The End Where It All Begins

Blissful Reunion


A good looking man ran outside his apartment with teary eyes. He tried to wipe away the tears, but his eyes didn’t want to stop crying after what he heard.


Just a moment ago, when he came back from his office, several men were already standing outside his apartment. He surprised, he thought it was debt collector or whatsoever, so he tried to run away. But, he saw someone familiar to him in the past. It was none other than his lover’s butler. He assured the good looking man that he wouldn’t harm him, so he excuse them to come inside his quite spacious apartment.


Inside the apartment, the lady’s butler told all of the stories to him. And this, what made him cried a river when he left his apartment.


‘No way, I don’t believe you… you’re lying right? You’re telling me this so I won’t try to search Tiffany again, right?! Hyunjung, tell me you’re lying!!’

‘There’s no way I would lie to you, Mr. Kim. The young lady commanded me before she died that I must inform you this. If you want, I can drive you there, to where she is now..’

‘You’re liar! I will prove you that you’re wrong!’



He was panting so hard from running. He finally made it to a place that he’d never expect to be there. A big monumental building with “HJ PRIVATE CEMETERY” letters greeted him on the front gate. He ran through the bushes and seemed like he was being chasing by ghost. His face looked so pale, with tears from his eyes that loyally accompany him that evening. Then, he spotted a cemetery. He walked closer; he smiled in disbelief when a name on the metal square plate was read in his mind.



‘Stephanie Hwang

August 1st 1989 - July 13th 2011’



‘No, no… NO!!!!’ he kneeled on the ground and buried his face deep on his palm. He caressed the metal plate but his eyes widened a bit when he realized the continuation of the words there.

‘Stephanie Hwang, Our dearest daughter, sister, cousin, and… mom?’


Suddenly, a bright voice of a little girl who was singing a nursery song broke the silence. Taeyeon turned his face to meet a cute angelic face smiling to him.


‘Good evening, sir. What are you doing here?’ she smiled widely, made Taeyeon wipe away his tears.

‘Hello, little girl. I don’t know a beautiful girl like you would wandering around here alone, where’s your mom?’

When the little girl was about to answer his question, a long haired blonde approached from behind.


‘Tae..yeon?!’ she yelped when she saw him.

‘You…? Jessica, right? Tiffany’s cousin?’

‘What are you doing here?’

‘So, Aunt Jessica knows who he is?’ the little girl butted in.


Jessica became quiet. She didn’t know how to answer her. The only thing she surely knew that, a man standing behind Seohyun, the little girl, is Seohyun’s dad.


‘Nice to meet you again, Taeyeon. But unfortunately, we meet here.’

‘Jessica, is this… really hers?’

‘Yes, Taeyeon. It’s her,’ Jessica’s eyes were blurring, ‘Oh, here. She told me to hand you this letter when I meet you in the future.’


She popped out a pink envelope from her coat’s pocket and handed it to Taeyeon. Meanwhile Taeyeon impatiently opened the envelope; Jessica pulled Seohyun closer to her and carried her on her arms.


Taeyeon glanced at Jessica, then Jessica nodded, excuse him to read the letter.







                Dear my lovely Kim Taeyeon,


I don’t know where to start..

Uh, yeah, first absolute thing I want to tell you is, when you read this, you know I am already gone, forever.


I know. It must be hard for you when you have to deal with this reality.


But trust me; it’s even harder for me when I have to get through this world without you, Taeyeon.


I have to admit, the night when my dad told me what I have to pick, the baby in my womb’s future and leave you or being with you but being casted away from Hwang family, was the hardest night of my life.


Maybe you think, my choice was and will always be wrong. But no, I made a right decision, look at the little girl who’s now smiling brightly with my cousin, Jessica. She’s the little baby, our baby, Taeyeon.


And one more thing… Although I love you, I don’t want you to stick around with your past. I want to see you happy, not suffering. You still have a future, a hope to continue your living. To take a good care of our baby, to watch her grow up, to give her your pure love that used to be given to me.


