--everythings weird--

The Men of my Dreams


---inside Yesung's car---(only ____ and Yesung)


Yesung’s mind *should I ask her anyway?but she doesn’t want to tell me. I keep asking her how she and siwon kissed. This is the first time she keeps her secret to me.*

_____’s mind *should I tell him anyway? But I cant. He keeps asking me how me and that Siwon kissed. This is the first time I kept my secrets to him*

“uhm we’re here..” Yesung said breaking the silence

“ahh nae. thanks for the ride oppa..”

“I’ll take you home after work.”                         

“no need oppa. Hangeng and Heechul oppas will fetch me hereJ, be home safe.bye” I was about to left him when he called me.

“____!”   “nae oppa?whats the matter?” ____ asked.

“can we talk?” Yesung asked

“about?” ____ asked, but deep inside she already know what Yesung’s going to ask, she just want to make it sure she’s thinking right.

“about what happen awhile back.”

“oppa Im sorry, but I don’t want to talk about it. Can we just forget it?and besides I already told it was just all an accident. Maybe your right accident is always right behind me.” I said and left him. Yesung just watch her turn her back to him.

“if you still don’t want to tell me its fine but I promise I wont stop until you and Siwon did tell me what really happens. I believe this isn’t an accident. Just wait. You’ll both tell it to me.kkk~” Yesung said and drive home




I arrived at my home and headed to my room. I my polo shirt and take off my slucks leaving my boxer short and half body.

I dragged my tired body into my waterbed. It was really a tiring day. I want to go to the kitchen and prepare my food but when I lay down, my waterbed took all my strength. I just want to rest now. I put on my headset,  and turn into a deep slumber.

I was in a place surrounded by pink. All the things are pink. There are rabbits too. So many cute creatures hereJIs this heaven?for me pink is the color of heaven and angels represents cute creatures. What exactly is this place?

“SUNGMIN OPPA!” someone called me in a very sweet voice. I turned back and found a girl waving at me. She run to my direction while shouting for my name. who is she? She is wearing a pink dress with my name on it saying “NAE SARANG SUNGMIN” as she came closer and closer to me I can see her angelic face, her face became clearer and clearer. It was _____, screaming for my name. she was very happy. When she reach me, she hug me really tight and hold my face.then her face comes closer and closer to mine. I was getting nervous at that time. Is she going to kiss me? I close my eyes and ready to take the kiss but I was shock when she shouted


I looked at my wall clock and found its already 09:00 in the evening. I get up of my bed and found my body sweating even if the aircon is turn on. Did I just dream of her?and we were about to kiss?and she just accused me a first kiss stoler? Aigoo what a bad dream. My stomach growls. I headed to my kitchen and look for food. I found my favorite food “pumpkin soup”, to remove my stress! I heated it for 3minutes and began eating it then I thought of my dream again. We just met and now I dream of her and the worst she accused me first kisss stoler. Oh well it was just a dream, but it was like I was Siwon>.<  why do I feel somethings weird, Im happy when I saw her again, but when I heared that Leeteuk hyung is her first savior and Im just the second my heart was like broken into two and when she said that Siwon stole her first kiss my heart that just broken into two was now into pieces. After eating I go back to my room and tried to sleep again. Hoping that I’ll never dream of her or if ever I hope that it wasn’t a bad dream.




“Im home!” Kyuhyun shouted

“eomma, appa your evil but cute+handsome+genius+amazing=perfect son is home..” Kyuh added

“Kyuh dear Im here in the kitchen.” KH’s eomma said. He goes to the kitchen and found his mother cooking. “wheres appa?” Kyuh asked

“still in work..”

“why are you doing that?did you forget word  maids in this house?” Kyuh asked.

“oh dear they’re on leave.”

“all of them?”

“nae because they said they want to spend some time with their families this coming holiday..” his eomma explain

“I guess you should fire them..”

“dear don’t be to harsh eomma can handle this..”

