Chapter 2 :)

My Brother's Best Friend

The day started off good but the afternoon seemed to be going slow.

*I hate this class, I wish I could get out of it* you thought to yourself

You wasn’t that good at maths and dreaded it every time , most of the time in that class you would day dream then get told off by the teacher for not paying any attention but you still did it .

*bell rings*

“Don’t forget your homework is due on Friday” the teacher reminds all the students

“Hey what are you doing after school? You wanna hang out?” you ask Soo-Young

“Sure, wanna go to the park?” she replies

“Sounds good to me” you smile

In the hallway there were students standing by the lockers ,some were touching up there make-up , some were throwing a ball back and forth and up ahead was your brother and his friends being idiots , jumping around and being loud..

“LUNA” your brother calls out to you

“WHAT?” you shout back, he waves you over

As you got closer to the group BamBam runs towards you and greets you with a hug, you return the hug

“Hey BamBam “

“Hey Luna, I haven’t seen you in ages~” BamBam says

“You see me every day in school “you laugh

“Well it feels like I haven’t seen you” he pouts

You laugh at him and turn towards your brother, BamBam keeps his arm around your shoulders

“What do you want Jackson I’m kinda busy”

“Busy? With what? its break time, come chill with us” he says pulling you along ,Soo-Young follows

Outside you all find a spot to hang out at, once everyone was sitting down Jackson runs off..

“He tells me to come and chill with him then runs off” you say shaking your head

“Well you can still chill with us” JB tells you and you smile at him


*after school*

You and Soo-Young were at the park in your little spot, just relaxing and enjoying the sun…

“Hey soooo umm Ilikemark” you say really quickly

“What? Say that a bit slower “Soo-Young laughs

You sigh “I like mark”

“Mark… in Jackson’s friend Mark?” she asks with shock all over her face

You nod

“ I had no idea , since when?”

“since a long time ago , I’ve never said anything because ….well I don’t know , I just figured there was no point”

“Why? I’m your best friend I need to know these things Luna” she says playfully hitting your arm

“Oh come on Jackson would never allow it”

“Hellooo who cares what Jackson thinks, Mark’s cute you two would make a cute couple “

You look at your friend then sigh again

“Luna….. You can’t keep letting Jackson control you , or who you date “ she tells you in a soft tone

“He’s my older brother, he has always had a say in that kind of stuff and not to mention it’s his best friend I like”

“I don’t understand why he has a say in the matter, sure he’s older then you but you don’t tell him who he can date “

“I know….that’s just how it’s been for so long and besides Mark wouldn’t like me back”

“Oh, how do you know that? Tell him how you feel you might be surprised “ Soo-Young says with a smile

“I can’t I’m too shy “ You put your head down feeling defeated


*back at home*

“Where have you been , we have to leave in like 10 minutes “ Jackson says

“I was in the park, calm down I’ll be ready, Mark’s not even here anyway “ You reply

“He’s meeting us there , go and get ready “ your brother pushes you towards the stairs

“ok ok jeez Jackson “ you say while walking up the stairs to your room to get changed for tricking and defence class.

Once at the class , you joined the rest of the students standing in a line , looking around Mark was still nowhere to be seen

Your teacher was very strict , you knew if Mark was to late he would be punished , your teacher believed in being strict as it would help keep you all focused and a way of showing respect …

“Good evening everyone “your teacher bows

“Good evening Master Wu” you all bow back

Just then Mark comes running into the room

“Master Wu, sorry I’m late” Mark bows

“If you are going to be late Mark, let me know in advance “

Mark nods and joins the others

 “ok everyone pair up and we will start” Master Wu tells the class

During practice, you keep losing concentration, Mark looked so handsome, he was very skilled and moved with ease

“Ouch!” you call out after getting hit

“I’m sorry, you wasn’t paying attention” your partner whispered


*oh no*

“Focus…. Where is your head? Clearly not in my class….stay focused” Master Wu tells you

“I’m s-sorry I wa-“ excuses get you nowhere , 30 push-ups” Master Wu cuts you off


“That’s another 10 for talking back” he says sternly

You put your head down and ready yourself for the push-ups, Jackson was laughing

“Wipe that smerk off your face Jackson or you will be joining your sister” Master Wu warns

Jackson stands up straight “yes Master Wu”

After practice, was free hour where you could practice anything you like as long as it was some form of martial arts

Jackson and Mark practice there flips along with other students

While you and some of the younger students practice sword fighting under the watchful eye of Master Wu.

 Once class was over, you, Jackson and Mark head for your home…

“Hey what was up with you? Master Wu came down on you pretty hard” Jackson asks

“Nothing I just lost focus for a few seconds” you reply

“Keep focus or you’re going to get in more trouble from Master Wu~~” Jackson jokes

You push your brother in a playful way which causes him to bump into Mark

“Hey~” he says cutely

You laugh and carry on walking , once home you head straight for the shower ..

*I have got to stop staring at Mark I’m going to get in trouble and he will know something is going on ….I’m just glad he didn’t see me staring at him* you think, while letting the water run down your back washing away the stress of the evening.

After your shower you say goodnight to everyone and head to your room, snuggling up in bed you pick up your phone that was resting on the desk by your bed and text Soo-Young


>Hey, promise me you won’t tell anyone what I told you today, not even Taemin


>Don’t be silly, I won’t say a thing your secret is safe with me but why can’t Taemin know? He won’t tell anyone  


>The less people who know the better, I know he won’t say anything but if he knows about it I would rather it come from me

>ok ,I promise

After seeing Soo-Young promise, you smile, put your phone back in its place and go to sleep.


Morning came and you felt like you didn’t sleep at all last night, you let out a little moan as your alarm clock bleeps..

School had gone by really quick and you got your marks from your maths homework…

At home you put your report card in your bag …

“Luna…Jackson” your dad calls

“In here Appa “ you both call out

“Ah good , do you have your report cards? You know I check them every Friday” he tells you both

Jackson handed his over with a big grin on his face , while you took your time getting yours from your bag

“Luna , come on I don’t have all day” he smiles

You hand your report card to your father , he frowns

“Luna , why do you have such a low score?” he asks

“Appa, I’m struggling a bit with maths , I’m sorry I will be better “ you say with your head down

“Ah~ Luna , no going out over the weekend I want you to get your grades up , then i will think about letting you go out” he tells you

You put your head down, disappointed

To rub it in, Jackson announces that he’s going out

“I’m going to play basketball…see you later Luna” he laughs

“that’s not fair…..Appa tell him”

“Jackson don’t tease your sister”

Jackson smiles and heads out the door

You grab your phone and think for a minute , then you know just who to call

# Hey Luna

# Hey Jr , could you do me a huge favour please?

# whoa what happened to Hi, how are you? You just jump right in huh *giggles*

# how are you? Good ok good can you pleaseeee do me a huge favour

# sure, what is it?

# I failed on my maths homework and now I need to study to get my grades up otherwise I’m not aloud out

# ha ha sure I’ll help you , I can come over in an hour is that ok?

# great , thank you

# see you in an hour

# see you then

You both hang up and you head to the kitchen to get some food , knowing that Jr was going to help you with your maths made your stress level go down a lot , he was the best person to ask and you were happy that he agreed to help you.



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Juliahamy #1
Please update soon :)
Leesookyu #2
Chapter 3: update!!!!!!
felicia7 #3
Omgloveaverly #4
Chapter 2: Pls update
nurain11 #5
please epdate your writing quickly