One Shot- VIXX- NEO


Leo gripped the cold metal door knob, he and Ravi were sharing a dressing room, he walked in and Ravi was on his phone. Leo gently sat down in front of the mirror and he was instantly surrounded by the makeup and hair stylists. Ravi looked up, “Hyung, did you check the news today? Our concert is sold out!”

Leo looked over at Ravi and then nodded ever so slightly and then continued to stare at his lap, Ravi cleared his throat used to the silence, “Hyung, I’m done. I’m going to step out for a bit.”

Leo nodded, this time not even bothering to look up. Leo pulled his phone out and started browsing the internet while the workers silently did their work.

Leo was reading an article when suddenly Ken and Hyuk came in loudly laughing, they were recording themselves with a video camera and Hyuk came from behind and Ken videoed in front of him, “Hyung, are you getting ready for the broadcast.”

Hyuk laughed while laying with Leo’s hair, “Hyung? What do you have to say to the fans?”

Leo just stared Hyuk down and then looked at the camera finally, “Watch us well.”

Ken burst out laughing, “It’s such a short message, say more hyung.”

Leo looked away and let the makeup artist continue working while Hyuk laughed off Leo’s cold expression, “Short but sweet, that’s our Leo!”

They left and Leo sighed lightly, he finished and was sent to the waiting room before going on. Leo walked in and saw Ken and Hyuk, now joined by Ravi and Hongbin, still filming. N talking to a worker and getting his wardrobe fixed. Leo sat down close to where N was and looked up slightly, he saw N smile at him then continue to converse with the worker about something. The worker left and as soon as N was done getting dressed the rest of the members immediately flocked N with the camera. N laughed wit them and joked, Hongbin took the camera from Ken, “Ah, hyung we need to move.”

N looked at Hongbin confused while smiling and playfully pushing Hyuk off his arm, “Why?”

Ravi came to check the camera with Hongbin, “Ah hyung, he’s right!”

N got a little more serious, “Something wrong?”

Hongbin squinted his eyes and laughed, “It’s so dark over here, we can’t see you.”

The members started laughing and N laughed with them, “Ah, stop it. Kids we got to get ready, stop fooling around.”

Hongbin finished the recording and turned the camera off, Leo looked up at N who sat next to him, “Hyung,”

N immediately looked up and flashed a smile, “Are you ready?”

Leo nodded slightly wanting to ask N if he was alright but N continued, “Good, listen if you get nervous just stand by me and nudge me. I got your back, okay?”

Leo blinked and nodded unable to say what he wanted to say, “Okay.”

N playfully pulled him into a hug, “Yah, why are you like this with me? I feel so unloved.”

Leo cracked a smile and pushed N off of him earning a light slap on the shoulder, “What are you talking about?”

N laughed it off and scooted a little closer to Leo, he pulled out his phone and began checking social media. Leo looked at N but then went back to his own phone, perfectly content in the silence.

After the broadcast and two more performances, they returned to their dorm. They all trudged to their rooms exhausted, Leo got out of the shower and wanted to ask N if he could borrow one of his combs. He walked out of his room and saw N tying his shoe laces, “Hyung?”

N looked up, his face was clean of makeup revealing how tired he was, “Leo? What’s up?”

N’s face spread into a warm smile as he looked up at Leo, Leo looked N over and saw he was in his workout clothes, “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to rehearse for tomorrow’s show, I’ll be back soon.”

Leo looked back toward the rooms and then stepped closer, “You always say that, but you return at five every morning.”

N looked down, “I’m working on some new choreography, I won’t be too late I promise.”

Leo knit his brow, “You should rest hyung, you’ve done enough today.”

N shouldered his bag and smiled, “I’ll be home soon, don’t wait up okay?”

N waved goodbye and then walked out the door, he breathed in the warm summer air. It was dark but at night it was so peaceful. N was used to walking to the practice rooms alone at night, he always practiced there when he wanted to clear his head.”

N stopped and looked behind him, he didn’t see anyone and kept walking; he picked up his pace and made it to the building. He darted in and finally sat down after entering the dance room, he felt a little spooked. N pulled his phone out and checked to see if he had any messages, there weren’t any; he his music and began stretching.

N was working on his own choreography when suddenly the door opened, “AH!”

Leo stepped in and N exhaled, “Leo? You scared me!”

Leo looked up and he looked tired like he hadn’t slept, “Leo, you look awful, go to bed.”

Leo held his phone up and N knit his brow, “What?”

Leo walked toward him still holding his phone up, “Liar!”

N was surprised at Leo’s anger, “Leo, what’s going on?”

