
Jars Of Stars

“You Promised Me. I pay you just for this?! You haven't done your job well enough Doctor! Find a cure for my daughter. ” The coldness in her voice took the doctor by surprised. “ I’m sorry... Mam. There is nothing I.. I mean nothing we can no longer do.” he replied shuddering. “ How long do I have?” I asked quietly. I felt my mother's glare. “ 6 months at most.” he replied. I smiled towards him. “Thank you." I stated. "Thank you for trying your best to find a cure for me.” I plastered another smiled before walking out the room. My mom silently followed me to the car. The silence between us was unbreathable. I took a deep breath, “Mom…” I was cut off quickly. “Save it. I don't want to hear anything” I bit my lip. I was going to die and she still treated me like nothing. As we got home I opened the front door and just went to my room. As I jumped on the bed, my phone rang. “ Hey” I answered quietly. “ Ji Eun?! Why did you leave school early! You let me walk home alone! How could you!!!” Realizing who it was, I changed my tone. “ My mom picked me up to go to her doctor's appointment with her.” I lied. I glanced at my mirror. “ Is your mom okay? Did Something happen?” I let my tears fall as reality hit me. " Just the usual check up!” I replied a little too quickly. “ Oh. Hey are you okay? Your voice is lower than usual?" I wiped my tears and took a deep breath." Yea of course. Just kinda tired." " Well feel better because I have something to tell you! Meet me at the park in 10 minutes.” The line went dead before I could answer. This person was crazy sometimes. I grabbed my jacket and walked out of my room. “ Mom, I’m going to meet Chanyeol at the park.” There was no reply. I gave up a sign as I closed the front door and started walking towards the park. It was only a couple blocks away from my house, a 5 minute walk. As usual, I was the first one there. I sat on the swing and started pushing myself. Was I going to tell him? “ Ji Eun!” I turned around to see him running towards me. That crazy boy running towards me, is my best friend Park Chanyeol. “ Ji Eun! Ji Eun!” He kept screaming with that smile of his. I just smirked knowing he was going to trip soon.“ Ji...” *BAM* I laughed. I was right he did trip, landed flat on his face! I walked towards him with my hands in my pockets, “ Clumsy…” I mocked “Be quiet!” He snapped while dusting dirt off of him. He looked up and locked eyes with me.  “ Are you okay? You’re really pale.” he asked. " I'm fine." I answered adding a smile. “Hey Chanyeol..I have something to tell you..” He looked at me with those big eyes of his. Looking into his eyes made me forget everything. “What? What do you need to tell me?” I shook my head. “Never mind. It could wait. So what were you so happy about?!” He started squealing like a little girl. “Eun Hee said yes!!!!!" My eyes widen. "It's official! Me and Eun Hee are Dating!!!! Isn't that amazing!" It felt like time stopped, and I was the only one not able to move. Tears started forming in my eyes. "Uhhh.... I guess..." I smiled weakly. He suddenly picked me up and spinned me around. "Thanks to you she said yes!!!! Thank you Ji Eun!!!" He squeezed me tightly. *BEEP BEEP* He let go and took out his phone "Our first date is tonight..." He smiled brightly. "I'm sorry, I'm going to be going first! I'll see you at school! " he hugged me before running off. I looked up to see raindrops falling down. I slowly walked home, My tears mixing in with the rain. I opened the front door drenched from the rain. Like always, mother was gone. She had only come home due to the fact that the doctor had news for us. I closed the door and locked it. I kicked off my shoes and let my body go. Like a drunk man I swayed back and forth while walking. After blasting on Super Junior. Our favorite band, I settled on my bed. I look at my wall that I was facing. It was filled witch pictures. Pictures of me and Chanyeol. From tiny toddlers to now. We had so much memories. I remembered when he pushed the kid down the slide because he was calling me names. The time when it was raining and he ran all the way to the store just to buy one for me. I laughed silently. Just last week he gave me his jacket because I was shivering. I tightly hugged the pillow and turned the other way. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the music. Even with the music blasting, I was still able to hear my own heart shattering.

