rice cakes

our chemistry (like rice cakes)

Seungri isn't really sure how this all happened.

Well, he is, kind of.

One moment he and Sehun were having a nice outing in a small hole-in-the-wall café and the next, they're in Seungri's car, parked in the café’s back alley parking lot, with the kid subconsciously grinding his slim little hips down in his lap.

As his lips continued to be abused, Seungri tried to think just how he, how they got here.



Texting Sehun was fun. After about an hour, formalities all but flew out the window and Sehun's natural snark came out, which was absolutely endearing.

Calling Sehun was even better. He had a deeper voice then Seungri had expected, but his age still showed when the kid puffed out a squeaky laugh into the receiver. So cute.

Seungri made a point to ask the kid how long he and s were planning on staying Hong Kong, and after hearing that the younger would be here for at least another day and a half, they planned the next day to hang out for a bit and talk. Seungri was interested in seeing how the kid looked when he wasn’t all dressed and made up.



Sehun was still very, very pretty without makeup.

Even with his unstyled hair shoved beneath a dark beanie and a baggy hoodie (“It’s, ah, Yeollie-hyung’s.”), the boy was still a sight to behold. To him, at least.

And besides, it’s not like he looked much better, what with his bright blonde hair hidden beneath a worn baseball cap and his body obscured in a long coat with only a plain cardigan, t-shirt and jeans beneath.

Seungri watched in the corner of his eye while he drove, smiling a little at the way the boy seemed to snuggle into the seat to gather more heat into the hoodie.

“You should’ve worn something thicker,” Seungri had said.

“This is a thick sweater,” Sehun whined, pulling the sleeves up to cover his hands, “I just get cold easily. I’m thin.”

Seungri forced his eyes back onto the road. Thin…yes, he certainly was.



Seungri was starting to think that he was a bit in over his head when it came to this kid.

To anyone else, the boy’s antics would be seen as anything but respectful. Bratty, even.

But Seungri just found it all so endearing. Sehun was just so cute.

Sehun whined when the chair he sat down on creaked ominously, so Seungri made him find a new one.

(“You’re supposed to get me another one.”

“Says who?”

“...You’re really not romantic at all.”

“I’m very romantic, thank you very much. And the romantic in me says to get another ing chair, kid.”)

Sehun pouted when Seungri refused to stop calling him ‘kid’.

(“I’m not a kid, I’m 22. I can drink alcohol.”

“Says the kid who ordered bubble tea with animal jellies.”

“They’re delicious!”)

Sehun complained when Seungri pretended to give him the last piece of meat but ate it himself instead.

(“You’re so mean, hyung.”

“Why do you only call me hyung when you want something.”)

Sehun was absolutely a brat, and Seungri loved it. So much.



“So, um…”

Seungri looked up at Sehun in-between bites of the remaining pickled bean sprouts. The boy was shifting nervously in his seat, “Mm?”

Sehun swallowed. “You, ah…do you just randomly go about kissing people at award shows?”


Seungri put his chopsticks down, “Well no, but I do drink a lot before performances,” he said. “It helps to loosen up.”

“Oh,” Sehun replied, and Seungri noticed the little tick in the boy’s eyebrow, “you…were drunk?”

“Mostly,” Seungri admitted, and wait. “Didn’t your manager tell you that? I’m sure that information has been publicized already.”

Sehun looked down a little, “I don’t read a lot of headlines about myself.”

Well, that’s understandable, given him and his group’s fame.

Seungri peered at the boy. He looked…upset.


The boy looked up.

Seungri tilted his head, willing his face to be as gentle as he could make it, “is there something else you wanted to ask me?”

Sehun’s mouth opened (pretty lips…) and closed, opened once more and closed again. Seungri could see him biting at his lips, which now that he noticed, were a bit stained with leftover hotpot soup.

Without much thought, Seungri reached over and wiped the boy’s lip.

His action, instinctual in nature, didn’t register until Seungri felt the skin beneath his finger tighten and tense up. Seungri met Sehun’s eyes, and, with a swallow, Seungri pulled his hand back and averted his eyes.

How awkward.

“Hyung, do you…”

Seungri looked up.

“…do you, is it bad if…” Sehun struggled with his words, “…is it bad to like boys?”

A beat of silence. Seungri thought for a moment and weighed his words carefully.

Could he say it? He might as well.

“I don’t see why it would be,” Seungri replied slowly, “attraction is attraction, there’s no real way of stopping what your body and your heart feels. Korean culture doesn’t have the best representation, I know, but that doesn’t make it wrong.”

Sehun nodded, eyes still averted.

“And if it is, well, I guess I’m considered wrong, aren’t I?”

Sehun looked up suddenly, looking startled. Seungri smiled.


Seungri cocked his head, “Not gay, if that’s what you’re asking,” he elaborated. “I don’t really put a label on my uality, but if we must, I believe they call it ‘panual’ in western terms.”

At Sehun’s confused expression, Seungri elaborated more.

“It means that I don’t limit my tastes; I’m open to women, men, transgendered, androgynous, and what have you,” Seungri said, smiling. “I like love.”

Sehun looked overwhelmed. His thin fingers were clenched onto the table’s frail sides, knuckles white, and for a moment, Seungri was worried that the poor boy was going to bolt. In an attempt to comfort, Seungri reached over to place a hand over one of the boy’s. It twitched, and Seungri hesitated.

