
Intentionally Coincident
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A/N: Haha okay, here's the final chapter which is already long overdue. I was supposed to post this three days ago but I suddenly realized I have a brutal final exam in Spanish 10, so I had to study lest I get a low mark. Kkkk wish me luck :3 And to think that this chapter have more than 5000 words XDD


Signs that Kyukyu loves me back:

Sign 1: Kyuhyun will wear purple on my birthday.

Ryeowook hummed soft tune as he inserted his car key on the ignition; a small smile forming on his face as the engine roared to life. The neon-colored numbers on the dashboard read ten-thirty seven in the evening and he let out a relieved sigh as he pulled out from the parking lot.

Musical practice, recording of television shows, concert practices, and Sukira. After a long day of working, of bustling here and there, he could finally go home to the dorms and collapse on his bed. He could finally sleep and rest his sore muscles; he could already annoy Heechul by grinding his teeth on his sleep. On any other day, he would have invited the Sukira staffs for late dinner but tonight, somehow, he got the feeling that going home early was a much better choice.

Maybe it was because he felt that something good would happen concerning his non-existent romantic relationship, or maybe it was because there was a foreboding feeling that Sungmin ransacked his wardrobe closet once again to find something pink.

Either way, Ryeowook just felt himself smiling as he arrived at the dorm; thinking that fate would surprise him tonight.

What a surprise had it really been.

After he inserted the key on the doorknob, and after he stepped inside, he noticed that all the lights were off. An unwelcomed shiver crept down his spine as he warily flicked the switch on, but then large hands suddenly covered his eyes before he could even focus his vision on the now brightly lit room.

Ryeowook let out a high-pitched scream as he hit his assailant on the stomach with an elbow, "You ing bastard, I don't care why you broke in our dorm but I will chop your off and feed them to Yesung-hyung's turtles if you as much touch my giraffe famil—oh my god, Kyuhyun, what the ?!"

Kyuhyun then let out a pained wince as he looked up to the surprised and annoyed Ryeowook from the floor; accepting the smaller man's hands as he let himself be pulled up. The older man just glared at him before he crossed his arms on his chest; probably waiting for some sort of explanation for almost scaring him to death.

"You just ruined the surprise, you giraffe-obsessed fanboy." The maknae muttered as he rubbed his stinging stomach while cursing some soft vulgarities; soon raising his eyebrow when he noticed the now-confused looking Ryeowook who tilted his head to the side like a child.

"What surprise?"

And Kyuhyun let out a deep sigh as he pointed a finger towards Ryeowook's back.

"Oh. Hi..." The eternal maknae instantly greeted as an awkward laugh bubbled out from his mouth; his eyes never leaving the wide eyes of his co-members gathered on the kitchen around a huge cake, "I swear Kyuhyun is just a huge idiot; I don't normally act like a cursing gangster, I swear."

The other members of Super Junior then let out a relieved sigh as they patted the eternal maknae on the head; thankful that Heechul's obscenity and plain vulgarity didn't rub on their innocent Ryeowook.

"But for the record, my precious turtles won't appreciate the maknae's chopped thingy." Yesung mumbled on the side while he hugged Ddangkomma protectively against his chest as Kyuhyun glared at him; Ryeowook laughing madly before he noticed the cake and the suspicious grins his hyungs wore on their too-bright-to-be-true faces.

"What's this for?" He asked curiously albeit suspiciously as he warily stepped near the cake, but a loud shriek promptly escaped his mouth as several hands shoved his face on the white icing covering the then-elegant dessert.

"Happy birthday, our dear Kim Ryeowookie!~"

And Ryeowook froze; his whole face covered by icing as his co-members laughed amusedly.

It was his birthday.

Then that must mean...

"Ryeong, don't tell me you forgot that it's your birthday today." Kyuhyun suddenly commented cheekily as he wiped the icing off the stunned (and madly blushing, because it was rare Kyuhyun could be this angelic and kind) Ryeowook's face with a tissue; the frozen smaller man's eyes never leaving the shirt the evil maknae was wearing.

It wasn't violet. It wasn't lavender. It wasn't lilac.

It was purple.

Ryeowook accidentally let out a happy giggle as he buried his madly blushing face on his hands; the others letting out a coo in adoration thinking that their eternal maknae was touched with their surprise birthday party. Ryeowook was, really, but he was more surprised that Kyuhyun wore purple just like what he indicated on the list.

