Finding his own self...

The Man from Nowhere.....

Jihyo and SukJin enter Gary’s room. He looks at them, he knows they have something to say. He doesn’t leave Ji SukJin with his eyes. Jihyo senses he’s tense so she begins:

-“So Gary-ssi. Detective Ji brings us good news, he found out your full name. Do you wanna hear it ?” she asks and he looks at her with anticipation, he noods.

-”You are Kang Gary” SukJin says, “You’re Mother is Kang HyeJung and your father was Kang HwangMin, You’ve been missing since 1999, so 16 years ago

-”16 years ?” Gary’s shocked, he did not realized he’s been in that house for so long.

-”Yes 16 years ago. You were 16 years old when you disapear. You were born the february 2nd 1983

-”I’m 32?

-”Yes Gary-ssi you are 32 years old” Jihyo says.

-”Do you remember anything that could help us finding what happened ?” SukJin asks but Gary shakes his head. “I see. I’ll let you rest and I’ll come back later. Call me if anything comes back to your mind” Ji SukJin says as he hands Gary his card. Gary takes it and thanks him. Ji SukJin leaves on this and Jihyo sits down next to Gary's bed.

-"So I'm 32 years old ?" Gary asks again, surprised to be this old already, when the last memory he has from his life from before being taken was his father death.

-"Yes" She answers him, a bit sad for him.

"Can I know how old you are ?" he asks as he smiles back at her.

-"I'm 28" she answers and smiles back, relieved to see he's not taking informations too badly.

-"Not young to be chief of a department ?" he asks teasingly while raising a brow.

-"Well, may be young but expreriment and good in what I do !" she answers while unknowingly pouting her lips. He smiles more. "Cute, she is cute".

-"So anyway, today Gary-ssi I'm gonna present you the kinesist doctor who's gonna take care of your rehab. You're gonna start today. He should be here soon" she says as she looks at the door.

After two minutes of silence, a knock can be heard and a doctor enters the room. Jihyo smiles at him and stands up, she greets him.

-"Good morning Gary-ssi, I'm Dr. Lee DongWook, the kinesist who's gonna take care of you. We're gonna start today but we'll start slowly and work out the smaller muscle at first and then as you'll be progressing, little by little will start working out the bigger part of your body and make you stand up and walk again" he says with a smile.

-"I'll get going then, I've other patients. DongWook-ha take good care of him, Gary-ssi I'll come back later" she says and leaves the room.


Jihyo's medical buzzer beeps, she runs where she's called.

-"Jihyo-ya, come here" JaeSuk calls his daughter, he's the one who beeped her.

-"Oh appa, what's wrong, I though this was an emergency" she says as she takes back her breath.

-"I'm sorry, I needed to talk to you immediatly" he pats his daughter's head. As they's the only one in the room, they're back as father and daughter.

-"So, how's Kang Gary ? Is he making progress ?"

-"Oh yes he is. Well now that we found out who he is we're working on his memories. And I'm focusing on his mental state, he's really smiling but I'm affraid he's actually keeping all his feelings inside, and that's not good. For now, he looks stable" she says, her face serious as she's talking about work.

-"Ok, that's great. I'm happy you're the one taking care of him, he's an important person and we need to provide him the best care we can"

-"Well, you know what I think of taking care of VIPs"

-"I know draling, I know you don't like to hear that you should give more care to a patient just because he's VIP"

-"Appa, all my patients are human being, I won't give Kang Gary-ssi more care because he's rich. I'm keeping his case because it's an intresting one"

-"Aigoo, that's my daughter. You know I don't like this kind of policy neither but you also know how it works, a business is still a business. Unfortunatly in our country, health care is a business" JaeSuk sighs. He also wants to provide the best care to everyone, not bothering who they are, if they're rich. But he still needs to run his hospital. "Anyway, Jihyo-ya, I've called you because he's mother is at the front desk. She wants to see her son, I've make them wait and I know you're the one that should decided if he's ready or not. So go present yourself to her mother, explain her her son's situation and make your judgement"

She noods and leaves the room, going to the front desk at the reception.


She arrives at the fornt desk and sees an old woman, along with 4 men in black suits. She walks toward the lady.

-"Mrs. Kang ?" she asks and the woman turns toward the voice.

-"Yes, that's me. And you are ?"

-"I'm dr. Song Jihyo, I'm the psychiatrist following Kang Gary's case"

-"Omo, you're his doctor, how is my son ? Can I see him ?" she says as she takes Jihyo's hands in hers.

-"Well, I'll take you to my office and I'll explain you your son's case" Jihyo smiles a rassuring smile to the worried, hopeful but at the same time desesperate woman.

They walk to Jihyo's office, in front of the office Jihyo let enter Madame Kang but stops the men in black suits. "I'm sorry sir, but unless you're family you'll have to wait outside". She closes the door behind her and sits on her chair, facing Gary's mother. For the next hour she explaines Gary's state and what happened since he's here to his mother.