Month 1

I was reading a book until Chanyeol came and slammed it shut. I looked up and glared at him " Ji Eun! I'm sorry!!!! Eun Hee and I went to watch a movie and I forgot about our..” I rolled my eyes. "It's okay... It was nothing. Just be quiet and let me read.” Now that he was here, I was distracted by what happened yesterday. I was planning to tell him about me however he left me waiting in the cold for hours! He pouted before sitting in his seat, next to mine. "Ji Eun, I'm bored!" I turned and faced the other way. "Talk to me!!!!" I slammed my book shut and turned around. "Fine! What do you want to talk about!" I snapped. He just smiled that stupid smile of his. "I need help! " I rolled my eyes. "With" I questioned. "Girls! Eun Hee?! I don't know what she likes, And it's been a month!" I shook my head and opened my book again, “What am I supposed to know! You’re her boyfriend!” It was like I stabbed myself. I closed my eyes tightly, fighting the tears. "Well, I don't want to ask! It's awkward!" I turned and faced him. “Flowers? Girls like flowers. Jewelry. They like that too.” I signed flipping through pages. “Really? Thank you so much!” He pulled me into a tight hug. “I'm gonna go find Eun Hee! See you later!” I watched him run out of the room like an idiot. I smiled bitterly to myself. “Girls also like your attention... But I guess, only certain girls are special enough to receive it.”

Month 2

My mother and I sat in the Doctor's office. He walked in with files in his hands. As he sat down he gave up a big sign. "I'm sorry Ji Eun, your results came back false. It is getting worse. I'm afraid you are going to have to come stay at the hospital soon. It would be easier for us to treat you in a way you won't be in pain." My mom tightly held on to her seat. I wasn't able to read her expression. “We will do what we have to do.” With that she left the office. I scoffed. No questions on when? What we should do to help me. Nothing. “Your mom cares for you deeply. I know what it's like being a parent. It hard, especially when you find out your child is dying..” He stated. I looked up and locked eyes with him. “Did you ever leave your child alone for months? Leave them alone and let them suffer alone when they had just lost one of their parents.?” Everything bitterness thing I held deep inside was finally let loose. I mean, I was going to die anyways. So why not? “Have you ever let your child starve? Forget to pick them up at school when it was storming.” I bit my lip as tears fell. “Did you ever find out your child was dying and still didn't give any lack of affection? Try to figure out how to help her?” I stood up and smiled weekly. “Sorry but.. Someone like that. I don't see as a mother nor someone caring.”

Month 3

I was in class, taking down the notes our teacher assigned. "So, How is it with you and Chanyeol?" My ears perked up. "Chanyeol? Oh my boyfriend! Okay I guess." I heard a small laugh. "Come on Eun Hee, do you even like him" "Chanyeol is a sweet guy he buys me everything I want and does everything I want. He is useful. However he is kinda boring. Always wanting to hangout. He never leaves my side. Ugh. It's annoying. He is like a little puppy always following me around. I'm going to break up with him sooner or later.” My heart started racing. She was using him this whole time? She never even loved him? I got up from my chair and turned around to face them "What.. What did you just say?" Eun Hee looked up and glared. "Well, I see that someone have been snooping on our conversation! Seems like you're just like your friend. Both dog mannered.” Everyone around started laughing like it was the greatest joke on this planet. "Shut Up!" I snapped with the same level of ice "What you just said. Is it true? " She looked at her nails. "Oh no! My nail chipped" I tightened my fist. "Answer me!" I growled. She signed, looking at her nails again. "If I say yes, what will you do?!" She smirked as the bell rung, everyone stayed in their seats waiting for what to happen next. Suddenly someone flew their arm over my shoulder. I turned my head as he smiled down on me. “What's for Lunch today. I'm hungry.” He laughed while pulling me out of the room. I pushed him away and glared at him. “ Look! I was going to knock some sense into her..” He smile towards at me. "I'm surprised she stayed with him this long!" He smirked "What do you mean?!" I raised one of my eyebrows. "She can't last a day with a single guy. What we call homie hopper. Yea She is hot and all but, not my style. " I glared at him before walking away. “Wait Up!” He grabbed my arm and made me face him. "Look Jackson, I don't need you to assist me! I'm fine" I barked. He smiled brightly. “You finally said my name.” I rolled my eyes before walking again. "Look, since we go to the same school, my dad told me to keep an eye on you." "I don't need a babysitter, Yes I know, your dad is my doctor… However I'm still okay for now. " "Look, I've been with you for a week now. From the day we met to now you have become really pale along with dark eye bags! You're like a panda. You also lose like 100 pounds each minute so.. ” I slapped his arm "OW!" I glared at him. “ Look. Okay sorry. I may be incredibly handsome and too good for you however. But You do need someone to look after you. What if you suddenly faint somewhere. Mr. What's his face isn't going to be there, he is too busy with his Barbie doll girlfriend.” I smiled at his last comment. “See? You need someone like me to make your time go by faster. And not be a loner until you Kick the bucket.” I turned and glared at him. “Sorry, too far?” I turned and walked away. “Hey look. I'm sorry! I didn't mean it in any way or harm.” I scoffed, “ Yeah Yeah, just like how we call fat people fat. You telling a person who is dying that they are dying. I know that. I've been told that by the hospital millions of times. So you don't have to go around stating what everyone already knows!” I snapped as tears escaped. “ I'm dying and I can't do anything about it. I love my Bestfriend and I can't do anything about it. I suffer each day living.. And right now I am waiting for the day when I do kick the bucket.”