“want some help?” Kyuh ask

“want to cook?no need..kkk~” his eomma laugh.Kyuh rolled his eyes

“hows school?”

“just like before-.-“ Kyuh replied

“ah worst.”

“no eomma, worser than before..”

“care to tell me dear?”

“there was this girl in the school.” Kyuh started

“you like her?” his eomma asked

“ye…WHAT? NO!”

“then whats with this girl?”

“aish I don’t know sometimes I hate her sometimes I don’t. everytime I tried to be nice to her she will always include me to her trouble, she will always hurt me, and now she did something I never expected that made me really mad.”

“aigoo..”his mom said and faced him “my son is inlove..ayiee”his mom teased

“eomma NO!”  “how can you say that?” “how I can love her if I always mad at her?”

“the more you hate the more you love!”his mother said. “eomma I don’t believe in that saying.. there’s only one girl for me and that’s seonmi..” Kyuh said and smirk, he left his mom and went upstairs

“kyuh dear…you will forget seonmi soon!”his mom said




Why I feel this way? After what happen awhile back it makes me think of her more, but it hurts more. When I heared that Siwon stole her kiss my heart hurts, it was like stab by a knife many times. This is the first time I feel this way? I always want her attention to mine. Whats wrong with me. Do I like her? NO I CANT.

“OPPA!” Sulli shouted right infront of my ear

“OUCH!” while rubbing my ear

“yah why did you do that?” I ask

“why? you’re staring nowhere. I keep knocking at your door but you didn’t answer. I thought something bad happens that’s why I enter without your permission and saw you staring nowhere, I tried to get your attention by just waving my hand infront of you but still it doesn’t affect you that’s why I shout at your earJ” Sulli proudly said

“arraso you talk to much.need anything?”

“oh yeah Jessica eonnie called..”

“tell her Im not yet here..” I said and hid under my blanket.

“yah oppa didn’t I said “called”?she called 2hours ago so no need to over react..”

“oh good..” I said

“but..”she said. “but what?”

“she said don’t forget your date on Saturday”

“psh its not a date, she just beg me to go with her and buy some stuff and its 1week before aish why is she so excited?” I said irritated

“oppa are you now official?”

“no.”   “but why she call you “my donghae”?” she asked

“I dunno know..” I said

“I like her..” sulli said

“oh good you can have her..” I said

“not for me, for you!”

“well I don’t..”

“promise me oppa you’ll never hurt Jessica eonnie. And you two will be lovers soon!” sulli said. I just gave her a GO-OUT-OF-MY-ROOM-NOW LOOK..

Donghae’s mind *that’s one of the reason I cant like ____ because I know Jessica and her friends will do something bad to ____.by avoiding “whatever my feelings” for ____, I can protect her..





_____s POV

“______! Thank goodness you’re here!” Seohyun said. She hug me and look at my face. She sigh.

“aigoo your pretty face is ruin. Im gonna kill that old man..”she added. I just laugh

“where’s Kang-In oppa?”I asked. Then someone taps my shoulder.

“im here…” Kang-in oppa said.he also look at my face.

“tsk tsk tsk why you always get in danger?”he ask. I raise both of my shoulders indicating I don’t know.(A/n: I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE THE RAISING OF THE SHOULDERS OR WHATSOEVER..)

“_______ tell us what happen?” Seohyun said

“I’ll change firstJ” we don’t have lots of customers at that moment so I decided to tell them what happen since Seohyun is dying to know who is that guy who saved me. As I tell Kang-in and Seohyun they just listen and keeps nodding.

“ow the ending was like a fairytale.. Jthat Sungmin guy is sweet” Seohyun said

“he sure is.” I said

“you should tell him to come here sometimes so that we can thank him personally..” Kang-in oppa said

“nae ____ I would like to see him..” Seohyun said with a spark in her eyes

“yah Seohyun your having an interest with that guy?” Kaing-in oppa asked

“that’s ______ prince already…” he added.

“oppa I just take Sungmin as my friend…”I said

“oh right your prince is that Leeteuk guy isn’t he?you should invite the both of them here” I just smiled..

