Chapter 2

My little kitten?Not.
"I'll take care of Jimin sshi first, Taehyung, you can go to school without me. I'll go later." Hime told Taehyung,who nodded and went out of the door.   Hime turned to Jimin."Have you eaten breakfast yet?" she asked. Jimin shook his head, looking at her with his big glossy brown eyes. Hime went into the kitchen and whipped up a fish pie(amazing cooling skills right?). Just as she was about to place it on the dining table, Jimin came in and sniffed the air, his tail swishing and his nose twitching. Hime had to admit that he was looking adorable. Jimin's eyes trailed over to the pie she was holding. "Is that for me?" he asked, looking at her with pleading eyes . "Yes. I have to go to school now, you can explore my house but don't get in trouble or danger." Hime responded curtly and went to the school. Meanwhile, Jimin cocked his head in a cute manner."She's so straight to the point and doesn't seem to feel anything....but she's very pretty and a great cook!!!" Jimin concluded and took another bite of the pie. Hime entered the school gates and was instantly greeted by many students there. She simply nodded at them before making her way into the classroom. No one else was there except for Taehyung, quietly reading webtoons on his phone. "Hey there." Hime took her seat, which was beside him. "You know---" Taehyung begin."Jimin can be like a cutiepie most of the time but there's another side of him. I hope that you can open up to him,alright? Consider this as your early birthday present from me since I'll be overseas during your birthday." Hime didn't reply. Ever since her parents died, she refused to celebrate her birthday.If this Jimin guy can make her celebrate her birthday, Hime would open up to him. "Let's see, Park Jimin...." she thought.
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