
Her Mother's Necklace


Amber remembers the necklace that her mother had given her. She'd hidden it in a bureau drawer.
It was a little gift for someday in the future.
Amber wasn't sure what she'd tell her mother, really. Because here came the day. She was engaged to be married, and she was in love and the necklace, the beautiful old heirloom of a necklace sat in the bureau drawer for so long waiting for this moment. Her mother would scream. Amber pictured her mother screaming with excitement and telling everyone down the neighbourhood about her daughter getting married.
Her mother had a whole set of necklaces, and rings and earrings and even an old wedding dress just in case Amber wanted to go traditional.
Her mother would be happy. All mothers dream of this day when their little girl gets to walk down the aisle with her arm around a man's arm. In a pretty dress, and a beautifully made face.
Amber was looking forward to it, too. In her own way.
Her partner had screamed and cried and hugged her, and Amber had held her and cried, and cried. Today was the day when she would be just this inch closer to be legally binded to the one she loved. To forever live with the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She was serious about this one woman. This was the one for her, and nothing anyone else could say could make her see 'sense'.
Amber played around with the glistening ring on her finger while she waited for the phone to click.
She'd said her piece, and now it was only time for her mother's reaction. She waited, and waited.  There was a lengthy pause on the other end, and Amber was about to switch the whole thing off and never, ever face her mother again, when the woman who had birthed her to life spoke,
''when's the day?''
and Amber sighed in relief, as she and her mother talked animatedly about the big day for the rest of the evening with laughter and tears.
There was a lengthy pause on the other end. Amber didn't give up though, any minute her mother could come to life and everything could be fine.
Amber tried to picture that dream she had of her mother screaming with excitement, and the two laughing together, all giddy about the big day, but the image began to distort and disappear. The dream became what it was - but a dream.
Her mother had clicked off.
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VanessaLim #1
Congrats on getting the random feature of the day! I like how you subtly wrote the angst in this one shot!
Taehyung_95 #2
Chapter 1: Good chapter. Have fun Writing
Chapter 1: nice one! :)