Chapter 3

How To Love: A Dating Diary

Woohyun flipped through his students’ papers rather aggressively, wondering how they couldn’t solve 90% of the problems. His red pen had molded into his hand, marking every inch of the papers. He groaned to himself.

His students were all out for lunch.

Giving up and rewarding himself a break, he leaned backwards in his, propping up his feet. A yawn erupted after that he covered with a balled fist.

“I swear, my students are pretty dumb.”

“I wouldn’t say that, someone could hear.”

Woohyun turned to the doorway and laughed at who he saw.

“Kim Jonghyun, welcome to my classroom.” He sang, rising from the chair to give the man a hug. “You’re back? For good?”

“Yeah. I’m back. For good and I wish I wouldn’t leave.” He chuckled.

“How’s the, uh, wife?” Woohyun worded carefully. Jonghyun sighed, rocking back and forth on his heels. “Hellish, could be the word. I’m probably suffering more than him and he’s the one carrying the baby.”

“Oh.” Woohyun patted the man on the shoulder. “Stay strong, captain.” He joked.

“As long as Kibum doesn’t kill me first. But I still love y’know. I dunno what it is but I still love him.

“Yeah, okay. Good luck with that.”

The bell above the two rung. Woohyun groaned and proceed to run his hands through his hair. “Switch places with me, please.” He pleaded, knowing the other male had finished his work for today.

“No. I gotta get to the wife. Keep it in and eat some chocolate. Repeat after me, ‘I will not kill a student today.’ Okay? Go.”

“Hyung, please.” Woohyun whined.

“Oh, Woohyun. You know Kim Sunggyu? He-“

“Saem, hello.”

Students began to walk inside the classroom and Jonghyun excused himself. Woohyun laughed to himself, realizing he might jump from the window soon.

What cut his thoughts though were a pair of girls holding a magazine. They sat towards the front where Woohyun stood. He heard every word.

“Seriously? Is he lonely or what?”

“I don’t know but this makes me want to join. You think more celebrities will go?”

“Who knows but if my precious Sunggyu is, I definitely am.”

“No, you have to be 21 or older.”


They continued on like this until Woohyun heard something that could potentially ruin his whole existence.

“It’s a dating thing. You go and they pair you up with someone. It’s starting in two months and Kim Sunggyu joined. You see?”

Woohyun’s heart crumbled. He chalantly walked near the girls.

“Yeah. It’s called – what’s it called? – Something love. To love something I think.”

“Dummy. It’s ‘How to Love’.”   

“Oh~ yeah.”

“Um, girls.” Woohyun interrupted cautiously. “You know you can’t read magazines in class, I’ll have to take that.” He held out a hand.

“Aw, saem, don’t be like that.”

Woohyun only shook his head. The girl grumbled and laid the magazine in his hand.

Woohyun rolled it up, sticking it in his desk. “Class.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s get started then.”


Howon flipped through the newest addition of Woolim Magazine. He read over the latest news. A singer was recognized for being the first Korean artist to have a concert in all the major cities of America, a boy group was in controversy for cussing on TV, and a comedian went into a coma.

Howon nodded to himself as he read, the TV on in the background. He finally got to his interview with Sunggyu, reading over each line.

“Sunggyu, Sunggyu.” He mumbled to himself.

On the TV, the news came on. Howon momentarily looked up and laughed at what sight beholden him.

Singer Kim Sunggyu has reportedly joined the new dating program, ‘How to Love.’ He posted on his Twitter and Instagram account telling his fans he joined ‘How to Love.’

‘I’ve been held off from love for seven years now.’  He wrote. ‘My company has allowed it and I am going to appear on ‘How to Love.’ I hope you, my fans, will support me.’

“Crazy bastard.” He huffed.

He pulled out his phone, punching in a number and putting it to his ear. A voice soon came through.


“What’s this? ‘How to love?’ Eh?”

Laughter came from the other end. You’ve heard?

“I think the whole country has. It was on the news.”

Already? I only posted it an hour ago.

“You’re wildly famous, I’m surprised it didn’t take thirty minutes.”

Well, it’s out there now. Why’d you call?