Month 4

As Chanyeol spent more time with Eun Hee, I spent more time with Jackson. He was one obnoxious person, however I got over it. He was pretty cool. He was there for me when no one wasn't. He knew what was going to happen to me, however continue to act like it was nothing. He was all about YOLO and live life to the fullest. “ So when are you planning to tell him?” Jackson asked. “I’m not.” I replied “ Why not? He deserves to know doesn’t he? He is your best friend.” I signed. “ I tried and wanted too. But he left me in the cold for hours. Plus he is too caught up with Eun Hee right now.“ Jackson Signed. “ I still think you should tell him.” I kept quiet. “He is your best friend. Yea he has a girlfriend, that doesn't mean he still won't care about you.” I continued walking. “ My Dad says you should meet him tomorrow, after school.”. I nodded as I walked into my next class. “I’ll see you at lunch” He smiled.


I was sitting in class, staring blankly at the wall. Suddenly everything got blurry, my head was suffocating as if someone was crushing it. Breathing was starting to become hard as I stormed up and gasped for air. "Ji Eun?!" I closed my eyes tightly while holding my stomach as I started feeling like vomiting. I opened my eyes and breathed loudly. Slowly everything was going back to normal and my vision was starting to be clear again. Everyone eyes were on me."Ji Eun? Are you alright? Would you like to go to the nurse?” I stared at my teacher. “ Ji Eun? Are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere?” I turned my head to see Chanyeol. A smile of relief appeared. He finally talked to me again, it's been days since we last spoke to each other. I apologized to the teacher for the interruption. I sat down again realizing Chanyeol was still looking at me. "I'm fine, just sick. Took medicine already" Stating quickly. He put his palm on my forehead. "You’re burning up. Hey, I'll walk you home today!" My eyes widen. “No! I mean.. It's okay. I'm fine. Just go with Eun..” His eyes widen as his eyes rolled up and down my body. “ Ji Eun..? When did you loses of much weight? Your shirt is so big on you..Are you fasting again?!” He snapped quietly. I chuckled to myself. He was finally noticing me. I shook my head no. “ Eun Hee has Practice anyway. I'll walk you home.” Before I could fight it off the bell rung. I walk out of the class to see Jackson waiting. “Ready to go, I'm feeling Cheese Ramen. Want some?” He smiled. “Actually. Chanyeol offered to walk me home..” I stated. His eyes widen. “ Really?! Are you gonna tell him?!” He jumped. I shook my head. “ Why not? You're going to disappear one day and he won't know why.” Jackson nagged. I smiled weakly. “I want it that way.”


