Peachy Goodbye

Dork Meets Princess

The next morning came and Hyomin managed to arrive with a vibrant aura. She felt relieved and a bit excited for the day; even Jiyeon and Soyeon noticed her.

“Someone’s feels vibrant today…” Soyeon mumbled.

“Hey, guys!” I greeted them as I got to my seat.

“How can I not? I just feel like it!” I added as I went to study.

“Haven’t you heard the news, Hyo?” Jiyeon suddenly asked me, giving me a serious look.

“What news?” I said, my head sticking out from reading my notes.

“Someone in our class got into an accident and here you are, vibrant than you usually are.” Jiyeon backfired.

Just then, squealing was heard. The three friends went to look and saw Eunjung arriving. It was different, though. She was panting hard and her face scrunched.


“Huh? Eunjung…why are you sweaty?” Hyomin went closer as Eunjung shrugged her own state off.

“I rushed here, figuring out the news that one of our classmate that got into an accident.” Eunjung huffed.

“Are there any updates?” Soyeon asked one of their classmates.

“There are none. I got a report from the President, saying that she was at the hospital where she found the patient. They couldn’t figure out whom because she had no ID.” She replied.

Then, the rest of their classmates came inside, even until their teacher came. They talked about the recent news and they were all so confused. Despite of that, the classes went on.

Hyomin joined with Jiyeon and Soyeon as they went to visit at the hospital where their ‘mysterious classmate’ was hospitalized. Hyomin didn’t want to drag herself along yet her two friends insisted that she should come. Hyomin cringed as they got in. The smell made her nose itchy and the sight of patients gave shivers on her spine. She always had her little fear of hospitals.

“Is there someone admitted here from our university?” Jiyeon asked as she showed her ID.

“There is…just make a left here and you’ll find Room 12.”

They thanked her and went to the room. As they got to the door, they opened it and gasped when the saw Eunjung with the patient.

“Eunjung…” Hyomin mumbled.

“Hey, ladies...” Eunjung greeted as Jiyeon and Soyeon squealed.

“Come on, Ham Eunjung. Even here?”

Hyomin knew that voice. She looked at the patient and she gasped. It was none other than Qri herself.

“Hey, ladies...” She greeted them too.


  • Hyomin’s POV

“Are you serious? You…” I couldn’t believe what I’m seeing.

“Yeah…it’s Qri. No wonder our President couldn’t figure it out right away.” Eunjung said.

“Haha…” Qri laughed sarcastically.

My vibrancy vanished when I saw Qri. She was completely jacked up, her hands with IV drips, and the left side of her face had a long bandage, covering her left eye.

“How…how did you…”

“It’s a long story.” Qri mumbled and looked away.

Qri tucked herself to bed as Eunjung escorted the girls out.

“Can I stay here and talk to you, Qri?” Hyomin asked as she remained.

“No…” Qri mumbled.

“Please…” Hyomin pleaded.

Eunjung sighed and grabbed Hyomin’s hand when Hyomin shoved it off and gave Eunjung a serious look. She couldn’t argue and left with Jiyeon and Soyeon, leaving her and Qri inside. Hyomin grabbed a chair and sat closer to Qri.

“Yah, Lee Qri.”

“What is it now? I thought you’d never want to see me again.” Qri mumbled beneath the blanket.

“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you tell me what happened to you…”

Hyomin watched Qri get rid of her blanket and sat up. She gave a serious look and Hyomin couldn’t help but feel pity for the campus princess.

“I will tell you…but you need to promise that you will ignore me,” said Qri.

“Sure. What’s your reason? How did it happen?” Hyomin asked right away.

In the back of Qri’s mind, she sighed. But for Hyomin’s sake, she stuck to her word and explained.




 “What is it that you want, Qri?” She asked.

“I want to talk to you of a while ago. Why are you ignoring me?” I asked her.

“Yah…what’s so funny?” I added as I heard her laugh sarcastically.

“If you thought of doing the stupidest thing when you sprayed my hands with alcohol because I held Eunjung’s hand, then I could consider forgiving you. But with your tone, now I’m not so sure.” I answered her.

“Jeez, come on! Have you forgotten my confession up at the highest point of the uni? If you think I was playing with you then change that mindset…I was true of my feelings, Hyomin. Why can’t you grip that?” I yelped but then I gone soft.

“You think I can see your point of view of things? Is it wrong for me to think differently from your view?” She asked back.

“*sigh*…alright…alright…” I said.