Before Seungri could pull back, however, Sehun relaxed his hand, just enough that his fingers could very loosely entwine with the elder’s.

“I don’t…” Sehun mumbled, his voice a bit shaky, “…I don’t know what, if I’m…I don’t understand…”

“That’s ok,” Seungri said softly, “You don’t have to know.”

“But I want to,” Sehun said, looking up to meet Seungri’s eyes, “I want to know, because not knowing is driving me crazy, hyung. I want…I need to know.”

Seungri stared at the boy, “Sehun, what…-“

The waitress suddenly showed up, and Sehun’s hand jerked away. Seungri pulled his hand back as well.

“These are on the house, compliments of the owner!” she said and placed a small plate down on the table.

Rice cakes.

“Thank you,” Seungri said in Cantonese, and was surprised when Sehun said the same, only in Mandarin. Nevertheless, the waitress smiled, bowed, and made her way back to the kitchen.

Sehun stared at him, also looking a bit surprised.

“Hong Kong is mainly Cantonese,” Seungri whispered, smiling gently, “but your Mandarin is very good.”

Sehun blushed softly and looked away, “…Thank you, hyung.”

They enjoyed their dessert in silence.



Later, they sat in Seungri’s car for a bit.


The boy in question, sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head a bit to face Seungri.

Once again, Seungri found himself weighing his words carefully. He turned to face the kid.

“You don’t have to be completely sure of what you like and don’t like right now…it’s okay to be curious,” he said. “I was like that for a while too…in fact, the only reason I’m positive in my uality now is because of Jiyong-hyung.”

Sehun looked at him questioningly, so Seungri elaborated briefly.

“He’s very open-minded and let me…explore a bit, if you will.”

The younger’s eyes widened almost comically, and Seungri scrambled to correct himself.

“Not ! No, no, no, just like…touching. And a little bit of kissing, but mostly just touching. He let me experiment, and would also let me do so at the parties we attended, but would always keep an eye on me to make sure that I was okay…that it was what I wanted.”

Seungri smiled a little at the memory.

“It takes some exploration, like what I’ve done, to really settle into what you are ually. Sometimes its curiosity, and sometimes it’s just how you are,” Seungri sighed. “I don’t doubt that, given Korea’s culture, let alone SM, that you haven’t been able to do much of that at all.”

Sehun looked down a bit and shook his head. Yeah. He thought so.

“Just…whatever it is, whether you find that you’re just curious about guys and only like girls, or whatever, you aren’t wrong. You can’t be wrong for what you are attracted to, or what you love.”

Seungri paused for a moment and then side-eyed the boy.

“Unless that thing you’re attracted to is something illegal or gross in which case, do not quote me and please get out of my car.”

At that, Sehun gave a startled laugh, squeaky and all. Seungri was growing to love that laugh.

“Jiyong-hyung helped you, you said?” Sehun spoke finally. Seungri nodded.

Sehun swallowed. “So…could you help me?”


Seungri stared at the boy, “What exactly is it that you’re asking of me, Sehun-ah?”

Sehun shifted in his seat so that he was fully facing the older.

“I want you to help me figure myself out,” he said, his face flushed but determined, “I want you to help me like Jiyong-hyung helped you.”


Seungri felt his brain scrambling for a reply, “I…”

“Please, hyung?” Sehun said, his eyes widening a little and well, that’s it, isn’t it?

Seungri was so, so ed. Jiyong was going to murder him.

Oh ing well.

“Ok, Sehun,” Seungri breathed. “Ok.”



Ah. So that was how they got here.

That was how Seungri’s cap ended up on the floor of the car behind him, how his hands ended up just beneath the kid’s hoodie (the lil er wasn’t even wearing a shirt, of course he was cold) to rest on his warm waist, and how he found himself slowly growing harder with each maddening roll of the younger’s hips.

Seungri broke away for a moment, both to catch his breath and to murmur, “This is a lot faster than the pace that Jiyong and I went, Sehun-ah—“

Sehun huffed petulantly and pulled Seungri close again, “I don’t care; you’re not Jiyong and I’m not you,” he mumbled against Seungri’s lips. “We go at my pace.”

Upon meeting the kid’s lips again, Seungri noted that he could taste the remnants of the sweet rice cakes they had eaten not too long ago and found that it matched well with the way the boy naturally tasted.

Oh, he was so, well and truly ed.


a/ni decided on a continuation. it came easier to me. i might make a short drabble series about this though because writing these two was a lot more enjoyable than i thought it would be. maybe. stayed tuned.~

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imntch #1
Chapter 1: Please please continue this bcos I love their characters here!!!! The bratty and adorable Sehun also childish mature Seungri omg????? And can't wait if Jiyong'll join the next chapter lol. Anyway keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Please continue this deliciousness!
knarihime #4
Chapter 1: This great...
emmanuellelin #5
Chapter 1: Oh my god, I love this! This couldn't be better then any crack pairing out there! *coughs* yas yas pls more updates soon!
Chapter 1: i'm in love ing in love asdfghjkl
laramaggiolo #7
Chapter 1: Im lovingg thiss , please i need to read moreee!!!! loveit loveittt <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Shishishu #8
Chapter 1: YES YES YES the writing is freaking amazing and I love how Seungri is I'm ed XD and the way you portrayed Sehun is just PERFECTION