As school ended, Chanyeol kept his promise, he was walking me home " What are you doing here?" I asked forgetting everything that happened before. *As time slowly passes be. You will start to forget things. From small details like what you eat to things most important to you.* “I said I was walking you home didn't I! Why you don't want me too?" He pouted. "No.. It's just that you always ditch me at last minute.” "I'm sorry, it's just that I really like Eun Hee! And I want to get closer to her and give her everything she deserves..." I closed my eyes tightly praying the tears will go away. *If only you knew the truth.* It was awkwardly quiet while we were walking "Ji Eun. Something has been bothering me.” He stated. It was calm before a storm. “Eun Hee told me you had a misunderstanding of her. She said she was really shocked and hurt by it." He looked at me for a reaction, but I just kept a poker face on. "Mmm-Hmm" I murmured. I kept looking at the ground "She told me you were yelling at her, and said some stuff. Even her friends agreed it was over dramatic." He stopped walking, but I just kept on going. He jogged over after realizing I was not with him. "Aren’t you going to tell me why?" *She doesn't even love you. She is just using you.* We continued to walk in silence. His outburst shocked me. "Look, I don't know what the problem between you two, but from what Eun Hee says, it's clearly your fault! So can you just apologize to her. " He blurted. "So this is what all this of this is about?" I asked coldly. He stepped back. "What?" I turned to face him. “You didn't even dare to at me look or say anything to me because of this.” I scoffed. "I'm not going to apologize since it's not my fault." I snapped. " Stop being such a brat. Let go of your pride and just apologize." “ For What? What did I do wrong?" “Eun Hee came crying to me. Said you called her fake and a . I don't know and I don't care what happen. Just apologize. Be the bigger person”. My mouth hung open. He was really under her spell. Suddenly a screeching voice was behind us, I hated it. "CHANYEOL!" She suddenly hugged him, just like a little girl when she received a teddy bear. “Practiced ended earlier so I decided to look for you.” She smiled. When she realized I was there she backed off. "Oh, Ji Eun. Hi. " She plastered a smile. She changed her expression, Her expression was weird, it was somewhat sad. "Hey, I'm sorry about that one day. " She signed "It's not her fault yet she apologized. Bigger and better person." Chanyeol stated. "You Didn't even hear my side of the story and yet you believe her!” I let out a sigh of disbelief. He continued to stare at me. "I'm sorry!” I barked. I glared at him before turning to walk home. “Ji Eun? Wait..” “ Forget it. I can walk myself home.” I turned around not facing them, but at the edge of my eyes, I saw Eun Hee smirk. 


"Hey wait up!" I turned around to see Chanyeol the giant panting towards me. "You didn't come to school for the past few days, you didn't pick up my calls, you didnt reply to any of my text messages!" I nodded opening my locker. "I got worried.... and concerned." He stated. "I'm fine, Just sick” "You've been sick quite often, are you okay now." "I have a check up later…” I stated while putting my books in my locker. "I'll go with you!" "Uhh...." "I'm going! " He snapped. I saw Jackson from the corner of my eyes. “Got to go, see ya.” I stated quickly as I ran towards Jackson and held his arm. “Woah. Slow down there Panda. I know you love me but please control yourself.” I punched his stomach. “Okay. Ow. Wow. You are a lot stronger than you look.” I smirked. “What should I do? Chanyeol wants to go my appointment with me.” His eyes widen. “Really?! Like for real?! Take him with you! And tell him about you and your situation.” I bit my lip not knowing what to do. Jackson put his hands on my shoulder,  “Look. Just do it. You don't have a lot of time life, and Chanyeol seems very important to you. So tell him what's going on and if he doesn't accept it. I'll make sure he is at heaven's gate with you.” I chuckled. “You're right, I should tell him. I'm going to tell him everything.” I smiled. “Starting with Eun Hee.. Than To me..”


