they started a small fire and but the biggest fish on first. When is was don't they put a few other fish on and started to eat the big fish

"So good"Leo said well his tail wagged back and forth 

"It's cuz you cooked it !"Ravi said with a big grin 

Leo just put his head down to hide the blush and smile that grew on his face

"That's not true" Leo said in a quiet voice 

"It so is true you are the best when it comes to cooking"Ravi said well jumping up and running over to the wolf boy and rapping on an arm around his shoulder 

Leo felt his face go bright red and all he could think was how glad he was that he grew his hair long so he could hide his face in times like these.

After they finished eating both boys clean up the fish bones and threw them out side. 

"Shall we go to sleep now"Ravi asked 

Leo nodded with a smile

The little boys walked to the back of there little cave were they had a bed made out of bear and deer Hyde. The wolf boy crawled in fist then the fox boy followed wrapping them selfs in the blankets and huddling together for warmth

"Good night Leo" Ravi said kiss the wolf boys head 

"Night Ravi"Leo said with a little smirk on his face

With that both boys fell into a deep sleep cuddled together 




i hope you all liked this ..its my frist time wrighting fluff so im not sure how good it is ...so please leave a commet telling me what you thought 


also if you dont no what beggopa means it mean hungry ,,or like im hungery :P 

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Chapter 1: Nice story ^^