Could You Get Anymore Obvious?

Fluff n' Stuff

Oh my God you guys, I'm seriously so sorry for not updating anything. I literally have no time, and I'm stressed 24/7 because of school. I'm just so busy, and when I do have free time, I'm either sleeping or I'm at a writer's block because I forgot the flow of my story TT_TT So here's another oneshot I just wrote on spot, it's unedited and terrible. I'm so sorry to those who read You're Not the Boss of Me!!!!! I HAVEN'T ABANDONED IT. JUST WAIT A LITTLE MORE PLEASE! ;______; Thank you so much for missing me, I miss writing, and I miss 2jae!






Youngjae gave a loud yelp as he grasped onto his and turned to face the culprit. He let out a surprised gasp as he was face to face with Jaebum who had an unreadable expression, eyes wandering about and not staring directly at the younger.

“Hyung! Did you just pinch my !?”

When he got no response Youngjae let out an exasperated laugh.


“Hm, what?” the older broke out of his daze and redirected his attention to Youngjae.

Youngjae furrowed his brows and bit at his bottom lip as his hyung had a dumbfounded look that made him question whether or not his had actually been pinched.

“Hyung… did you-“

Jaebum lifted a brow and tilted his head, “what did I do?”

Youngjae gulped and shook his head, “n-nothing.”

The younger left his hyung with a face contorted in confusion, maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. Unbeknownst to him his hyung was grinning ear-to-ear watching the retreating figure, thinking about how cute and gullible the other was.


Youngjae laughed loudly as he watched Bambam and Mark go against each during basketball. Cheering for both of them, mostly because his hyung was slaughtering the other, and also for emotional support for his dongseng to not lose hope.

Suddenly a figure moved silently next to him. Youngjae was oblivious until they bumped shoulders, which startled him.

“Ah! Jaebum-hyung, don’t do that to me,” Youngjae laughed and clutched at his chest from the shock, “you should’ve said something!”

Still not saying a word, the older just held out his hand. Out of impulse, Youngjae grabbed at the hand as Jaebum gently squeezed and interlaced their fingers together. The older kept his stoic appearance up, not giving Youngjae even a spare glance but started to swing their arms together, making the other laugh.

“Hyung you’re so weird!”

At this Jaebum gave a sideways glimpse that silenced the other.

“Hahaha, hyung I’m just kidding.” Youngjae laughed as the two of them still swung their arms with their fingers laced together.

All of a sudden a loud “ew” resounded from both Bambam and Yugyeom who had taken the court once they saw their hyung’s acting all mushy.

Youngjae blushed at the sudden realization and quickly let go of Jaebum’s hand. They glanced at each other’s eyes for no longer than 3 seconds until Jaebum turned around and walked away having not said a single word to the other.

Mouth agape slowly creeping into a smile, Youngjae was left flabbergasted once again,  “Hyuuung! You’re seriously weird!”

Jaebum fought the smile that was threatening to place on his lips until he knew the two youngest wouldn’t be able to see his face. This wasn’t enough to satisfy the older’s burning desire to be closer with the boy, the more the other got flustered, the more Jaebum just wanted to touch him.


Jaebum was sitting in the dorm living room couch but was more focused on his cellphone than the movie that was playing. Jinyoung, Bambam, and Jackson were out doing schedule, meanwhile Mark and Yugyeom decided to go out for a walk with Coco. Youngjae had just come out of the bath and he would go to the park to meet the two once he was ready.

The younger walked into the living room and glanced between the tv and Jaebum.

“Hyung, if you aren’t going to watch tv, don’t waste the electricity.”

As he was about to turn off the screen Jaebum let out a loud laugh, his eyes glued to the tiny screen in his hands.

“What, what? What are you looking at hyung?” Youngjae walked around the small table towards his hyung, curious as to what the other was looking at.

He sat besides his hyung but not too close and tried to get a glimpse of the cellphone screen. Jaebum tilted the phone out of Youngjae’s line of eyesight and shifted slightly away from the younger.

“Hyung! Show me!” Youngjae inched closer and craned his neck to look over his hyung’s shoulder, only resulting in Jaebum to turn even more away.

By this time, Youngjae was already leaning on his hyung, arms stretched out as it tried to seize the extended cellphone.

“Hahaha! Hyung, I just want to know what you were laughing about! Please? Please!”