“arraso oppa and good news the three of us are studying in same school..” I said

“jinjja?your so lucky chingu..” seohyun said

“great. After all the bad lucks following you I cant believe there’s still good lucks at all..” Kang-in oppa teased. “ yah oppa..” I protested

“and they can also protect you to that evil kyuh..”seohyun was at it again

“Seohyun he is now nice and as a matter of fact he already apologize to what he have done to me..” I said. “jinjja?” Kang-in said

“ows?when? in your dreams?”

“anio, in real life.awhile back at school.and he’s serious he even cry(A/N: REFER TO CHAPTER 14)and asked me if we can start a new friendship..” I said

“everything can all just an act.” *aigoo Seohyun when will you trust Kyuh?*

“even if he cries and sincere?”

“well….”Seohyun said.. while me and Seohyun was having an argument with Kyuh, Kang-in oppa notice my wound in the knee

“____ is that also…”he said and pointed at my knee.

_____’s mind *I cant tell them that Kyuh did this especially to Seohyun, even if it was just an accident. Well I don’t know if it was. They’ll be angry again..

“ahh n..nae..” I said


After work Hangeng and Heechul oppas arrived to fetch me. I kiss them in their cheeks. Hangeng oppa ruffled my hair while Heechul oppa and me use our secret handshake..

“ready to go home ?” Hangeng oppa ask

“naeJ” I said with a big smile in my face

“take care chingu..”said Seohyun

“be careful you might trip or slip while walking.” Kang-in oppa teased me again. All of them laugh.

“Heechul oppa stop laughing..” I said and hit his arm

“ouch why only me?everyones laughing.” Heechul oppa asked

“yeah, but your laugh is the most teasing one” I said and  pouted

“arraso.we should go now before it gets late..” Heechul said.we bid goodbyes to Kang-in  and Seohyun.

We rode a bus. I sit in the middle of Heechul and Hangeng oppa. Heechul oppa was sitting at my left side while Hangeng is at my right side. I lie my head to Hangeng’s shoulder to take a short nap while Heechul oppa takes off his jacket and put it to me to make me warm since the weather is cold. . I feel so protected besides my loved ones, my oppas, friends and new friends. Hangeng oppa started to hum which causes me to fall asleep immediately.


“______-ah _____-ah! Wake up..” I rubbed my small brown eyes and opened it. Hangeng oppa is waking me up.. “lets eat”he said. I looked around and found myself in my room already..

“oppa we’re here?” I asked

“nae we tried to wake you up in the bus but we failed so we just decided to let you sleep.”

“but how?”  “ofcourse you was get carried..”

____’s mind *I hope they didn’t saw my wound*

“aigoo mianhe oppa..” I said

“not to me..” Hangeng oppa laugh. I gasp and give Hangeng oppa a YOU-DID-CARRY-ME-DID-YOU LOOK.

“hyung she piggyback you.so you should apologize to him ”he said.

“will he forgive me?” I ask worried

“relax he is sleeping now. He was so tired because your too heavy, so you have one night to think of a nice and acceptable apologization.for now lets eat.come on.”he said, gesturing me out of my room. I nodded and followed him outside. After eating I helped oppa to wash our dishes and I decided to watch TV before going again my dreamland.

“I’ll sleep first, you should too..”Hangeng oppa said

“nae oppa I’ll follow.annyonghi jumushipsiyoJ” I said

As soon as I switch on the TV the scene was 2lovers kissing O.O I immediately change the channel next one is a talk show. *this is better I guess* the host asked the guest artist “how do you guys feel when you have your first kiss?”*aish okay theres still better than this* I change the channel again and again and again and again.but again and again and again, no matter how many times I change the channel all I can watch was about KISS or FIRST KISS, the memory is coming back  T______T . aish even our television is teasing me. I switch off the TV and throw the remote at the sofa. I stand up and headed to my room I decided to sleep and FORGET OUR KISS AND I HOPE BY TOMORROW I CAN LONGER SEE OR HEAR ANYTHING CONCERNING KISS OR ELSE THEY’LL DIE T____T