"Kyu, I thought you don't like purple?" Ryeowook heard Sungmin ask; his ears straining themselves to hear more of the conversation the two were having amidst the others' noisy laughs and voices. Kyuhyun just shrugged nonchalantly before he shoved a piece of cake on Sungmin's surprised face.

"This was the first thing I saw on my closet. I'm too lazy to look for another so I just put it o—NOT MY LAPTOP, SUNGMIN! NOOO!"

Ryeowook then just giggled as he put a hand on top of his madly-beating heart; a soft giddy smile forming on his lips.

This must be a coincidental fate.


As Ryeowook snuggled under the covers, all the while reminiscing their small birthday party and the mess everyone cleaned afterwards (except for him, because it was his birthday and he deserved special treatment; Heechul reasoned as he fled the dirty dorm with his cat), he couldn't help the lovesick smile that still hadn't left his lips.

Kyuhyun wore a purple shirt because that was the first article clothing he saw, and Ryeowook was getting more confident that coincidence and fate really were on his side. They were probably hell bent on making KyuWook real; making the small man let out another happy giggle as he clutched his pillow tight on his chest.

And Ryeowook promptly fell asleep with new-found hope; his drowsiness erasing the realization that Kyuhyun's shirt a while ago had a price tag and he didn't actually have any purple clothing in his closet in the first place.


Sign 2: Kyuhyun will ask me out to the zoo to see some giraffes.

Ryeowook blinked once, twice, before a befuddled expression painted across his face.


Kyuhyun let out a sigh as he sheepishly scratched his cheek; afterwards shrugging his shoulders in a non-committal manner before he threw a scarf around the elder’s neck.

"I'm bored and I don't have anything to do today, let's go out somewhere." The taller man clarified once again as he suddenly grabbed a perplexed Ryeowook by the wrist; soon dragging the shocked eternal maknae out of the dorms and towards his car.

"But—" The older man started to protest but he froze in shock when he suddenly found himself being guided inside Kyuhyun's car to seat on the passenger side. And to Ryeowook's great surprise (and heavy blushing), Kyuhyun suddenly leaned forward that his breath already tickled Ryeowook's neck as the taller man fixed the older man's seatbelt for him.

"I told you I'm bored," Kyuhyun shrugged as a teasing grin worked its way on his lips, although he suddenly became serious when he pulled out from the parking lot, "And wear your seatbelt, I'm going to kill myself if something bad happened to you."

And Ryeowook heavily blushed, his heart doing crazy back flips, as he darted his eyes away from Kyuhyun's heated and sincere gaze.

"So, where are we going?" The older man then asked after minutes of silent driving; Kyuhyun whistling a soft tune only known to himself as he merrily steered the car left and right and away from the traffic.

"I would have asked you to pick, but sorry, I don't want to go to a make-up store." The taller man cheerfully explained as he dodged Ryeowook's hits on his legs; the older pouting as he childishly huffed.

Kyuhyun, seeing the action, just laughed some more as one of his hands reached over to muss the other's hair, "So that's why we're going to the zoo today. I want to see what you like in those damn giraffes."

"Don't you dare talk to them like that; they're going to get hurt!"

Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes bemusedly.

"If you like them because they're tall, there are tons of tall guys surrounding you, you know? Just give your affection to humans, not animals."

"Yeah, like who? Zhoumi-hyung? Siwon-hyung?" Ryeowook good-naturedly scoffed; never noticing how Kyuhyun's hands tightened themselves on the steering wheel.

"No, someone shorter than them. But way cuter and more adorable."

Ryeowook let out an amused laugh as he gingerly removed the seatbelt around him; the then-silent Kyuhyun doing the same as the both of them stepped out of the car. And when the smaller man's eyes stopped on the entrance of the zoo, a huge excited smile instantly grew on his lips.

"My children are waiting for their eomma! Let's go, Kyukyu!~" Ryeowook squealed like a hyper active child; his hands tightly gripping Kyuhyun's as he dragged the laughing younger towards where the giraffes were held.

"Who's their appa? It better be me or else I will drag you back to the dorms and lock you in Hyukjae's smelly room." The evil maknae teased as he flicked the excited Ryeowook on the forehead; the smaller man letting out a wince as he gently punched the other on the shoulder before he shyly nodded with a flushed face.

And as the both of them spent their day teasing, laughing, and having fun together; Ryeowook couldn't help the lovesick smile on his lips as he and Kyuhyun gazed over their giraffe family. And he never once noticed the continuously vibrating of Kyuhyun's phone in the taller man's pocket as his attention was only focused on the appa of their little family.