Youngjae’s face was already side by side with Jaebum’s and the older was smirking. Soon enough, Jaebum turned his head and gave Youngjae a quick peck on the cheek. Youngjae sprung off the couch and stumbled as his legs tripped on the edge of their low table. He landed on his with a thud, but all the heat was rushing to his face.

Jaebum stood up and smiled down at the younger. He took his phone and turned the screen towards Youngjae, it was blank. It had run out of battery for a while. Smirking at the shocked face, Jaebum simply stepped over Youngjae and headed towards his room. No not his room, their room.  No matter what, Jaebum would always consider it their room, whether or not Youngjae was present didn’t change that fact at all.

Youngjae was left breathless in the middle of the living room with his hand on his cheek. Blushing furiously, he rapidly stood to put on his shoes and go to Coco so he could let off some steam.


“I like you.”

Jaebum said down to the sleeping figure. The hotel room was dark and quiet. He should be asleep. Instead he chose to watch his roommate fall asleep from a separate bed opposite to his. Now that the other was asleep, Jaebum stood to take a closer look at the younger’s peaceful sleeping face.

It’s been months that his actions caused the younger to be wary of being alone with him. In an attempt at retribution, Jaebum tried to keep his distance as well. It had a negative effect on both of them. Not necessarily awkward silence, but rather awkward atmosphere whenever they made eye contact. Both knew too much, and too little at the same time.

He missed it, he craved it, Jaebum wanted to hold the only member who didn’t like to be touched. The only member he wanted to give his affection too. He couldn’t stop his hands from lifting the blanket, and before he knew it himself, Jaebum was snuggled up with his chest against the warm back of the other.

He breathed in Youngjae’s scent and buried his face into the younger’s hair, lips pressed against the long neck. He pulled the other closer and back hugged him, the warmth engulfing his entire body, lulling him too sleep.

There was loud knocking at their door. Jaebum lazily lifted one eye, letting the bright light from the window seep into his sleep-ridden eyes. He looked down and couldn’t wipe the smile of his face. Youngjae had at some point turned around during his sleep and they were in each other’s embrace. The younger nestled into the warm chest and squeezing the older tightly around the waist.

Jaebum frowned as the knocking became louder. He gave a long kiss against the younger’s forehead before he untangled himself to answer the door.

The boys rushed in with a camera and Jaebum could only groan as he backed away from the door. Mark pushed past Jaebum and settled on his bed, a slight look of confusion graced his face. The older hyung smirked as he watched Jaebum get in the bed behind him and cover himself with the comforter.

“So, why’s your bed so cold?” Mark leaned back and whispered to the other. Jaebum let out a small smirk because his hyung was always fast at catching on, too clever for his own good.

“Hmmm? I don’t know what you mean hyung.”

Mark tried to pinch at the Jaebum’s cheek only to get his hand swatted away. He grinned as he turned his attention back to the maknae’s.

You may not like to be touched. But Youngjae must’ve touched your heart and now you can’t help but want to throw your love at the boy. I see how it is. Mark took a quick glance at Jaebum who had his eyes entirely focused on a certain someone. This kid. Could you get anymore obvious?


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Chapter 2: 2jae is love.. your writing is also love . Can you write more please. I'm craving their moment tbh
Deflowerhoe #2
Chapter 2: i love em both omg
Chapter 2: Omo... love love love 2jae so much! And yes.. I miss 2jae too ㅠㅠ

Thank you for this! So this fic is completed?
CalamitousKing #4
Chapter 2: Jaebum is so slick, let me be him please
chillaxdiva #5
Chapter 2: an update!!! Great <3 haha
Chapter 2 is really cute and I agree lol in my delusional eyes I'd say jaebum looks at youngjae different from the rest of the members~ he's always had a soft spot for him, and well now I guess he's a bit lonely cuz youngjae's not rooming with him anymore in the dorms so he takes advantage of hotel accommodations for them to be roomies! Ahh thanks! This made me smile and hope everything goes well for you~ I'll wait patiently until your next update especially your other fic <333 much love!
honeybaek #6
Chapter 1: could jinyoung pls share the photo with me too :"D
i really love your 2jae fics (im currently reading the others xD), waiting for your next drabble ♡
Chapter 1: Omo... so cute!!! ><

I'm so happy that you decided to make this one shot collection for 2jae, coz yes 2jae needs more love!

I cant wait for another shots! Always love your 2jae fics! <3