---next day---

*yawn* I rubbed my eyes and opened it. I stretch my arms to make me feel better. The sun is shining brightly, I can hear the birds chirping, the fresh air touches my face..I can feel they’re wishing me goodluck this day. Well I hope bad luck will not follow me again! A new day, a new generation, so it means new life to start with. Everything will change from now on. I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom near our kitchen, oppas not yet awake. After taking a bath I went to my room and get dress and ready my things for school. I ponytail my hair and put a little amount of make up. When I step out of my room I found my oppas already in the table and waiting for me so that we can have our breakfast. I look at Heechul oppa who was staring at his plate, I hope he forgets what happen or just forgive me.

“good morning oppa.” I greeted them trying to smile. Hangeng oppa greeted me back but Heechul oppa don’t..

Im not looking at him but I can sense his looking at me and  giving me glares. Aigoo Im not yet done thinking on how to apologize to him or to make it clear I forgot to think on how to apologize T____T he will never accept a simple sorry… NEVER!! Aigoo what to do>.<

“Hangeng can you get the pain reliever there.” Heechul oppa ordered Hangeng

“here hyung..” Hangeng oppa said and handed to Heechul oppa the pain reliever

“Ouch, I need this to endure the PAIN OF MY BACK! It hurts here and here and also here T____T this will take such along time to get better.aigoo why am I suffering?” Heechul oppa complain emphasizing the PAIN OF HIS BACK

*yah I know he is acting..*


“yah Kim Heechul I know your acting.stop over reacting its disgusting..”I said and pouted

“Is that the way you apologize after I carry you. If you don’t know your very heavy, eh..” Heechul oppa said. Hangeng was just laughing secretly while watching his sister and brother.

“for your information Im thinking of a nice apology to you, but I just cant because I know you never accept a simple sorry..” I said

“good thing you knew it *evil laugh*”

*aish the laugh sounds like Kyuhs*

“now what you want me to do?” I asked getting nervous.he whispered it to my ear.

“MWO?theres no way Im gonna do that.are you crazy. NO!”

“uh uh uh.you need too”Heechul oppa said.I glared him.

“that’s no use!”He said and smirk

END OF ____’s POV



Do I need to go to school?aish I promise to hyungs that I will never cut class again.. do I need to face them?do I need to tell them what really happen?do I need to face her and donghae?do I need to apologize?do I need….?aaahh Im gonna collapse thinking of these.Im not yet ready to face her again.what if she tells everyone in the school?my image will be ruin.babo Choi Siwon, of all the girls why DOnghae’s girlfriend.if you wouldn’t kiss her this wouldn’t happen.this isn’t a problem at all. I wish she just disappear and my friends forget all of these..







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nice chaps. :)<br />
update more soon please~~<br />
LOL @ imaginedreamlove... yeah, who cares...ahaha, nice chappie<br />
I want more!! next chappie please :))
you went to SS3 in Manila?me too!!!It was a blast wasn't it?you're story has a lot of wrong grammars...but who cares?!it's so awesome!!!wow....I am so loving Heechul and Hangeng..they're so hot....kekeke...hwaiting!!
thisistina28 #4
hahaha .. :) nxt ..
No update? I guess your busy. Busy in Super Junior?Shinee? gah...i want update!!<br />
Taeyeon is love here but why is she older than Hyukjae? Oh well this is a fanfic so whatever happens is tolerable.
Taeyeon is <3
chiruhseven #7
@imaginedreamlove: ahihi yep youre right that hyuk is older than taeyeon and ur also right that in fanfic anything can happen.. lets just pretend that taeyeon is older than hyuk:)
noona?but isn't Hyukkie older than Taengoo?oh..well..it's a fanfic..anything can happen....taengoo's my best friend!yay!
heechul's sleeping figure just knocked down sleeping beauty!