Wal-Mart: The Only Place to Shop

SMTown Cristmas Party


It was an early December morning and a tired brunette was just awakening from a peaceful slumber. Today was a very exciting day for the brunette and her best friend. Standing up and stretching she took a step forward before falling flat on her face.
"WHAT DA FACK!" Came a scream from the girl that was now laying face first on a floor of pillows. Sitting up and looking at her best friend's amused face she continued; "When the H E double hockey sticks did you get here, Izzy? And why are laying on my floor?"
"Well good morning to you, too, Jay! I snuck into your room last night and had a nap on your floor! I'm just so excited for the Christmas party tonight!!!!" Izzy exclaimed, clapping her hands and bouncing up and down. Jenna looked at her friend in amusment as she stood up to go eat her footloops, mumbling something about breaking Izabella's face. 
"DO YOU WANT SOME FOOTLOOPS, TOO?" Jenna yelled while making her way to the kitchen.
"Eww, what the are footloops?"
"Cereal in the shape of feet!" Jenna exclaimed with a somewhat devilish grin on her face.
"I'll pass. You go eat your feet. I'm gonna get me some lucky charms." Izzy growled. Jenna just laughed and went to the kitchen with Izzy following close behind. Izzy went to the cupboards and searched for Lucky Charms. Jenna watched for a minute before finally telling the poor girl that there were no Lucky Charms. 
"WTF Jenna! Buy some lucky charms would ya?"
"Nah, I like my footloops. Ya sure you don't want any? I mean, it even comes with clumps of green yogurt for toe jam!"
"No girl! I'm good. Really." Izzy said, looking at Jenna in disgust as she poured her bowl of footloops. "I think I'm going to throw up." 
"On a brighter note..." Jenna turned around and faced Izzy with a bright grin. "Jessica is going to be here tonight and I get to give her her gift!" 
"And what's that gonna be? Kisses under the mistletoe?" Izzy said sarcasticly.
Jenna pointed her finger in the air and yelled; "THAT REMINDS ME! WAL-MART AWAY! MUST BUY MISTLETOE!!!" Jenna ran into her room; cereal forgotten.
"Oh by the jayus! Jenna!" Izzy picked up the carton of milk. It was empty. "Oh what was the point anyway? There's no cereal worth eating." Izzy said and then sulked into the living room. She picked up the remote and the tv. Big Bang was in an interview talking about future plans. Izzy was in a trance, attentively listening to every word they said. Moments later a loud thud was heard, followed by a scream. "Ow! Why are you throwing remotes at my head, Jenna?!" Izzy yelled, rubbing her forehead.
"Lets go! We need to buy things for the party tonight, brah!!!"
"I ain't no bra!" 
"Quite yo in'." Jenna grabbed Izzy's hand and pulled her out the door. 
"Wait! I need my shoes! I ain't no bum!!!" Jenna hadn't listened to Izzy and just pulled her out of her apartment. 
"Let me get my shoes!!" Izzy screamed again and kicked Jenna in the leg causing her to fall backwards. Izzy ran back to the house and put on her black winter boots. 
"Okay! Now we can lea-" Izzy was cut off by a snowball to her face. She was not amused. Izzy glared at Jenna with so much rage that Jenna feared she would spontaneously combust. 
"Come here I kicks ya." Izzy said in her Newfie accent. Jenna began to back away and then offered to buy Izzy a Monster Energy Drink if she promised not to attack her. Izzy instantly accepted and sprinted to catch up to Jenna. 
When they arrived at Wal-Mart, Izzy immediatly started complaining about how much she hated the place. 
"Oh just quit yo in'. This is gong to be an awesome party tonight! Go get a cart!"
"Oh, I'll get a cart alright." Izzy said in a low whisper.
"What was that?" Jenna asked, giving Izzy an evil glare.
"I said, I'll get that cart for you." Izzy hurried off to get the closest cart. Jenna had already been looking at the Christmas cookies that were on display. Izzy had returned with the shopping cart, pushing it into Jenna's legs, causing her to fall forward. 
"Gah! Can't you see I'm looking at cookies!! Holy Hoot!" Jenna straightened herself up as Izzy had been doing her best evil laugh. Jenna then took a few packs of cookies and threw them in the cart. "I think you should look for a gift for Taemin here, unless there's anywhere else you needed to go after this?" 
"Oh my god, oh my god EB gaaames." Izzy not-so-subltly hinted to Jenna. Jenna sighed and said they would go when they were done shopping in Wal-Mart. 
"But I wanna go now." Izzy whined and pouted, giving her best puppy dog eyes. Her efforts were in vein because Jenna wasn't even looking anymore. Izzy gave up on trying to convince Jenna to go now and said "Well I'm gonna go do my own shopping." and she just walked away. Jenna didn't even notice and continued browsing through the cookies.