If only Ryeowook knew those were missed calls from the managers wondering why Kyuhyun wasn't showing up to any of his many schedules for the day.

But hey, fate and the so-called 'coincidence' liked finding parents for the giraffes too.


Sign 3: Kyuhyun will buy me a cheesecake.

Kyuhyun instantly covered his ears with a wince as Ryeowook let out a loud happy squeal; the taller man soon letting out a similar shriek as the eternal maknae suddenly tackled him on the ground with a huge bear hug.

"Ryeong, I know I am really hot and y but that doesn't mean that you can just jump at me and molest me—" And Kyuhyun promptly shut up as Ryeowook leaned too forward that his widely grinning lips almost touched the frozen maknae's ones.

"Thank you," The unabashed Ryeowook whispered as Kyuhyun closed his eyes; both of their hearts wildly thumping in their chest. A huge blush then started to color the elder’s face as Kyuhyun continued to lie there unmoving, as if he was waiting for something. Although, the kiss (at least that was what Kyuhyun hoped for) never came as the eternal maknae suddenly grabbed the box the taller man had on his hands and instantly scampered away and towards the kitchen.

Kyuhyun then opened his eyes in embarrassment as he continued to lie on the floor with a heavy blush; his eyes never leaving Ryeowook who started to stare lovingly at the cheesecake inside the box.

Thank goodness fate decided to make everyone busy on their schedules, or else Kyuhyun wouldn't be able to live it down if someone saw him blushing from an almost-kiss (that unfortunately was ruined because of a damn cake).

Ryeowook let out a dreamy giggle as his favorite dessert of all time stopped on his line of vision. All week he had been craving even just for a slice of a cheesecake, but unfortunately he was really busy with his schedules and all. And now, Kyuhyun suddenly became an angel as he brought him this wonderful dessert and Ryeowook had never been happy this in a span of one week.

"Kyu!~" Ryeowook sweetly called out to the evil maknae still sprawled on the floor after he not-so-gracefully jumped on the evil maknae the moment he saw the white box the younger was holding, "Why did you

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Chapter 2: this was so fun to reaaadddd loved it so much
Chapter 1: omg i thought this was the end ahdhkandkandjsbdjsbx ok gonna go read the next one now
Chapter 2: Awww I love this so much I didn't want it to end LOL
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun holding Yesung's turtles hostage omfg :') i don't know if i'm laughing or crying anymore! This was really fun to read. good job author-nim! <3
ohmysuperjunior #5
Chapter 2: Basically Kyuhyun trying to 'create' the coincidence/fate that Ryeowook had listed down, so although it was meant to be coincidence (or fate, at least on Ryeowook's part), Kyuhyun had intentionally made it happen, so fate wasnt exactly fate, and whatever coincidence that seemed to have happened was actually intended. thus.. 'intentionally coincident' xD but if Kyu were to go to such lengths and do things he would never do just to intentionally fulfill the list of things that should happen if there was fate, then really... fate isn't needed to assure Ryeowook that Kyu really does love him :)
thank you for writing this!
Chapter 2: Hahhaha awwww that was cuuuute!! Wookie is so adorable making lists <33 Kyuuuuuuuuuuuuu omg why did he have to find it! Lol I looooove how he bullies yesung and his turtles! Hahha it's so funny!
cmngcm #7
Chapter 2: Very cute this. Jealous Kyu, Oblivious Wook make a perfect couple!!! fact Hyungsik & Wookie are pretty cute together too but nothing beats KyuWook.
Thanks for the cute story.
AleatoryThinker #8
Chapter 2: Oh, that was fun! Ryeowook is so adorably oblivious. Good thing too; Kyu was really bad at hiding his "intentional" coincidences (forgetting to remove the price tag, really? XD ). The zoo one was the sweetest move though. It's funny when Ryeowook unintentionally ignites Kyuhyun's jealousy too. Poor Yesung, always getting picked on by Kyu just for being in YeWook.
Thanks for this cute story!
jesyuchiha #9
Chapter 2: Me encanto fue la cosa mas linda xD el kyuwook es real~~ adoro que pongan a kyuhyun celoso de HyungSik xD es bueno...
También adore la parte del carro y la de ir a ver los bebes jirafas del kyuwook <3
Ahahahahha.. You are the best Kyu! I super like it when Hyunsik is mentioned.. I really like the guy.. I hope now Kyu you won't get jealous of Wook since he's all yours now.. This is super fluffy and warm (given it's raining here and a bit cold).. Thanks for this story!