And I know, you can’t do all of that by yourself. So, I “insist” you to find your spouse, and get married. If not, I’ll be very angry and will not forgive you.


I tell you, my sweetheart Kim Taeyeon, Jessica is such a nice cousin to me, although sometimes she could be a jerk and annoying, hehe.. But, she would make a good wife later on.



I miss you, Kim Taeyeon, I really do.


The one who will always love you endlessly,

Stephanie Hwang







His grip on the letter was loosening as soon as he finished reading it. The white letter that was written with pink ink dropped to the dirty ground, but Seohyun saw it and picked it up. She cleaned up the letter with her tiny hands and gave it back to Taeyeon. Jessica, who was watching the whole scene, couldn’t hold her eyes from crying anymore.


‘Here’s your letter, sir. Next time, you have to hold it tightly,’ Seohyun reached his hand and put the letter on his palm.

‘Come here, Seohyun,’ he kneeled and sobbed so hard, ‘Come to daddy Taeyeon…’

‘Daddy?’ the girl brightened up at the word “daddy”. She always wanted to have dad her entire life. Now, she got what she wanted the most.

‘Mum, you see, I have daddy in my embrace now! I’m soooo happy!’


Jessica crying out loud, she felt guilty and thankful at the same time. She covered her swollen eyes with her hands. But then, a light pat on her shoulder caused her to tilt up her head. It was Taeyeon, with Seohyun still in his embrace.


‘It’s fine now. Thank you very much for taking care of her for so long.’

‘No big deal, Taeyeon. I consider her as my own daughter all the time, so it’s ok.’


Suddenly, a loud noise was coming out from nowhere and distracted the interaction between the two.

‘Aunt Jessica, daddy, I’m hungry…’ it made the adults burst into laugh.

‘Aigoo, look at this poor girl, she’s hungry,’ he pinched her chubby cheek, ‘Now, shall we eat together?’

‘I’m not sure I can join you both—‘

‘Don’t refuse, Jessica. I “insist”,’ Taeyeon smirked, receiving a shy smile from the latter.


He put Seohyun down and walked hand in hand with her, while Jessica connecting her hand with little Seohyun. But Seohyun moved forward and turned her body to face the black sweater man and the bright brown coat woman. She then intertwined their hands and laughed wittily when she saw the two blushed.


‘Daddy Taeyeon and Aunt Jessica… umphh no! Daddy Taeyeon and Mommy Jessica, let’s go! To the dining room!!’ she made the Superman flying poses, caused Taeyeon and Jessica to let out a giggle.


Taeyeon and Jessica exchanged glances, and then they turned their faces to other direction at the same time with reddening cheeks.

‘Jessica, what Seohyun said was...’

‘Just let the time handle it, Taeyeon,’ she flashed a smile and pulled him, ‘Let’s go! To the dining room!!’


Before he left, with his hand still being held by Jessica, Taeyeon took a glance at her cemetery and whispered, ‘I love you, and will always be, Tiffany. Rest well.’


Then the three of them walked out from the cemetery with big smile plastered on their face.




The end.





The temptations to post this story are so BIG that I can't handle...

Thanks for spending your time to read this unworthy story of mine lol

Wish me luck. Bye-Bye~ (again~)

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EMT0304 #1
Even just short but really nice story.
ChocoKumaJenny #2
Awww so cute keke i like TaeSic
Alice93 #3
Auww...this one really make me cry and smile at the same time ^^ Nice work...
jessicadaphne #4
Write more Taengsic please :D<br />
Taengsic writers getting lesser *sigh*
This is so angsty, so cute and so sweet! You are great writer author sshi! Do more!^^
kkaptured #6
kyaaa!!!! a TaengSic with an angst TaeNy!!!! omg<br />
<br />
please write some more!!^^<br />
<br />
you're awesome =)
fickyz #7
Love it...<br />
Please write more TaengSic~
taeyeongee #8
This is a cool story. you should write more fanfics and please let it be taengsic !!!
XFruitNinjaXP #9
aww taesica :) seohyun is soo cute