-"I understand, thank you for taking care of my son young lady" Gary's mother says as Jihyo and her go out of the office. "Can I see him now ?" she asks

-"Mme Kang, I can't answer you now, I need to ask your son first, but come with me, you'll be able to observe him from the corridor" Jihyo says as she brongs the woman with her. Not far form Gary's room, his mother could see her son, in his bed watching television. She bursts in tears at the sight of her grown up son. Jihyo put a conforting hand on Mme Kang's shoulder. "He is so big now, he's a man. But why is he so slim ?" she asks as she dries her tears.

-"Well your son suffers from malnutrition but he's getting better and better, he took weight and he's exercising well with his kinesist doctor. He's gaining strengh. Don't worry he's getting better and better. His vital are good. I let you here and I'm going to break him the news of your presence. If he agrees to see you I'll come back to you" she smiles and walks toward Gary's room. 


She knocks to the door and Gary looks toward the sound. He smiles when he sees Jihyo, she smiles back as she greets him. She sits next to his bed and begins her talk.

Outside the room, Gary's mother looks carefully her son. She smiles as she sees her son smiling, he had a gloomy expression before when he was alone in the room, but soon her son stops smiling and his face becomes serious all of sudden. He seems to be thinking over something. Mme Kang gets anxious.

Back in the room, after Jihyo sat down she begins. "Gary-ssi, I've got someting to tell you but before how are you ?"

-"I'm fine today" he smiles.

-"I learnt from Dr; Lee that you're making progress, you stood up by yourself, that's great isn't it ?" she smiles and he noods. "Yeah"

-"So.. Gary-ssi, I've met your mother this morning"

-"My... mother...?" Gary's shocked, his smile disappear and he becomes all serious.

-"Yes, she came here and she wants to meet you"

-"Oh really ?"

-"Yes, we've talked about this right ? You told me you remember a lot of things about your mother"

-"Yes.. I remember her, it's just.. It's all sudden, I don't know if I'm ready. What if she doesn't reconnize me ? And what if she's disappointed.. and..."

-"Gary-ssi" she cuts him, "You don't have to worry about that, she's gonna be happy just to see you. You're her son" she says in a rassuring way.

Gary agrees to meet his mother. Jihyo gets out of the room and walks toward Mme Kang. Mme Kang hurried to Gary's room after getting the approval of Jihyo. She spent 30 minutes with Gary before be disturbed by a nurse asking her to leave in order for Gary to rest.



Jihyo knocs the door and enters.

-"Good morning Gary-ssi" she greets him with a smile, he's already awoken and sits in his bed, replies her greet and smiles. 

-"Already awake, you're still having nightmare ?" she asks and he noods. He's always having the same jind of dreams, memories of his 16 years into the dark of the creepy house.

-"I see" she says and sits next to his bed, with her notepad in her hands. "And, I've seen your mother yesterday, she left without a word. How was it ?" she asks and his smile disappear.

-"I don't know, she felt familiar but unknown at the same time. It was rather akward, I didn't know what to tell"


-"Gary-ha ! My son ! Finally, I knew you were still alive !" his mother exclaimed, tears building in her eyes, threatening to fell from her eyes. Gary didn't respond but looked at her. She was his mom, he knew and he reconnized her but at the same time she felt like a stranger. Her skin wasn't this pale in his memories, her eyes weren't this sad. And she did not look this old and this fragile. Oh yes right, it's been 16 years...

-"Omma..." he said as he tried to smile to her. She quickly sat next to his bed and took his hands in hers.

-"Adeul, I knew ! I never stop hoping one day you'll be back ! My poor son, what happened to you ? Aigoo, my son" she said as she cried, holding his hand tighter.

-"Omma..; Don't cry" Gary said as he patted his mother's back with his other hand. "Omma... It's been so long. Why do you look so thin ?" he asked worried about his mother's health.

-"How could I eat well, not knowing where my son was, if he's alright or even if he's alive" she cried even more and touched his cheek. "But today you're here ! And alive ! When can you come back home ?"

Home, the word frozed Gary. Did he had a home ? He felt like there's no place he can call home anymore. He did not answer. The rest of the time was spent with his mother telling him how hard she looked for him, his uncle took care of the compagny and how she couldn't wait for him to come back home and to take the CEO's place of his late father's compagny. Gary listened and didn't say anything. He listened to that life that seems so far from his. And his mother left when the nurse came in and gave him his medecine, making him sleepy. He was relieved the nurse cut in and asked his mother to live for him to rest. He was tired but mostly he was akward with his mother and what she was waiting from him. He couldn't even walk properly for now, he did not know himself very well, how could he run a compagny and come back "home" ?


-"I see" Jihyo says as Gary finishes his sentence. "But it's ok Gary-ssi, it's normal to feel akward and foreigner to your old life. You've been away for 16 years. You can't catch back that time and you can't go in the past either. You need to build your newself and move forward. And step by step get back your life" she smiles to him. Gary's conforted by her words. He doesn't know how but she always find the right answer to ease his concerns and fears. And he likes her smile.

