
Can't Get Over You: An Overanalysis

Woohyun's part was tricky. It seemed like the usual chasing the girl concept and, tbh, it was. *laughs*

Woohyun's story didn't have much depth but still it was sad because his effort was wasted.

Woohyun was supposed to meet the girl but when he arrived, the girl was already gone.

First, when Woohyun first appeared, he was running, out of breath from a dark alley signifying that he was in a rush and was running after someone.

Second, when Woohyun finally arrived to where he was supposed to go he was looking left & right almost as if searching for someone signifying again that he was supposedly going to meet someone.

Third, Woohyun was seen looking desperately at the telephone stand beside him. Here, he picked the phone but didn't actually dial a number. Maybe they just didn't let us see but there is also a possibility that he didn't actually dial a number since he was too scared to call, he was too afraid to get rejected. He just stood there, as if waiting for someone to answer his call but, later on, he just sat outside the phone booth and cried.

So, that's Woohyun's sad story of getting left behind by a girl that didn't wait for him.

Btw, the presence of snow was also evident in Woohyun's part which can mean that he got late because of it but yknow let's not blame everything on the snow~

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dragomirlady #1
Chapter 1: This one is so sad, dongwoo's
wow. you're good.. really. i didn't even notice the meaning behind sunggyu's Kontrol MV meanwhile you can describe the mv where 7 characters have their own story. saluut
Chapter 4: Myungsoo's story is one of my favorites! Watching the video again after reading this, I have felt every emotion and connected every bit from the analysis and it was just a tear jerker. It was that accurate. Are you sure you didn't write the script of the mv? ㅎㅎㅎ More power to you! ♡
Hobabe97 #3
Chapter 8: Wow!!!you are so talented!!:)