N backed up a step but Leo just held the phone in his face, “Leo, stop!”

Leo used his other hand and pointed to the time, “You said you wouldn’t be home late! It’s already five in the morning.”

N looked at the clock and sighed, “I lost track of time.”

“You always say that!”

N didn’t understand why Leo was getting so upset, “I’m sorry okay!”

Leo threw his phone on the ground and it shattered, “Sorry isn’t enough!”

N looked into Leo’s eyes, “What’s wrong with you!?”

Leo was breathing heavily, “Why are you always practicing so late? Why can’t you sleep like the other members? You’re ruining your health!”

“I told you I’m fine, I just wanted to work on my dance!”

Leo pushed N back harshly, “Is that all you can say? I wanted to dance, I need to work on this, why are you being so selfish?”

N looked at Leo surprised by the shove, “Selfish!?”

“Yeah, you risk the image of VIXX by constantly working, if you collapse on stage, or pass out from exhaustion what do you think the other members would think? What do you think the fans would think? What I would think!?”

N ran his fingers through his hair frustrated, “Easy for you to say, you and the other members don’t have to do much to be loved by the fans!”


N covered his face and yelled back at Leo, “You are an incredible singer, so is Ken, Ravi can Rap, Hyuk is the best maknae around, and Hongbin is adored as the visual. What do I have to offer? Nothing but my dance, how work any less when I’m struggling so hard to keep what little I have!”

Leo huffed back, “That’s nonsense!”

N looked Leo in the eye, “It’s not, it’s the truth and you know it! The fans know it too, I’ve read what they said.”

Leo’s anger was breaking, “I,”
“You, you’re one of the most talented people I know. You’re handsome, and a great dancer. I’m not noticeable, I don’t sine like the other members.”


N looked down and Leo remembered the video recording, “You aren’t talking about what Hongbin said are you?”

N didn’t respond and Leo got angry again, he shoved N into the mirror, “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!”

N hit the mirror but didn’t fight back, “It’s true, I’m second rate compared to you.”

Leo gripped his hand into a fist and punched the wall, “Your skin,”

“Stop Leo, please…”

N shifted uncomfortably and stared at the ground, Leo was so close to him and though Leo expressed himself more around him when they were alone, he had never been this angry before. N opened his eyes and looked up when he felt Leo’s hand gently caress his face, “Your skin is beautiful.”

N blinked shocked, “Leo…what are you,”

N stopped himself when he saw Leo looking straight into his eyes, Leo used his other hand and pulled N closer, “Forgive me.”

N didn’t know what was going on but he suddenly felt Leo’s lips gently on his. N slowly gave into the kiss and Leo wrapped his arm around N’s waist. Leo pulled away and turned around, he was silent and N just watched Leo carefully. Leo said shakily, “I’m so…so sorry.”

N bit his lower lip and asked, “What was that for?”

Leo didn’t respond, he just ran his hands through his hair still in shock, N walked up to Leo and turned him around. He pulled Leo into another quick kiss and then said looking down at the ground, “Don’t be sorry.”

Leo didn’t move for a while but then finally looked to N, “So, you,”

N looked at Leo and said defeated, “Like you? Yeah, I’ve liked you since I met you. Couldn’t you tell?”

Leo thought back to all the annoying things N did, but he secretly liked all the attention N gave him. Leo asked, “What about me? Couldn’t you tell?”

N blinked back in response, “You? Are you kidding me? Flirting with you is like flirting with a brick wall.”

Leo chuckled at the joke and N laughed with him, “Why did you come here tonight?”

Leo looked at N, “I was worried about you. I get so frustrated when you work so hard. What got me upset was that you think so poorly of yourself…I mean,”

Leo looked down trying to hide his reddening face, “To me you’re like the brightest star in the sky.”

N was touched by those words and sighed, “You win, I’ll come back to the dorm and sleep.”

Leo grabbed N’s wrist before he could go to turn off the music and pack up, “Actually, I was thinking we could stay here for a little longer.”

N looked up confused, “Why?”

Leo stepped closer, “Private dance lesson?”

N didn’t have time to respond because Leo quickly cut him off with another kiss.

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Chapter 1: Taekwoonie is worried about his bf yeonie ! So cute!!
Chapter 1: I've reread this instead of studying and i regret nothing*-* you are one of my favorite authors and I am so glad you share this fluff with us *-*
Jikookhopev #3
Chapter 1: "Flirting with you is like flirting with a brick wall" CUTE!! this story is adorable
Chapter 1: *sobs* cute... too cute
Chapter 1: Cute>< its neo and its cute>< need i say more?