Izzy knew exactly where she wanted to go and she knew what she was looking for, but her anxiety starting creeping back to her and suddenly she was imagining everybody staring at her as she walked by. She began singing Christmas songs in her head. I got the jingle bell, I got the jingle bell rock. She repeated that same line over and over in her paranoid mind as she wished that she didn't wander off on her own. 
Finally, she arrived at the electronics section. She sighed heavily and went straight to the video games. "I need a new racing game. MarioKart maybe?" she thought aloud to herself. The electronics section was nearly empty so she could relax and not worry about the judgmental eyes of the people around her. Suddenly noticing the silence, she took her ipod from her pocket. Before turning it on, she admired it. It was blue; A light baby blue; Her favourite colour. She smiled and turned the ipod on, turning the volume up as loud as possible. Her current favourite song blaring in her ears. She was in her own little world.
There was a tap on her shoulder, which caused her to let out a small yelp and almost drop her iPod. She turned to see who had tapped her shoulder, she had figured it was just Jenna but once she saw the red shaggy hair she had been mistaken. 
"Ta-Taemin." Izzy did a half bow and gave the polite boy a small, shy smile to which he returned. 
"Out doing some last minute Christmas shopping?" He asked. Izzy was speechless, each time she had seen the boy she  found speaking to become quite hard. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." The boy laughed. Izzy had just stood there, looking at the boy. "I bought you a gift!" He exclaimed. Izzy blinked a few times until she noticed she had probably looked like some kind of love sick fool. 
"Oh, really? What is it?" 
"I can't tell you that! You will just have to find out tonight!" 
"Oh damn!" She laughed shyly, avoiding Taemin's eyes. Taemin reached out and touched her arm lightly, giving it a little squeeze. Izzy, at this point, had gone into some kind of shock with the touch of Taemin's hand.
"I'll see you tonight. I left Key over in the girl clothing section when I saw you over here. I have to go make sure he didn't buy anything that's gonna confuse his fangirls." Taemin joked, getting a laugh from Izzy. They said their goodbyes and he left to go find Key.
"Oh god... How awkward." Izzy mumbled to herself as she continued to look at video games.
Meanwhile, Jenna was still trying to decide what food to buy. It was a tough decision so she decided to get back to it later. She took her cart and wheeled down the isles to look for some "y decorations", as she had called them many times while her and Izzy had been planning the party. 
She found plenty of things in Izzy's favorite colours. She saw blue and silver tree ornaments and placed them in the cart without a second thought.
"Your favorite colours are everywhere! Why can't I find mine?" Jenna said, thinking Izzy was still with her. She thought nothing of it when she didn't get an answer and just kept shopping and talking as the other shoppers looked at her and the children pointed out the "crazy lady" to their parents. Poor Jenna wasn't aware of anything until she looked up and saw Izzy walking towards her. 
"Hey! You know you're talking to yourself and freaking everybody out, right?" Izzy asked with a huge grin. Jenna looked behind her and then back at Izzy, giving her a look that told Izzy that she didn't even know she left. Izzy held up a new video game and waited for Jenna's opinion.
"OH MY GOD! Where the hell did you find this!?" Jenna screamed, frightening a small child and receiving a glare from his mother. Jenna didn't notice that either. She took the game from Izzy. "Do you know what this is????"
"Bratz Rock Angels, baby! I also bought Mario Party 7." Izzy held up that game too. 
"Dude!" Jenna grabbed the game and looked at it in awe. She handed it back to Izzy, smiling like a fool, completely forgetting that Izzy had left her talking to herself like a crazy girl. "I got some y decorations but I'm yet to find anything in my favorite color. I also have to pick up Jessica's gift later too." Izzy nodded and told Jenna she was gonna go bring the games out to the car and meet her back in the store in a bit. 
Jenna continued on the way to look for some more things, still thinking about the cookies. Jenna had been walking when she swore she saw her other bestfriend, Key, looking at barbie dolls. She shook her head and told herself to keep walking and ask questions later. 
Izzy opened the car door to the passenger side and threw the games on the seat. She slammed the car door and turned to walk back into the store but was yanked back and she fell on her . There was an aching pain in the back of her head. She looked up to see her hair stuck in the car door. She reached into her pocket for her key, but her pockets were empty. She stood up, being careful not to rip her hair out of her head in the process. She looked in the window and saw her car key sitting there on the seat next to the games. 
"Oh god damn it all. Curse these auto-lock doors." Izzy sighed as she reached back into her pocket for her cell phone. Then she remembered that her pockets were empty. Her eyes widened and she screamed in frustration as she sat back down to wait for Jenna.