It was dark when the appointment ended. Chanyeol decided to walk me home. "Do you love Eun Hee?" He shrugged "Yeah" Suddenly tiny little drops fell on our heads. "Look it's rainy" I smiled weakly. We walked under the playground shelter. "Why do you ask" he signed. "Do you remember when I said I had a crush on someone?" "Yea, Who is he?" *It seems like you will have to come in sooner than we thought. Your attacks are getting worse and will start happening more often. You will start to feel stomach pains and will cause you to pass out or bleed from your eyes and your nose. I will have Jackson arrange everything for you at school, you must stay in the hospital starting today.* I smiled to myself "You." He stared at me, with disbelief in his eyes. "What?!” "I like you" I smiled weakly sticking my hand out to the rain. "But, But I'm your best friend!” I chuckled quietly. “Chill, I was just joking around. "I smiled weakly. I held my fist tightly. "Sometimes, things doesn't go as you want it to be" He kept quiet, while I kept ranting. Just like old times, however this time. I was the one ranting, he was listening. "I know stuff, you don't know" I signed wiping my wet palm. “Such as?” “There are people who won't be able to see Tomorrow. " I said softly *Like me* “And people who are being used by the people they love.” He looked at me with confusion. "What are you trying to say?" I kept quiet For a couple minutes "Would you believe me, If I said Eun Hee didn't love you. She was just using you?!" His eyes widen. “Wait. What?!” "You know that misunderstanding, I overheard her talking about you with her friends." Chanyeol curled his fist. I turned to face him. "Don't continue! " he barked. "A friend was asking to see if she loved you or not" "Shut up!" He said shakily "You know what she said." "No! I don't So stop!” "She is just using with you, and she never loved you in the first place!" "Shut up!" He exploded. The final bomb had hit him, and it caused great damage. I laughed weakly. It was everything I expected, and it wasn't even over yet. "Is this some kind of joke to you? This is not funny okay?!” He snapped. "I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, but you didn't give me the chance…You don't even believe in what I'm saying.” He glared down at me. "Of course I wouldn't! How would you feel if someone was talking bad about your boyfriend or someone you loved!” "I had to tell you". *Or I would have forgotten.* "You know what, forget this! I'm going home! " He snapped. I followed him towards the street. I grabbed his arms pulling him back. “Chanyeol! You didn't let me finish.” He harshly pulled away. “I didn't know you were this kind of person" He sneered. I bit my lip staring at him. “Chanyeol.. I have to tell you something else.” “What? That Eun Hee is ing someone? That she is making out with her ex?” My eyes widen. "I can't believe I was best friends with someone like you.” His words hit my like knives. “What..?” I started shaking. “Chanyeol.. It's not that.. I'm going to… Chanyeol I'm.. It's hard to explain.” I shuddered. “Just Stop.” My eyes were starting to get blurry. “I didn't even..” “Forget it. I'm done with you." Tears escape my eyes. I tighten my fist. *Do what you need to do and get what you need to get. You won't be able to get out of the hospital for this time being until we find a way for you to live longer.* I grabbed his arm once again. The rain was able to mix with my tears, they were invisible. "Chanyeol, I don't care what you think of me...But I wanted you to know, whether you believe or not. And when it happens… Just remember that I told you so.” He scoffed. “Don't worry. I will.” I bit my lip as more tears fell. *Chanyeol..I'm going to die soon. So Please don't walk away from me..* “Can you do me a favor." The opposite light signaled it was time to cross. *Please don't push me away.. Please stay with me…* "Do Eun Hee and I a favor.” My heart stopped beating, from the fear of what he was going to say next. “Go away. I don't want to see your face again..." With that he turned his back against me and ran across the street. “Chanyeol?!” I attempted to run after him, but the racing cars stopped me. I waited for the signal to change before I ran after him. But he was long gone. I closed my eyes tightly as tears fell. I tightened my fist until they turned purple. I slowly started walking back. My mind was empty as I walked with a blurring vision. My head was spinning and my stomach was turning. But it felt like nothing. There was no feeling of pain. Suddenly someone let out a horrific scream. I turned towards the convenience store to see my reflection. I was crying blood. 

Month 5

I called Jackson that night. Telling him about my situation, he immediately came for me. Jackson found me on the ground knocked out cold. His father said it was because I used up too much energy by crying and I was stressed. I stared blankly down at the floor. I felt weak and lifeless. I wasn't able move anymore. I looked in the mirror to see a pale, 17 year old girl lying in the hospital slowly dying as time passes by. The nurse came in with my lunch. “ Here’s your food…” she smiled. “ You can set it on the table….. I’m not hungry.” She smiled once again and set it on the counter that was by my bed. “ Wait…” I said weakly. I stopped her before she was out the door. “ Can you please give that jar to a boy name Chanyeol.. If he ever comes and looks for me.. He is a tall giant..” I pointed to the picture frame, “ And looks like that.”
She grabbed the jar by the frame and smiled. “ Sure Honey….” I looked at the picture set up in front of me, He was laughing at me. “ Keep that smile up Chanyeol…” A tear ran down my face. “ Because I'm fulfilling your favor..”

