Digging with Yeorum (Summer)

Not Everything is About Summer

The announcer calls an emergency at a specific section of the hospital, while there are two teens in the corridor, waiting for the doctor to come out from Chanyeol’s room. Out of the blue, Kris kisses Shen’s fist again and a nurse accidentally witnesses that violence. Her scene is short since Shen shoos her away with her intimidating aura.

"Honestly, this happened before, didn't it?" He is bewildered what Shen is talking about but if he does not reply, he knows there will be another blow on his face.

“What do you mean?” That is not a safe answer but he cannot assume a yes or a no since he does not really know what she meant.

Her flaring eyes continue to ignite and she scoffs. “I know Chanyeol more than you know him. It’s a mistake to entrust him to you.” It hurts, but Kris accepts that he deserves her merciless comment.

“Where’s the guardian of the patient?” Finally, the doctor comes out and the blond wounded teen cannot think of an appropriate answer.

“It’s sad to say but his parents are unable to come due to their schedules. I will relay whatever findings you have for my friend to them though.” Shen manages to say but Kris sees it as a suicide. They cannot tell this to Chanyeol’s parent, making him reacts violently. Shen kills it, signaling him with her expression that there’s nothing to worry about.

“Sorry, I’m late.” An adult in blue coat approaches the party and Kris is certain this person is not Chanyeol’s father, the president. He is in his thirties, younger than the other physician but they have the same formality. “I am Mr. Kris Wu’s personal doctor for Chanyeol and he called me, saying there’s an emergency.”

“It must be tough going all the way here from your residency. These kids said that they’re from Seoul.”

“Indeed, we’re from the capital. By the way, I’m Lee Dong Wook.” The younger doctor reaches his hand.

“Shin Sung Woo.” The older one accepted. In that moment, Shen releases a weird noise, a muffled squeal. She must have noticed the weird look Kris gives her so she readies an explanation.

“They look like the real deal? Don’t you notice?” The blond responds with a dismissive shake of head, making the only girl hisses.

“How’s Mr. Park?” Dr. Lee asks, looking at Kris and surprised, must be due to his broken lips. His attention is taken again when the other doctor sighs.

“We better talk about him in my office.”

“Sure, can we bring the kids? I’m sure they want to hear their friend’s condition and I have some things to ask them as well.” The stern look of this young physician and his request stiffens Kris and so as his female companion. The older doctor seems not to mind agreeing to him.

They proceed to the doctor’s office and sit on each chair in front of his table. Dr. Shin invites a nurse to treat Kris’ wound. While the woman cleans him, the doctors choose to stand discussing Chanyeol’s condition. There are lot of medical terms in their conversation that Shen obviously cannot comprehend. Kris doesn’t understand it either but he does not need to show how puzzled he is since Shen does it for him. However, there’s a term that they keep on repeating that triggers Shen’s curiosity and asks it like she is inside the classroom with her hand raising.

“Doctors, what is vegetative state?” Her brows are creepily moving in different direction, making both professionals slightly astound.

“That means a person is awake at times but lacking of awareness cause by accident or trauma,” answers by Dr. Shin. Magically (Kris thinks that’s the best word to describe it), it appears below their view that as if he is watching a drama or show on TV. “If Park Chanyeol continues in this condition for four weeks, he will be in persistent stage and we will have a small chance to have him back.”

Shen can have Kris slammed on the wall, blaming him, screaming “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”, dramatic music plays on the background. But the girl disappoints him as she simply sits on her seat with calmness. That is so unexpected to this girl named Shen Yeorum — but why is he expecting a painful response from her anyway?

“Dr. Shin, I know this is too much, but Park Chanyeol is my patient so I will take over.” Dr. Lee says. “Mr. Wu made a good decision to call me because the patient have a special case. I know this is not my hospital and you are in charge since neurology is your specialization, but Chanyeol is in my care before you guys have him.”

“I understand.” Dr. Shin says without showing any hard feelings. “Since you’re the patient’s psychiatrist, I’ll let you lead this case but of course I’ll help you out in terms of his brain condition.”

“I do appreciate that, Dr. Shin. Let Mr. Wu handle the financial issues.”

“Alright, Dr. Lee.” The doctors once again shake hands and the grin on their lips annoys Kris. Their expression clearly states that money is not an issue. That is nice of them, the blond teen thinks sarcastically.




There is a vacant office in the hospital that Dr. Lee can use which he automatically does to interview the children. It is a bit dusty so he asks Kris and Shen to clean it for him. If Kris is just an ill-tempered boy, he can have complaint that he is already in-charge of expenses and now also the housekeeping.

After their done making the office clean and shiny, the panting kids, who are wearing aprons (but Shen chooses to have the complete maid outfit), sit on the opposite chairs.

“Well done, kids.” Shen responds snarling. “This afternoon, is the time for the promise interview for both of you. I hope I can get ion as much as possible.” Sitting on his chair with his clipboard, he sternly looks at the pair. “Are we clear?”

Kris and Shen, who came from finishing his task, nod.

