The Awkward Moment

버클's One Shot Collection

Here I am, in a car, stuck in a traffic jam with my biggest crush of all time. Krystal Jung.

How did we end up in this situation you might ask?

It all started with our parents. Yes. Our parents!

Krystal and her family have been living with mine for the past 10 years because they faced bankruptcy and had nowhere to go. Being best buddies with Krystal’s dad, my dad offered them a place to stay in our house since it is a very big house with 3 levels of bedrooms. We have more than enough space for the 4 of us, and adding another 4 people living in this house isn’t a problem.

I grew up with Krystal as we are of the same age. We attended the same school, have the same subjects. The only different thing was that she is one of our schools top scorers while I topped the school ranking from the bottom.

Krystal grew to be a very attractive girl, albeit she has a cold attitude. Her crushes always never fail to give something to her, be it chocolates or flowers and would always bring back home to share it with everybody.

Many didn’t know that we are living together, if not I would be hated and killed by her group of fanboys. And being the smartest girl in school, she is asked to give me tuition at night after dinner by her parents.

That was when I started finding out my attraction towards her. I can never pay attention to my books whenever she is tutoring me. My attention would drift to her and just staring into her face whenever she explains a concept I didn’t understand. But I would say she is rather dense too because she thought that those stares were meant that I actually paid attention to her and understood everything she taught, which isn’t the case.

“How did you get such poor grades even though I am coaching you and you always seemed to understand what I am talking about?” she asked one night in the common study room.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied, “I don’t know.” See, I told you, she is dense.

However, despite my poor grades, I managed to graduate from university with her and we are going to attend prom together.

No matter how much I liked her and how much I am unwilling to make my feelings known to her, it seems impossible to make it unknown because of our parents (yes, our parents). Both of our mums are the biggest shipper between us, much to Krystal’s annoyance and my irritation at times. They would find every possible moment to let us be together, like chasing the both of us out of the house to do grocery shopping, or bringing our siblings out on a trip except the two of us, leaving two poor teenage souls at home.

And because of those two women whom I have a love-hate relationship with, I am now in the car with Krystal, stuck in the traffic jam and running late for prom.

“Since Amber has a driving license, let her drive Krystal to the venue! It would save so much time, effort and money! It is like killing three birds with one stone!” Krystal’s mum suggested this afternoon.

“Oh mommy!” Krystal rolled her eyes.

“This is definitely a good idea! Amber, I definitely wouldn’t allow Krystal to go to the hotel alone. What if she meets a bad guy on the way?!” my mum added. There are times where I wondered if I am her daughter or Krystal is.

And that was how we both ended up in this situation because we were forced to agree with this.

It started with some comfortable silence in the car as I was driving on the roads carefully since I just received the license a few weeks back. Then, as I entered the expressway, traffic started to become very slow because it was the peak hour rush period. Just when we thought it was slow enough, it started getting slower instead, barely moving every minute.

Then, it became awkward because it was so quiet.

“Thanks for sending me a ride.” She said, breaking the silence between us.

“It’s okay. We are heading to the same venue anyway…” I turned to her and said, still grabbing onto the steering wheel.

Sensing that I should turn on the radio so that the car wouldn’t be so quiet, I reached my hands out to the player in front of the two of us and switched the radio on.

“I wanna get close to you~” sang the singer.

“My heart shivers when I hear your voice” he carried on singing.

I kinda flustered a little because it is singing what I have always been feeling whenever I am alone with her.

I decided to change the station and reached out to press the “next” button on the player.

“I want you to be my girlfriend.” Oh . First, the fluttering feeling song, and now this?! I was getting a little frustrated by then.

The singer carried on singing along the lines of how nice would it be if she is my girlfriend. I flustered while getting slightly frustrated and turned to look at her while she gave an awkward smile.

I never felt so awkward before in my life. Never.

I flustered and became clumsy, wanting to press the “next” button again, I pressed the “back” button instead, so the player played the first song again.

My palms were getting sweaty, beads of sweat started rolling down my face as I felt my suit for prom getting drenched with my sweat.

I panicked and pressed the “next” button when I wanted to press the “back” button again so that it would bring us to another radio station instead.

“I want you to be my girlfriend” it played.

Oh . Nonono! This isn’t what I wanted!!!!” I mentally scolded myself.

Frustrated, and the mood to listen to the radio just flew out of the window, I turned that thing off instead.

The atmosphere between us became awkward. Really awkward. I felt myself drowning in that awkwardness while we are stuck in the car together.

“It is a little hot in here eh?” I fanned myself with my hand.

I looked out to my side of the window, trying to avoid every possible contact I would have with her.

“I think I shall raise the air-con a little. It is getting too hot for my comfort.” I said as I reached my hands out once again to adjust the air-con so that it blows a much cooler air.

I looked out of the window once again while tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

As I was staring out of the window, I heard music from what it seems like a phone speaker.

“Make a move on me because I have been waiting for a long time for you to do so.” Sang the female singer.

I turned to look at her who is dressed in a black short dress and her hair falling onto her shoulders.

She gave a slight smile.

She looked down to her phone and dragged her fingers across the phone to skip some parts of the song.

“This is the sign for you to confess!” it sang.

I turned to her while she smiled once again.

“Are you that stupid to the extent of not realising what is happening?!” She scolded.

“I-I-I…” I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

“I know you are stupid, but really, do you really think that I thought those constant stares at me while I tutored you was because you were paying attention?!” she questioned.

I looked at her and nodded innocently.

“Oh My Gosh…” her palms hitting her face slightly so that she wouldn’t ruin her make up.

“So now you know that I knew of your attraction towards me, what are you gonna do?” she challenged.


“Damn it! Why do I like someone like you?!” she clenched her teeth.

“Come here you stupid.” She ordered.

“Eh?????” I didn’t know what she meant.

“I said, you better get your freaking head here before I bring mine over.” She was losing patience.

I obeyed and moved my head towards her side of the car.

The next thing I knew, I felt something soft on my lips.

I stunned while she carried on kissing me.

We separated and I smiled.

“I finally have a date for prom.” I thought and grinned wider.

She rolled her eyes. 


A/N: this is really my last update i have for you guys before i go on a holiday! @Jimin-Liu gave me a link to a car advertisement and requested for a oneshot on this!^^ i added some details... if you find the beginning part familiar... i (sort of) referenced it from a drama i watched a very long time ago. you can go on and guess which drama was it... heheheheh. 

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Chapter 40: Thank you for writing all of these wonderful stories. It’s been a while since you last updated, so you’re probably inactive, but aaaaa I’ll probably come back to reread here and there.
Chapter 40: This is an interesting AU! I wish there was more 🥺
Chapter 39: I hope the two of them find someone lol
Chapter 38: Also these pictures of Krystal are lovely!
Chapter 38: AH PART TWO!!
Chapter 37: "But I felt like I owned the world." 😍
Chapter 37: Short but sweet!!
Chapter 36: Aw I like this story. It has a very home-y feel to it.
Chapter 35: The shippers going crazy is such a mood! LMAO