She spends the next hour working with him on his nightmares and feelings.

After her session with Gary, she leaves the room and heads toward the doctors rest room.

-"KwnagSoo-ha" she calls KwangSoo who's resting on the couch eating an apple.

-"Yeah, boss" he jumps out of the couch and stands in front of her. She hands him a file.

-"I need you to counsel this patient, he was brought in but I don't have time to do so right now. I'm counting on you for his first counselling and do well in the diagnostic" KwangSoo reads the file and his eyes openes wide.

-"Noona, I mean... Dr. Song, have you seen who he is ? I think you should be the one handling this patient, he's a VIP !" KwangSoo says, shocked.

-"KwangSoo-ha, you know what I think about VIP... He's a patient like another, and I'm busy. You're a good doctor, you're my most talented hoobae. I count on you, you can do it and you're good enought for that man" she smiles to KwangSoo and patts his back. Then she leaves the room and KwangSoo's left alone. He reads again the patient's file.

-"I'm so dead if Sub Director Jung knows I'm the one handling this important patient instead of the best we have" KwangSoo sighs and runs to his patient.

Jihyo takes the elevator with her notepads in her hands. She reaches the basement and gets off the elevator. She turns to her right and there she is, in front of the archives' room. She enters it and starts to look on the files. She's looking for Kang HwangMin's file (Gary's father).


In front of Gary's room, HaHa's watching him from afar, "Why does he looks familiar ?" HaHa thinks but his distrubs by a hand on his shoulder.

-"Dr. Ha, how are you ?" JaeSuk asks with a smile.

-"Oh Director Yoo, good morning" HaHa bows and Yoo smiles. "I'm fine sir, thank you" HaHa answers. 

-"And, how's this man ?" JaeSuk asks while looking at Gary.

-"Well, his heart is getting stronger, he's been doing exercise for rehab and we monitored him each time, his heart is hanging in there" HaHa says positivly.

-"And, how do you think he's doing on the mental side. Jihyo's in charge and she seems really intrested in his case. She's been giving patients away to free a bit her schedchules" JaeSuk asks as he looks at HaHa.

-"Well, I'm only a cardiac surgeon" HaHa smiles "Oh.. But how do you know about this ?" he asks about Jihyo's doing.

-"Well, I've seen this poor KwangSoo running everywhere in the hospital, I know he's busier than usual and he even took a VIP patient earlier while I assigned him to Jihyo" JaeSuk sighs "This kid".

-"Well, I don't know, he seems stable, he's not a good talker, he's never saying anything when I'm doing his check up or other exams. He's often expressionless but i don't think he's a bad person" HaHa responds to JaeSuk.

-"Expressionless ? Jihyo told me he's always smiling" JaeSuk gets curious.

-"Oh, well I've seen him smile once during a counsulling with Dr. Song but I've never seen him smile when I'm with him"

-"I see" JaeSuk says and patts HaHa's back a last time "Well, work hard" he says before walking away.

After JaeSuk's deaparture Jihyo came toward Gary's room, copies in her hands. She found out the file about Gary's dad's death in this hospital and she wanted to let Gary know what happened. 

-"Oh Jihyo-ya" HaHa calls her when he sees she's comming his way.

-"Oh DongHoon-ha, what are you doing here ?" she asks "Did you check his heart's condition ?" she asks looking at Gary's room.

-"Oh yes I did, it's going well" he says.

-"That's a relief" she smiles.

-"So did you found out who he is ?" HaHa asks

-"Oh I didn't tell you ? Yes we did. He's full name is Kang Gary" Jihyo says.

-"Kang Gary ?" HaHa asks in shock. "No way" he says and Jihyo looks at him confused. "What is it oppa ?" she asks.

-"No way, that's why he looked familiar..." HaHa murmured and then he looks at Jihyo  "He looks familiar to me, I was wondering why but.. Kang Gary.. That's the name of my childhood best friend.." HaHa says and Jihyo's eyes grew wider. "No way !" she exclaimes and HaHa looks at him: "Maybe it's him, my childhood friend...." HaHa gasps.




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Yayaya20 #1
Update again authornim...
purpleviolet98 #2
Dear Author... please update this story if u have time..
damnd3utch #3
Chapter 3: this is an interesting story, but it's been awhile back since the last update.. hope u can go back and check on this mademoiselle! :)
Chapter 3: wow
after find this... hope haha can bring gary's happy memories too to help gary, i meant
MissBarbara #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for update :)
mikanMD #6
Chapter 3: Woah that was great, thank you for the update ^^
Chapter 3: This is good!update soon please
iamrainy #8
Chapter 3: thankz author... please update soon
AugustK88 #9
Chapter 3: Yes, another update! Thanks!
I look forward for the next chapter... I can't wait to know what will happen next. :)
Chapter 3: The two kids reunion.. hehehe..

thanks for the update author-sshi.. :)