Who Is She ? The Woman Named Nyx

Protect The Royal Wolves
Leeteuk POV
- iously on Protect The Royal Wolves - 
" Ok, I cannot force you into doing something you want to do but it would be a polite to thank her from you killing yourself ." I said
" Yes sir ." He said
" Imagine, if you did died today how would you face your wife ." I said
" Let her outta of it, I only did so I can be with her finally I miss her every single day of my life ." He said
" I know you do but this is not best way to do it Sungmin because I know Sa-eun wouldn't want this way at all if anything she want you to move on with your life ." I said
" Hyung ." He said softly
" Yeah ." I said as I made my way to the door
" I don't know how to move on without her ." He said
" Don't worry, you weren't never alone in this Sungmin you have us always ." I said
" Thank you hyung ." He said
" Now, if you do something stupid like that again I swear I'll your life a living hell for doing that to us ." I said
" Aye aye ." He said
I nodded as I left to the room to the living room because I need to relax after what just happened that damn is going give me a heart attack one day.
- The Present - 
Lynx POV
~ Dream ~
The sky was red as blood even the moon was red as blood I look around it’s abandoned there’s no one here except me but why ? What it is trying to tell to me. 
That’s key of this nightmare I walk around to see if I can find someone to see if they can what this place is. 
Cause this place is very creepy and unsettled which cause my fear to go off the charts in this place that I don’t even know at all. 
After walking around for a long time I finally come across a cloaked figure that stand just like a women dressed in cloak white and dress from head to toe.
I walk towards her but she raise her hand and stops me in my tracks. She looks at me in horror and maybe even sorrow but I’m scared wonder what she’s going to do to me. 
But there’s something there that makes relax at the same time but just there in fear is cowardly I won’t stand for it. 
I walk over to her and ripped the hood off her head but there’s something about her that is familiar.
The women is 5’5 with long jet black hair and her skin is pale but the funny thing is she’s is younger than me. She turns to face me when she does I see her eyes are black as the night and she smiles at me.
" I'm glad I found you ." She said
" May I ask, what is your name ?." I ask her
" I'm called many things ." She says
" Such as .” I said questionly
" Nyx, Goddess of The Night, Ruler of the night but I mostly go by Nyx  .” She says
" Ok I guess I’ll call you Nyx because calling you the Goddess of the night seems like a mouthful say all the time .” I said
" That is fine .” She said
 She sounds a lot older now. !
" Mind your tongue !! .” She snapped
" You can read my mind .” I said
" Yes .” She said
“ Ok but do you mind telling me where I’m at ?.” I ask nicely
“ This is place that you see now was once beautiful place that you ever see in you life but also this place you be visit more in our dreams and even me .” She said
“ Ok .” I said
“ Respect your elders .” She said
“ Yes Ma’am .” I said
“ That’s better .” She said
“ Can please hurry up because I start today .” I said nicely
“ Yes because I part my way as well I cannot stay any longer in this form .” She said
“ Why ?.” I ask
“ Cause it’s my energy it’s draining me I feel weaker every passing hour that we talked .” She says
“ Then this is goodbye for now .” I said
“ Yes for now and have a wonderful day and good luck you'll need it .” She says
“ Thank you and have a good rest .” I said
“ Thank you .” She said
Then it fade into the blackness.
- Reality -
I woke up in a cold sweat as I look around to found that I'm in unfamiliar room but then I see Donghae and Henry.
" You're awake now ! How do you feel ?." Donghae asked worringly
" Like I just got slapped as if I was back in the camps ." I said
They stood silence
" Can do me a favor ?." I asked them
" Sure ." Henry said
" Keep him away from me I don't want him near me ." I said softy
" Wae ?." I heard Leeteuk asked
" Because when he slapped me and sent me flying across the room before I knocked out I felt that fear again I do not want to feel that fear again ." I said
" Can least let him apologize ." Leeteuk said
" If he does it willingly but he doesn't want to and you cannot force someone to do it ." I said
" Yes, ma'am ." They said
" Good and I smell right now ." I said
" Ryeowook made you some seaweed soup ." Leeteuk said
" Oh, I heard that's delicious ." I said
Henry nodded
" Let's go ." I said
They helped outta of the bed and down the downstairs of their house but there's something I couldn't forget or least get off my mind was the nightmare or dream or whatever you want to call it. That woman, I couldn't get her outta of my mind plus there's something about as if I know her for a long yet I do not know her in anyway nor did not meet her so the question remains.
Who is she ?
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Nalani #1
No problem
Chapter 14: Wow please update soon..
Nalani #3
Ok, thanks for commenting the story
Chapter 11: Update soon