Unsaid, Unheard

'I need to tell him soon. Before it's too late... I never wanted to fight with Namine....' Roxas sat beside Yuki. "hey, is everything okay? You seem a little upset..." Yuki shook her head. It would be too soon to tell him. "I was just thinking..." Roxas nodded his head, showing his understanding. "....Why do you have to protect me, Roxas?" Yuki tried to sound like she was a little angry. But Roxas didn't realize what she was trying to say. "To tell you the truth, I really want to keep you safe. It would hurt me to see you bleeding." Yuki stood up angrily. "I'm trying to tell you... I can fight for myself! You know I can fight!" Roxas nodded. "I know you can fight, but I guess it's just my excuse to stay by your side..." Yuki blushed. "really?" Yuki was so glad that he said that, but then she remembered about Namine. "Yuki, I love you."
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