You embrace life

Little Things

There are 365 days in a year. You should never forget that, ever day is a new adventure. Even when we stay home and do nothing, we have done 

something. You grow up and you face the real world, crimes drugs . I’m glad to have experience one of those with you, because that's what

love is but, I know others tease you about it. It doesn't make you happy, and I’m sorry when the guys do it, I've told them to stop. You never live in the

past, it is fun to look at the memories but its even better to wait for whats coming, Life is like a train, ether you get off or hold on for the ride, either way it

keeps going. We will only regret what we don’t do, I have fears of not making a good example to fans or to disgracing my company. But if we fear to much

we could lose everything. One day if its bad, means nothing, it’s bad one day but the whole year isn't bad, is it? You have a smile everyday, and I hope

you never lose that smile, never forget why we live, why we are even together, this is our life and we should just deal with it, its a challenge that we were


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