Henry POV

It’s been a month since I last seen Ji Eun, I miss her! I miss her a lot. I was so stupid, I
shouldn’t have said those words to her, they were too harsh. Even for a tough girl like her, I was her Best friend, she only had me! I gave up a big sign, Ji Eun was right also. I confronted Eun Hee, everything Ji Eun said came out of Eun Hee mouth. My leg was shaking in class. It's been 2 weeks since I last saw her. The seat next to mine was cold and empty. *Go away. I don't want to see your face again* She didn't take my words seriously, right? I immediately stood up when the bell rung. Unlike everyone else I was greeted by a fist. I looked up to see the guy who hung around Ji Eun. “Pathetic Loser… Now I understand why she didn't tell you. You really didn't give two s about her.” His eyes were glaring red. His hair was messy and uncombed. It looked like he was crying for hours. “What do you mean..” I snapped. He just scoffed. “ You just lost two important people, your ex Eun Hee and your Friend Ji Eun. One loved and cared for you more than the other.. However. One is going to lose her life soon. How sad is that..?” My eyes widen as I grabbed his collar. “What do you mean she is going to lose her life…?” He smirked and rolled his eyes. “You didn't know? While you wasted your time loving someone who didn't love you back. The person who loved you was slowly and painfully dying.”


I walked into the room. Ji Eun was lying on the bed, not moving an inch. She was as white as the blanket that covered her. I fell on my knees and grabbed her hands. They were cold as ice. This once warm body, was now ice cold. “ Ji Eun….” I whispered. *We pulled the plug on Ji Eun, she wanted to stop suffering. Her mother agreed to let this happen. We all wanted her to not suffer from the unbearable pain.* “Stop joking around and wake up..” I cried. I looked in her hand to see her holding a picture frame. I slowly pulled it out of her grasp. I laughed at myself. This was when I caked her for her 17th birthday. I was such a horrible friend, when she needed me most, I wasn't there once. I said all those harsh words, letting her leave with them. I never got to apologize, I never got to tell her how much I loved and cared about her. I held her hands tightly. I turned my head as the door opened. A nurse came in with something in her hands.
“Are you Chanyeol?” I nodded while wiping my tears. She smiled and handed me a jar full of colorful paper stars. “Ji Eun told me to give you this…”


I shakily took the lid off of the jar, inside was a scrolled piece of paper:

Chanyeol, if you’re reading this, then you must know that i’m no longer here. I’m sorry that I kept my sickness away from you, I didn’t want you to worry about me. Try unraveling every star in this jar. There’s a message in each one for you. But open the black one last okay? I want you to read it after you finish reading everything else.
~ Love Your best Friend Ji Eun

I looked into the jar, there was only 1 black star. Black was her favorite color. I picked it out and set it aside. I randomly picked one up “ I wish for Chanyeol to know how much I missed him” I decided to blast my music. After blasting Super Junior, Our favorite band, I settled on my bed. I picked up another one “I wish for Chanyeol to know that I forgive him for everything he said” My eyes were starting to getting watery. “I want Chanyeol to study hard so he can achieve his dream.” I smiled weakly. “I want Chanyeol to eat well so he won’t get sick” “ I wish for Chanyeol to find a girl who would love him more than he loves himself’ I laughed to myself.  “ I wish that Chanyeol will never be sad” “ I wish that Chanyeol knows how much I cherish him and how grateful I am to have him as a friend” Hours past, and I finally got down to the last stars remaining. “I wish I wasn't sick” “ I wish I could be alive to see Chanyeol again” I smiled bitterly as my tears fell. I was finally down to the last one, the black one. My shaky hands picked it up and slowly unraveled it. It was bigger than the others.

“If I had a star every time you brighten my day,
I would have a galaxy in my hand”

I chuckled at her cheap pick up line. I looked at the bottom of the paper. My eyes blurred with tears instantly. Even with the music blasting, I was still able to hear my own heart shattering.

“ I wish to tell Chanyeol that I love him….”


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acampos13 #1
Chapter 1: In ing tears this was amazing
Chapter 1: Beautiful. You make me cry. I live this story and you did great