Why am I feeling uneasy with this? Are my ways really annoying her? Am I offending her? And even if I was just being frank, why do I feel that something is going to end?

“I won’t disturb you again. I’m sorry if you’re seeing a bad image from a campus princess, likely your classmate. You can just…forget all those things between us. From this day forward, I won’t be in touch with you. I guess my presence, even my being, is affecting your life. I’m sorry for that.” I said, making me queasy.

“Whatever you want…” I mumbled.

“Okay. Good night to you, Hyomin.” I said and I hung up on her.

This is just bull. I went out of my house and walked around. I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t want to sleep, even. I could only contemplate and let my legs take me wherever I should go. With the time allotted, I began to think of my actions.

“Eomma, where are you going?”

“I’ve had enough of you and your father!! I’m leaving!!”

Those words rang in my mind that I cried. The reason of my behaviour was because of my mother. That’s why now, I live alone. Appa’s in another country doing his work and sends me money whenever I needed some. But being a father to me? No…he couldn’t do that now…and I couldn’t blame him.

“Well, well, well…” I looked up and saw my old squad.

They were campus princesses from their own schools…and SHE was one of them.

“You still owe us some dough after your little stunt in elementary.” Their leader spoke.

“Shut it, Hwayoung. Why should I continue paying wherein I already did?” I spoke back.

“You forgot us, idiot.” Areum spoke, pointing and Dani and HER.

“I told you I already did!” I yelled back.

“Then…that can’t be helped.” Hwayoung snapped her fingers and Areum had a knife while Dani had a steel rod.

I ran for my life and the four of them chased after me. I was trapped in an alleyway with nowhere to hide. I saw another steel rod and decided to defend myself. I fought the three back when SHE had a gun and aimed to shoot me.

“Be a good girl and drop the rod.” SHE said to me.

I gulped and obeyed. The three went to beat me up and SHE just watched me, smirking at me, even. Hwayoung beats me up with her punches, Dani batted the rod at me, and Areum slits the left side of my face.

“Enough.” SHE said and the four of them left me.

My body hurt like hell. I could only laugh of myself, so weak and so useless. A beam of light filled my blurred vision and I heard screams. But then, that was it as my world darkened.

*end of FLASHBACK*

“Qri…” Hyomin covered and tears flowed from her eyes.

“Now you got your answer, please leave me alone so that I won’t bother you anymore.” Qri finished and went back to bed.

Hyomin didn’t listen and wanted to be there for Qri when she faced Hyomin and gave her a serious look. Seeing Hyomin cower a little, Qri had gone soft.

“This is one of the reasons that you should leave me be, right? Please Hyomin…don’t get yourself hurt and just leave.” Qri pleaded and faced away from Hyomin.

Hyomin felt karma hitting on her senses as she left the hospital room. The three were by the benches, waiting.

“Hyo? Are you okay?” Soyeon went closer to her friend.

“Yah, what happened inside?” Jiyeon was worried as Soyeon was.

“I’m fine. We should go. Qri needs some rest,” said Hyomin.

The two nodded and went along with Hyomin. Eunjung noticed her expression that she wanted to comfort Hyomin when Jiyeon stopped her.

“Not now, princess.”

“I...I see…I’ll see you tomorrow.” Eunjung waved at them, watching them leave.



Sorry for the update. I will be ending this fanfic soon. Inspiration for this story had been gone already so I will have to finish this for the sake of the whole plot. Mind me...

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Chapter 8: this is so nice ^^
greenjade21 #2
Chapter 11: I hope you 're not going to make Eunjung a villain in this story? It'll be a sad thing.., :(
J_T-ara_M #3
Chapter 8: Don't worry authornim~~ we still like this minkyul moment~~ it's cute!!!
greenjade21 #4
Chapter 6: Nice story and update authorssi! I'm waiting for what will happen next as Qri visits her? Even how serious the scene was, still Hyomin can't hide her dorkiness! Cute and funny! Tillyour next update... Good luck! :)
J_T-ara_M #5
Chapter 6: Qri~~ i don't know why but.. qri is my type in here!!! I like her a lot!!
tatatara #6
Chapter 4: Minkyul please :')
kellyboy #7
Chapter 4: update pls............ me too, I'm an QRI fan..
J_T-ara_M #8
Chapter 4: I know you are qri fans! So i bet this will be minkyul!!! Yeah!!
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 3: Qri is so gentle and... sweet.. ^^
J_T-ara_M #10
Chapter 2: Minkyul couple!!! ^0^!!!