
I Never Knew



                  ♥ABOUT 3 YEARS LATER♥



I was at backstage of MX's stage and they were getting ready for their stage. Hyungwon asked me if

wanted to tag along to their concert so I said yes and it's been a while since I've saw him in person

because he's been busy touring but I still support him. Oh and I went there with Naden, remember her?

I hope so. Yejin was busy working so she couldn't join us. Naden and I sat on the couch while waiting for

them and some dancers talked to us, they were really friendly and funny. So we chatted a bit before the

show starts. "Noona, you're really lucky~" One of the dancers said and I was a bit confused "What do you

mean?" "Aish.." She started to nudge my shoulder "Being with Hyungwon until now" She said. Even though

we've been together for a long time now I still can't help but feel nervous when people talked about it.

"Ahahah, I'm glad really." I said while blushing. Naden saw that I was flustered "Seems like someone is

quite shy about it." She said playfully and I started to hide my face and punched her lightly in the shoulder

and I could hear them laugh at me. [after a few minutes] I looked at the screen and saw the fans packing

up the room. "Omg it feels like school assembly except it's much louder and the people are excited for

once." Naden said. "You miss school that much?" I said while laughing. "Not really." She stated. And I saw

MX came out from their dressing room and Hyungwon walked towards me. "Omo, you look prettier than

me." I said in awe. He caressed my cheek and said "But I think you're prettier." I smiled at his compliment

and hugged him. "Yah, I missed you~" "Missed you more,babe" He said then planted a kiss on my

forehead. He was about to go on stage so I didn't wanna disturb him too much. "Have fun and be careful, I

don't want you to get hurt out there." I said. "Don't worry too much." He kissed my cheek before going on

stage. Naden and I watched them live through the tv screen. "Excuse ma charisma!" We both sang

together. "That's like my favourite part." Naden admitted. I don't if I'm overthinking or something but I just

have a feeling that Naden had some feelings for Jooheon cas she's been talking and asking about him a lot

lately. After a couple of their songs they started to play some games with the fans. "They're so cute acting

all shy~" I said while watching them play the staring game and it was Jooheon's turn he hugged he won.

Naden didn't say a word. "Yah, are you jealous?" I looked at her and she throwed a pillow at me. "If so?

There's nothing wrong." She said then puffed her cheeks. I laughed at her behaviour "It's a good thing

that you're admitted it." After a while, they took a rest and changed their clothes and stufffff. Then for 

some odd reason one of the staff asked me to go collect the mics on stage. I asked her why and she said

that the staffs were busy and she really needed my help. At first I didn't wanna do it cas I'm a shy fella

(lol) but she really needed my help. (yeh right) So I went on the stage and picked up the mics, I'm glad

there are like only 7 mics not 13 (if u know what i mean :3 lol) or not how could I carry them with my

tiny hands. "The things I do.." I said to myself. Then the lights suddenly went off and I started to worry

cas how could they peform if we're out of electricity. I was about to go and tell the staffs until some music

played on I started to panic and went backstage but the staff earlier told me to go on the stage. I was

hella confused but stayed there glad that it's dark so no one can really see me. That's what I thought until

the lights were back on and a familiar music started to play and I saw Hyungwon walking towards me while

singing Marry You by Bruno Mars. (Just imagine it xD) I was absolutely suprised then came along the rest

of MX singing the song. I was utterly speechless. I looked at Hyungwon and he intertwined our hands while

singing. I.M suddenly sang a few parts playfully and it was hilarious which made me laugh. Suddenly

Hyungwon kneeled infront of me and sang the last part "Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you~" He spoke

through the mic and said "Alexa, ever since I've met you my whole life has completely changed and have

a really beautiful meaning to it. I wanna thank you for always being there with me even though we're so

far away, you're the reason why I haven't gave up on myself. Thank you for always supporting me and

loving me dearly with all your heart..." I started to tear up "..yah, don't cry." He smiled warmly at me and

I giggled at him while wiping away my tears. I could hear some laughter from the crowd. "And I've been

thinking a lot lately whether I should do it or not cas I don't want a special person to walk away from my

life that so easily, and don't worry I've asked your parent's permission." Then the big screen started to

play a video of my parents. "Alexa, our lovely daughter we want you to experience happiness with the

one you truly love and we couldn't be much happier if it's with Hyungwon." My mom said. "And as your dad

I'm completely fine with it as long he treats you well." My father said then the video stopped. He then took

out a ring from the small box he was holding. "So, will you marry me and be mine forever?" He asked me

while looking into my ears. I was really overwhelmed by the situation and was speechless. I hugged him

tightly "Of course." I said while crying happily into his arms. I noticed that the staff earlier was giving

me a thumbs up and Naden smiling like she has never smiled before. I chuckled at them. MX's members

started to cheer as well as the crowd. "Congratulations you love birds~" Minhyuk said and Wonho said

"I'm really jealous." as a response to Minhyuk. The staff and Naden took me backstage and accompanied

me. I wiped away my tears and took out my phone. "We have to tell Yejin." Then Naden stopped me

"Actually.. everyone here knew that it was going to happen except for you." "What!" She nodded her head

and I started to blush like crazy. "That's so embarrassing." "There's nothing to be embarrassed about you

dork." She said to me.








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Chapter 12: Simple, short but sweet :) It was nice to read this during my insomnia eheheh
imjungkookwife #2
Chapter 5: Update fastee ya? Hehe ><
imjungkookwife #3
Chapter 1: Im malaysiannn TvT
Mayu0514 #4
Chapter 3: Great chapter!! I am in love with Hyungwon !!
Mayu0514 #5
Chapter 2: Continue please!!