
Midnight's Date
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Sena was on laying on her bed, for a late night reading. It was just another typical supernatural teens like her age reads. She was into it until she felt her phone vibrating. She looks at her side table, before reaching for her phone. The caller ID makes her lips curve into a small smile before she answers it. “Hello?” her voice differ from her smiling lips.


“Hey…” she repeats after him. The boy chuckled. “Did I interrupt your sleeping?” he asked after that.

Sena shakes her head. “No… I’m not sleeping, yet. Why?” she put down the book next to her, as she lean more to her pillow, listening to his breathing.

“Come out to the window then,”

Sena’s eyes widen in shocked. “Kim Seokjin, what have you done this time?” her body sit up in tense…knowing that he was outside somewhere around the house.

She could almost feel him grins from the other line. “Nothing much…” he breathes before he adds. “Come out…” he said.

Sena jump out of her bed, but quickly stop at halt before turning around to look at her sister. She was soundlessly sleeping. She breathes out before she skids to the window, opening the easel before she pushes it outward. Outside of their home was nothing but the big lawn and tall brick walls which covered by molds and the small amount of light. She squint her eyes until she saw a small light lit up, waving at her. Jin’s phone…

“What the hell are you doing? You could have got caught,” she hissed.

“Not if you come out to see me first…”

“Jin… it’s already pass midnight. Do you have a death wish?” she asked.

“Kind off…come on out… I want to see you,” he didn’t sound like he would care even if he could get caught by the security. All he wants is here…Sena.


“Please… I can’t sleep…” he whispered. His voice sounds weak and vulnerable. It’s not like Sena didn’t notice it…Jin seems like he had trouble of falling asleep and because of that, he almost doze off most of the time during classes. When they were alone, he would use her thigh as his pillow as he tries to catch up some sleep he knew he couldn’t earn when the nightfall comes.

“Hold up…” she walk to her study table, where her sweater was before she sip into it and stealing one last glance at her sister sleeping form making sure she was still in her dreamland before she slowly leave the room. Outside, tiptoeing, she could see that the hallway was empty before she skids to the stair case and heads to the French door not far from the hallway. She closed the door behind her while cringing over, afraid that European door might produce the creaking sounds that might awake the whole house.

She quickly took the hems of her sweater, bringing over before zipping up and let her hands rest inside the pockets…it was damn cold she thoughts. The small gate next to the semi automatic gate was locked during the night and she took a risk bringing the key with her, in case someone decided to check on security and left her locked outside.

When she comes out, Jin was there, standing in front of the door gate, hands also in his sweater. Jin’s hoodie was hood over his head, protecting his face from being seen. His fringe settles around his forehead, sometimes she felt that it’s going to poke into his eyes if he didn’t move them aside. He was smiling. Sena scowled.

“What do you want?” her voice sternly asked.

“A walk… I can’t sleep…”he shrugged.

“For real?” she looked at him in disbelief. The boy nods before she starts scowling at him.

Jin scoffed, typical Sena he thought. He offers his arm to her, asking her to hold it. Sena grunts before she hooks her hand to his arm before Jin laughed abruptly as they start walking down the lane toward the so not empty street. “Why are you doing this? Can we just do this tomorrow after school?” she asked.

“I can’t. Dad wants me in after school. The only free time I had to see you are around this time,” he said as he led them toward the pedestrian, crossing over to the other side, where the shops and convenient stores are.

Sena face’s uptight. His father is not an abusive type but he likes to force his son to his own way. Jin might be a mogul’s heir but his life is stuck in the cage, following his elder around like a puppet and if he broke one of those rules, the cause is severe. He might not be able to see the daylight anymore but he took the risk when he put a deal with her. It’s the deal that they end up changing into this.

Sena would always ask herself, why her? He could get any women to fill the gap but instead he chooses to be in a serious relationship with her, the enemy of the family. “Earth to Sena…” she didn’t even realize when they arrived at the convenient store. She frowns. “What are we doing here?” she asked as she looks around.

“I’m hungry. Come on,” he took out his hand, sliding it down to grab her hand before they both enter the convenient store.

Sena looked at him in panic. She’s been there for few times and it somehow scares her if the cashier kid would recognize them the moment they walk in. This is the first time she went out in the middle of the night without telling someone. What if the kid knew her father and tells him? “Hey Jin hyung…”

Sena turn to her side, staring at him. It was no other than Kim Namjoon, their junior. She stared at him for quite sometimes. “Did your family go broke?” she blurted.

Jin and Namjoon chortle at her bluntness. “No… I don’t think so…not in few hundred years…” he said.

“He run away from home,” Jin told her as he let go of her hand and went to the shelves.

Sena gawked at them. “R-run away?” she asked in disbelief.

Namjoon shrugged. “I’m breaking the terror to my family at this moment. Scare them a little,” he smirked.

Sena could decipher what he meant by breaking terror to his family. There might be something that Namjoon wants that his parents didn’t let him too. To be honest, all of them don’t have much choice but to follow their elders’ words. It would be a lie if you say you could survive without them… they would do anything to make you crawl back to them.

“He wants to be a rapper instead of inheriting the company,” Jin’s head appear from the shelves he was standing before he dug back into searching something that suit to his taste. “Do you want some ramyun too?” he asked, or more like muttering.

Again, she gaped. “That’s cool…Jaehyun is also considering to further his study in music instead to business school,” she said before she turn around looking for her boyfriend. “No… just tea,” she said.

Jin snort from the shelves. Tea…in convenient store, he could only shake his head as he heads up toward the beverages side. He looked around for the similar thing that she wants and Ice lemon tea for Sena and a soda for him.

Namjoon stared at her in wide eyes. “Really…and your parents didn’t stop him?” his face has a surprise expression display on it.

Sena shook her head. “My parents wasn’t really a pushover… they thought we ought to have something that we like to do instead of sitting in a big office, lonely and regret that we didn’t do what we want first,”

“That means he’s still obliged to take over the company right?”

“Not really… they pretty much open with what we want to do…as long as it didn’t cause us any harm,” Sena’s head bobs up and down along the way.

“Man…I should have swap parents with you… your parents sound awesome,” Namjoon said smiling.

Sena could help but to smile as well. This boy’s smile is pretty contagious. Jin came back with a cup of instant noodles and two cans of beverages. “Too bad we’re born into that black hole kind of family,” he said as the put them all on the counter, letting Namjoon do what he do…work. He scan all the items while continue to chat with his customers slash friend and the friend’s girlfriend.

The boy snorts. “Black hole indeed. Five dollars,” he said after he done.

Jin hand over his card and Namjoon took it before he flash it to the machine and return it with a receipt. “Thank you for buying,” he chirped with his nostril flares.

Jin couldn

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Chapter 1: No kidding, it's a good story....
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