
버클's One Shot Collection

I had a crush on you since I saw you for the first time when you entered the café I am at while waiting for a friend of mine. You took the table in front of me and I was facing you directly. I was actually looking around before you came in, not wanting to fall into the category of the group of youths using their mobile phones wherever they go. But after you came in, I panicked as you faced me and started scrolling through the feeds on my phone, trying to look nonchalant, but in fact, my heart in beating hard and fast that it seems like it is going to pop out of my chest soon.

You stood up, approached to my table and said, “Hi, uhm… it may sound weird, and I would totally understand if you refuse my request…” I gave a slight frown and fidgeted under the table before hearing your next sentence, heart is still beating fast to the extent that I was actually afraid that you could hear it, “but could you lend me your phone? I need to contact a friend and inform her that I am here waiting for her because my phone died halfway.” You continued. 

I was actually very nervous when you approached me, but tried to hide my nervousness, in case I scared you away. It was nerve breaking to the extent that my chest felt tight and I was breaking into sweat as I fear that I give myself away the moment I said something, so I nodded my head in agreement to your request to borrow my phone.

“Oh my gosh! Thanks! You are totally a life saver!” you gave a very attractive smile of gratefulness. It was so genuine that I had to reply, “N-no problem. It is my pleasure.”

“Oh shoot I just stuttered…” I scolded myself mentally.

You gave me a different feeling from my exes. They felt like it was just a crush that would pass as time goes by. But with you… it felt like… I am in love with you…

“Is this how love at first sight felt like?” I questioned myself.

You called your friend and informed her that she you are already there waiting for her and that your phone died on you. The phone call ended quickly, you returned me the phone and said a word of thank you with another grin before going back to your seat.

I felt like I dug my own grave for laughing at my sister and calling her a fool when she said she fell in love at first sight when she saw her girlfriend at a boot camp 5 years ago and they got together ever since. But here am I, in love with you, being the exact same fool that I laughed my sister for.

I prayed that I could get closer to you.

Then like a light-bulb that just lighted up in my mind, I thought of an idea of how I could get closer to know you.

I stood up from my table, and walked towards yours in a proud manner, trying to hide those fluttering feelings as it would definitely give me away and spoil my plan.

I stood beside you and you looked up as you were reading the menu before.

“Since I lent you my phone, you have to repay me.”

“Yes, I am doing very well, keep it up!” I thought.

“Sooooo… what do I have to do?” you asked and frowned, probably annoyed by my character.

“Well, how about a cup of coffee someday? I wouldn’t mind making a new friend.” I gave a slight smile.

“Yeah sure! Just give me your phone and I will key in my number.”

I nodded and passed her the pink device that she held 5 minutes earlier. She tapped some areas of the lower region of the phone and returned it to me to do the saving.

“How should I call you then?”

“My name’s Amber.” You said.

“Ohkay… Amber…” I muttered as I typed the name into the respective field of the contact list.

“Last name??” I asked.


“Oh? You are a Chinese?” I asked as I typed the three letters into the last box.

“Yeah. I am actually Taiwanese-American.”

“Then why are you here in Seoul?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Came to visit a cousin of mine who is staying here, and I am out today to meet a friend who is Korean that I met in America. But it looks like I am staying here for good because my parents are doing the paperwork to migrate here since my dad got posted to the company here.”

“Ahhhh. I see.” I nodded.

“You have not introduce yourself to me yet if you realised.” You raised an eyebrow.

“Oops. Sorry. I am Krystal Jung, a Korean-American. I was born in San Francisco and moved back here when I was 5.” She nodded.

“Oh, my friend is here. I send you a text message when I get back home since your phone is dead at the moment.” I said as I spotted my friend’s small frame entering the doors of the café.

“Yeah sure. See you soon!”

I waved back.

“And nice move by the way!” she shouted behind me.


“Oh .” I whispered to myself and slapped my palms onto my face.

“Krystal, are you alright?” Luna asked.

“Yeah, I am fine. Just that something embarrassing just happened and I don’t want to talk about it.” Luna gave a small frown and dragged me out.

We shopped since it was the year-end sales but I couldn’t focus on shopping because all I could think of is the embarrassing act. So we called the shopping date off early because Luna sensed something weird about me and insisted that we go home early.

I texted you the moment I got home and surprisingly, you replied me within 5 minutes.