Jenna had walked into the jewelry store just to see a line all the way to the door. She sighed and made her way to the back of the line. Meanwhile Izzy was sitting in the parking lot, she had started to become slightly cold. People had been making their way to and from the store but none of them had even asked the girl if she needed help. She was getting impatient and was wondering what the hell was taking her friend so long. She noticed Key and Taemin walking out of the store with an arm full of bags, going towards their car. Upon seeing the older boy, Izzy had said: "Oh . What if he sees me?" She tried to sink lower onto the ground but was only met with the killing pain of hair being ripped out of her head. "Holy Lucifers! This has to be one of the most-"
"Izzy?" Izzy looked up to see Taemin standing there with concerned eyes. "Are you stuck?"
"N-nope..Just..you know..chilling here on the ground." Izzy gave her best smile, but Taemin wasn't stupid. 
"Want me to go get Jenna?" He asked with a slight laugh. Izzy bit her lip and shifted her gaze to the ground. 
"yes. Go get Jenna." She replied, near tears. Taemin walked back into Wal-Mart and Izzy was alone on the freezing ground again. At that moment she promised herself to get her hair cut as soon as possible. 
Jenna was almost at the front of the line. She was so close to finally getting that custom made charm bracelet she had ordered for Jessica, when she heard her name and looked around. She saw Taemin and wondered why he was here. Jokingly, she thought to herself that maybe Izzy got her hair stuck in the car door again.
"Jenna! I need your car key. Izzy got her hair stuck in the door." Taemin explained to her. Jenna's face went pale before they both exploded into a fit of laughter. Jenna gave him her key and Taemin left to help Izzy out of her unfortunate predicament.
The cashier up front called Jenna back to earth. She wiped the tears that had formed  from laughing so hard and asked the cashier if her gift was ready. To Jenna's excitment, it was. She got the little box wrapped before paying for the expensive gift and placing it in the cart. She still had a litte more shopping to do and so little time. Jenna needed Izzy's help and hoped she had gotten herself up off her and back in here so this could get done faster. 
Izzy was still sitting in the cold, awaiting the return of Taemin. Her mind had started to wander. She found herself smiling like an idiot.
"Ah...Izzy?" Izzy snapped out of her thoughts, now looking horrified. "Are you just now finding this funny?" Izzy ignored Taemin's question and asked her own.
"Did you get the key?" She asked.
"Why yes, yes I did." Taemin held up the key and smiled. 
"You didn't, by any chance, tell Jenna why I needed that, did you?" 
"I didn't have to." Taemin gave Izzy a devilish smile. 
"Oh god. Imma hear about this for weeks now." Izzy pouted.
"Oh cheer up. Let me help you. Your cheeks are so red that I can't tell if you're blushing or if you're just cold." 
Jenna finally left the jewelery store and went back to get more decorations. Hours had passed and they were still at Wal-Mart. Izzy hadn't come back yet and Jenna was wondering if Taemin had opened the car door for her or not. Somehow, Jenna couldn't imagine him being that evil. She continued down the isles looking closely at everything. She picked up some lights and other various Christmas decorations. When she was finished with that, she returned to the food and bought more cookies and other delicious junk food. Before going to pay for everything she suddenly thought of Onew. 
"right right right. Chicken." She went back to get a chicken and saw Izzy in the crowd talking to Sunny. "What is Sunny doing here?" She wondered. She tried to get closer to hear what they were talking about, while trying desperately not to get caught.
"Jenna?" Jenna jumped when she heard the voice of her crush's sister. "Why are you spying on Izzy and Sunny?" Krystal asked. Jenna touched the back of her head and nervously said:
"Uh..ya know...stuff." Krystal gave Jenna a look that Jenna was all too familiar with. "I want to know what they're talking about!" Jenna pouted. "Damn you Jungs and your piercing looks." Jenna turned her attention back to the talking girls. 
"Why not just walk up there and join the conversation?" Jenna gave Krystal a glare. 
"God you're just like your sister and if you must know, it's funner this way!" Jenna explained. 
"Uh huh. What are you doing here?" 
"Last minute shopping. Coming to the party tonight?" 
"Will there be mistletoe?" Jenna had felt like slapping herself in the face. She had come all this way for mistletoe and had forgotten it.
"Goddammit." Jenna screamed in frustration. She grabbed Krystal's hand and pulled her along with her. "Now I'll never know what they were talking about." Jenna sulked. She had made poor, confused Krystal push the cart behind her as she went to hunt for misletoe. 
Izzy was telling Sunny about her morning and the disgusting Footloops that Jenna had. Sunny was listening attentively. When Izzy told her about getting her hair stuck in the car door Sunny had to bite her toungue to stop herself from laughing. In the middle of their conversation, Izzy's phone rang. It was Jenna. 
"Yo, !" Izzy answered.
"Get your out to the car!" Jenna yelled, causing Izzy to jump. She laughed and hung up without another word.
"I have to go. See you tonight, Sunny!" 
Sunny waved and walked away. Izzy went out to the car and got into the backseat. Jenna snickered and started the car.
"Stop at Tim's. I want a white hot chocolate." Izzy commanded. They had finally left Wal-Mart and their excitment only increased as the time passed. 
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