“Why’d you join? Because you haven’t love in a few years?”

I’m lonely Howon. I want to find love. I want to love for myself.

“Don’t go all sentimental on me. The amount of your fans that will join just for you. Good luck.”

Why, Howon. You want to date me or something?

“For your money, sure.”

Jokes on you, I’m broke. Haven’t had money in years.

“Well, how do you join anyway?”

It’s easy.


Dongwoo his stethoscope around his finger as he skipped down the hallways. He skipped up to the Nurse station, dropping the clipboard he held into a bucket in front of him.

“Good afternoon, Hyeri. Sandara noona, you look lovely this fine day.”

“Why so happy?” Hyeri questioned. She picked up the clipboard Dongwoo previously held and flipped through it. “Ah, no six year olds? No eight year olds? I’m only guessing.”

“You’re right. The youngest I had was 47, and she was a charm.”

“Mmm.” Sandara hummed. “I don’t have anything for you now so just sit somewhere or something.”

“Will do, noona~” Dongwoo sang. His day couldn’t get any better. He was 7 hours into his shift and he hadn’t even had a hint of a headache. That was a record. Before it was thirty minutes.

He walked to the floors waiting room and sat on the couch, sinking in as he plopped down.

He watched the TV above. The news were on. Something of a singer joining a dating program but he just muted it out.

His phone vibrated in his coat pocket and he fished it out, staring at it and realizing he didn’t know the number.

1 missed phone call

Dongwoo only shrugged his shoulders before throwing his phone beside it. It soon vibrated again but it was a text message from the same number.

He opened it.

His head jerked back up to the TV, then down to his phone and back again. And mustered all he could and let out a cry.

“WHAT?!” Dongwoo screamed higher than he did when he first found out he passed medical school. And he screamed pretty high then.

He ran towards the nurse station and only stared at the two women behind the desk, both look shocked.

“What’s wrong Dongwoo?” Sandara moved towards him but Dongwoo stepped backwards, shaking his head furiously.

“How did you do it? Why did you do it?”

“Oh, that. Dongwoo, you haven’t been out forever. We just wanted you to be happy.”

“How could you? Without telling me? What if I don’t want to go? Why, noona?!” Dongwoo through his hands in the air, screaming into air as if someone would undo this all.

Hyeri came from behind the station. “Oppa, I’m sorry. Really, I didn’t know you’d be like this.”

Dongwoo only held his head in his hands. His phone sat atop the nurse station, still on and showing the whole word the rancid text message.

Thank you for joining How to Love. We accept your entrance and are happy to have you joining us. Please meet at Sunset Café at 12pm, February 21st. How to love shall then begin.


How are you feeling?” Sungyeol asked Sungjong carefully. He had finally retrieved the other from the dressing room with much trouble. He already promised the makeup and hair stylists to dinner for their troubles.

“I'm fine,” he muttered through gritted teeth. “Couldn't be better.”

“That's right!” sungyeol beamed. He pretended Sungjong was a bit more enthusiastic but this would have to work, for now.

“Don't make me look bad, please. I'm begging you.” he pouted, hands clasped tightly together.

Sungjong only dismissed this with a hand wave.

The two stood beside where the shoot was going to take place. The original photographer had a sudden emergency so a new one would take his place. This made sungyeol nervous. He got so used to Jinyoung that his photoshoots were like clockwork.

The two models who would join the boys in the photoshoot walked up with confident steps. One walked to straight to Sungyeol and smiled. “Hi, I’ve heard of you,” She laughed and Sungyeol gave a nod.

“I’ve heard of you.” He mumbled. Truthfully, he never did. He had no idea who she was and yet, he stared her down.

The model paused momentarily, probably noticing he was lying to her, and let out a loud laugh she covered with her hand. “You’re so cute. I’m Song Qian, but call me Victoria.”

“Ah, I’m Sungyeol.” He held out hand, which Victoria took.

“Have you seen the photographer?” He asked, pointing towards nothing in particular.

Victoria nodded enthusiastically, pointing around the corner and standing to her tippy toes. “Around the corner. I just spoke with him.”

