Mystery lab next to my class

you need me but i don't need you

Taeyeon walks slowly into her house...The person that follows her stops walking then went to opposite way.That person just want to see Taeyeon arrived at her house..but why???

(The next day..)

Taeyeon run to her school so fastly.."Haaaa,What to do?what to do?I'm late...Stupid watch!!why you need to broke last night!! I'm late to school because of you!"Taeyeon runs fastly then arrives at her school.The school so quiet and seems like no one in that places.." tired..Aikkk???why this school seems so quiet??is this school holiday??"Taeyeon open the school gate carefully and enter to the school..She walks slowly and carefully..She looks left and right.."Why this school so creepy??I hope there is no ghost"Then Taeyeon eyes was attracted to something..It was an old lab that been left for 20 years..There is no one there..Her heart ask her to go to that lab even she had no intention to go there.."Tap tap tap tap"Taeyeon walks and open the lab door."kreeekkk...."The doors open and the lab seems so dirty and full of dust."Hello???anyone here??"Taeyeon walks into the lab and then something was crawling at her legs.."Ahhhh!!!"Taeyeon scream loudly..Then she realised it just a rat.."Huh..huh...stupid rat!! I thought you ghost!" Then Taeyeon see something..she go closely to the things.."What is this??a picture??"

Then something was touching Taeyeon shoulder.."AHHHH!!!"Taeyeon scream furiously...

But what is that??What the things that touch Taeyeon shoulder???

To be continued....

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ADdot34910 #1
Oh thank you...but i think that story is little bit weird..haha
pink124 #2
Chapter 7: U did great :D
ADdot34910 #3
Hope everyone enjoys reading my story...sorry for my bad english...I will works more harder in writing this story!!!Fighting!!