“So you got your phone charged eh?” I texted.

“Yeah. My friend had a portable charger with her so I used it to charge my phone and it is working now.” You replied.

“Ahhh I see.”

Our conversation went on for hours. And hours turned into days and months. We met again over coffee weeks after we started chatting and we both found it enjoyable and comfortable to talk to each other.

The more I meet and talk to you, I can confirm that there isn’t anybody else that can make me say that I am actually in love.

As the feelings for you grew, I wanted to pick up the courage and say that I love you and I wanted to hold your hands and walk down the street that we usually walk when we finished our coffee at the usual café.

We meet again at the café, and this time, the thought of confessing to you sounded so right at that point of time. It looks like I am ready to take this relationship to the next level.

“Hey!” I sat down in front of you.

“Hello” you waved.

“Uhhm… it may sound weird… but… I actually like you… no scratch that… I actually fell in love with you at first sight when I first saw you entering the café… I am just wondering if you wanna take this relationship to the next level…” I saw a small smirk or something coming from you, but ignored it to continue what I wanted to say. “I won’t mind if you refuse… I am happy to stay as friends.” I finished.

You laughed while I frowned my eyebrow.


I was slightly stunned because I didn’t know that you would agree with it so readily.

“I admit that I can be dense sometimes, but I am not unaware to the extent that I couldn’t feel your feelings? I found out that I am attracted to you somehow, if not I wouldn’t have agreed to it so quickly.”

I blushed.

You agreeing to be my girlfriend is the happiest thing that ever happened. It was the first time I made my move and I actually succeeded.

We progressed as a couple as months passed. We got to know one another more and we fell for each other more. But I can never forget those fluttering feelings when I first met you, how you make my heart race the fastest for the first time ever.

We were having a date which you prepared at your house tonight.

The moment I entered, I could feel the romantic atmosphere around the dining area. I really appreciate your efforts in this relationship. It feels like I am not the only one putting the effort into this relationship, and you are trying your best to make me feel loved, and not the other way round. This is probably fated as we found one another at the café that very day.

I slept over at your house that night because I was too lazy to travel back home since I lived a distance away from you.

The moment I opened my eyes the next morning, I saw your angelic sleeping face by my side. Something that I always wanted to see whenever I wake up on my own bed, and today, it actually came true. Happiness felt like a shining star, blinding my eyes and my heart at the same time, but I actually liked it.

Unconsciously, I inched towards your lips as you sleep and brushed my thumb across the soft lips you pampered me with kisses every time we hang out. I want time to stop because it is actually nice to see you sleeping.

It was as if God defied my wish, you opened your eyes then.

“Good morning.” You greeted.

“Morning.” I smiled.

“I am going to make breakfast. You go get some more extra sleep.” You said as you got up from the bed and head towards the door.

“Okay.” I agreed and continued lying on the bed, snuggling into the sheets.

I thought about your efforts once again, no doubt I made the first move, but the way you managed the relationship makes me feel so spoilt when I am the one who is supposed to do it since I confessed first. But you making me your princess actually spoils me, as if I am really one.

We were both stuck in love, but we actually enjoyed it, being stuck close to one another. 


A/N: pretty much poorly written imo because i am in a rush out HAHAHAHA. another songfic that got my friend guessing all the way and until now, she didn't know the answer. since i am meeting her later, and i am running late, she will get to know what i am writing... soon heheheh. 

expect some grammatical errors because i didn't proofread before posting. 

this is Stuck by missA, a song i really enjoyed and i really love. but this fic is written according to it's chinese lyrics. the korean version is actually written by Min, while the chinese verrsion is written by Fei!!!

korean version: 

chinese version: 

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Chapter 40: Thank you for writing all of these wonderful stories. It’s been a while since you last updated, so you’re probably inactive, but aaaaa I’ll probably come back to reread here and there.
Chapter 40: This is an interesting AU! I wish there was more 🥺
Chapter 39: I hope the two of them find someone lol
Chapter 38: Also these pictures of Krystal are lovely!
Chapter 38: AH PART TWO!!
Chapter 37: "But I felt like I owned the world." 😍
Chapter 37: Short but sweet!!
Chapter 36: Aw I like this story. It has a very home-y feel to it.
Chapter 35: The shippers going crazy is such a mood! LMAO