“Well, who is it?” Sungyeol copied her position to get a better look.

“Kim M-“

“Everyone, hello! Sorry, I was speaking to my assistants. Who’s ready to have a shoot?” A man stood with a camera in hand, wide smile and eyes pushing together to form tiny lines and dimple sinking into his cheek. “Hi, I’m Kim Myungsoo!” He shouted.

Sungyeol, who is usually jumpy and excited himself before a shoot, was at a loss for words how jumpy and excited this man was.

He propped his camera onto the stand and took a step back. He used his hands to mimic photo frame and looked to each and every model. He paused when he reached Sungjong and Sungyeol, standing side by side.

“Umm, who are you…?” He asked in their direction. Sungyeol, who was temporarily in shock, bowed to Myungsoo. “I am Lee Sungyeol. This s my brother, Lee Sungjong. I’m a rookie model while my brother is only helping out for today.”

“Okay. Give me five minutes and we shall begin.” Myungsoo announced rubbing his hands together.

He called over his assistant and leaned in close to her ear. “The tall one, Sungyeol was it? I want him center with Victoria. Okay?” The assistant nodded and ran off to speak to the lighting directors.

Myungsoo surveyed the photoshoot area – just a plain white background – and nodded in satisfaction. “I’m beginning.” He announced the models hurried back after receiving finishing hair and make-up touches.

Sungyeol wore a jean shirt with blue jeans while Victoria wore a red button with blue jeans and red heels to match.  Sungjong wore capris that rolled up above his knee and a white and black tee. The other model wore a white jean jacket over a gray tank top with light blue jeans and black heels.

“Okay.” Myungsoo clapped to get everyone’s attention. “I want Sungyeol and Victoria center. Krystal and – you’re name? I’m sorry, my memories a bit washed. I’m getting old.” Myungsoo joked. The staff around the photoshoot laughed.

“I’m Sungjong.” He answered.

“Yes, Sungjong and Krystal, you can fill in around them. Let’s begin.”

The first few shots were simple. Victoria leaned onto Sungyeol and he wrapped a securing arm around her back. Sungjong, though this being his first time modeling, handled it pretty well. He did the motions correctly and handled the poses well.

Soon, they got to the tricky ones that handle good self-control from both parties.

Victoria leaned against Sungyeol’s chest, Sungyeol using his arm to pull her forward and himself leaning towards her so their faces lay inches apart.

“Sungyeol, lower your hand a bit.”

Sungyeol obliged. “Yes, like that.” He snapped a photo.

“Okay, Krystal and Sungjong, move up please. Krystal, I want you to copy Victoria but grip the hem of Sungjong’s shirt. Sungjong, copy your brother.”

The pair obeyed and they soon were in the same position. Myungsoo snapped multiple pictures.

“Position change!” An assistant announced.

Sungjong released Krystal and sighed to himself. He walked to Sungyeol and pulled on his arm. “Are we done? Can we go?”

“No, no.” Sungyeol laughed, taking a sip of water. “We are doing a position change.”

“What is that?”

“Well, its when-“

“Don’t tell me actually. I don’t feel like hearing it. But, what are we modeling for anyway?”

“Some dating thing. I think it’s called How to Love or something.”

“Okay, models!” Myungsoo shouted once more.


Hi~ I haven’t updated in a bit huh? I’ll try to do it more regularly. I hoped you guys like this chapter though. I think I’ll do one more filler chapter and then we can get to the good stuff. You guys can take it right? Heh.

Merry belated Christmas subbies and happy early new year!! I’ll tell you all now, I’m going to post a lot more stories in 2016, wait on me!

I hope you all enjoy my further updates~

Bye  ^^

  • Xing
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Chapter 3: This is so cute tbh. Can't wait for your update, fighting~
2762809 #2
Chapter 2: MYUNGYEOL!!!
SHLogy #3
Chapter 2: This sounds interesting... NAM WOOHYUN SUCH A CUTIE. he's so cute here ;; being a fanatic fanboy ♥
Chapter 1: Hehehe... Nam Woohyun joined because of Kim Sunggyu... ^^ who wouldn't...