“Park Chanyeol, 11th grade student, currently living with Kris Wu...” Kris knows these are the information the doctor got from his wife when he was still well. “I requested my patient to tell me everything about him so I can cure him. I know one that triggers his condition is him being the child of the president. All of the information I have are in his point of view. That’s why I need your help so we can solve the puzzle of his whole being. Can you tell me when did you first notice Chanyeol leaving his consciousness?”

Shen raises her hand and calmly tells her experience. “I first seen this when I was teaching him taekwondo back in middle school. I beat him and with my tactlessness, I threw some harsh words to him. That’s when he suddenly stops moving. He was in a sitting position at that time while staring at the floor. I thought he was just kidding and I gave him some mild taps on his face but he remained idle. Our family is their servant and I would be doomed if he would not wake up. I shook him but nothing happened, that triggered me to be a crying mess. I did not have any other option but to call for help until he suddenly moved. Since then, I always give him encouraging words and care for him like I’m his real mother. I’m afraid to lose him again.”

“You did a great job there, Miss… What’s your name again?”

Shen wipes her tears. “Yeorum. Shen Yeorum.”

The doctor nods, “Yes, I hear a lot about you from Mr. Park,” he completes his note on the clipboard, then turn his focus to Kris. The blond knows it’s his turn. He may say something fragile about his relationship with Chanyeol — but if this is the only way to cure him — why hesitate.

“It happened not that long ago —” Kris releases what he needed to say, from the first encounter on this disorder — that was when they were leaving the teahouse —up to the moment he witnessed Chanyeol’s infidelity and had a confrontation after.

He can see Shen is already her hands and ready to strike it to his plastered-covered-lips. The doctor’s follow-up question becomes his bell, saving him from Shen’s brutality. The physician requests more details about how they know Chanyeol. Kris and Shen instinctually exchanges turn in giving information and after like narrating his entire existence, the doctor has an ample data.

“I appreciate your cooperation kiddos.” He says and still wearing his unreadable expression. “Dr. Shin got me everything from his findings last night and CT scan result. Good news because the patient’s brain is still healthy.” Something sharp is taken from Kris’ throat after hearing that. “But don’t let your guard down. If he wakes up from reality and experience the same trauma from his surrounding, I’m afraid we cannot get him back. Park Chanyeol is holding a huge burden at such a young age that causes him to be confused most of the time. He does not know how to express his true self since he always cautious of people around him. There’s a chance we can retrieve him now as long as he won’t get any stress. What I can advise you is give him encouraging words. He may be in the other dimension but there’s a possibility that he can still hear us. We won’t stop monitoring him so you better do your assignment.”

The doctor stands and the two follows. He says his thanks once more and dismisses them politely.

Kris and Shen looks at each other with still faces. It is unexpected for Chanyeol’s female friend to lift her fist and seem asking for fist-bump. She is calmer than yesterday after causing physical pain from the blond. He accepts and he should warn his own word, knowing the strength of the other teen. She is Chanyeol’s taekwondo teacher after all.

“This is for Chanyeol.” She spats. They may dislike each other but they are mutual to set aside whatever misunderstanding they may have for the sake of Chanyeol’s healing. She then leaves and proceed to her friend’s room.




It does not last long for Chanyeol’s parents to not know that he is in the hospital. Summer may have told the couple about it since she stays in the blue house with them. If his parents will learn the truth about Chanyeol, a huge possibility that they will take their son from there, and a huge possibility they will separate Kris from his wife. To calm the ocean, Shen needs to return to the city and report to Chanyeol’s family. Two days have passed since she left and Kris does not hear anything from her.

There may be a lot of noise in their school as well with their short disappearance, but as Kris looks at the school’s website, no article about them has found. That gives the Student Council’s President relief.

In that same moment, his phone screen flashes and rings. A name of a girl appears, pretty strange to receive a call from this person again — she has been a part of his love escapades and now they are merely colleagues in the circle. Kris slides the screen and answers.

“What is it, Leader?”                                                            

“I’m just checking if you’re still alive.” He hears the girl on the other line chuckles and he cannot help to do the same.

“I am. I am.”

“So how’s Park Chanyeol-sshi?” Kris should have expected that question but he is still caught off-guard. “Shen-sshi is back to school but she’s not saying anything about his condition. Kris, I’m not being worried that as if I’m your girlfriend again but as a schoolmate, you know you have a big role in Four Seasons Academy, right?”

She has a point and Kris cannot escape the reality after all so… “He’s still alive like me but not waking up yet.”

“That sounds critical.”

“Let’s just be positive here.”

“I know.” Kris cannot hear any background noise on the other line, and her silence makes their conversation more dead. “By the way, Summer went back to Germany”

Hearing that news, the blond chooses not to say anything while the girl, he is speaking with, continues about the topic.

The leader scoffs. “No one actually knows what happen to her since our photoshoot in the beach. And you know what — we’re able to revive the resort because of you and Summer’s video that we posted on Youtube. The manager said that they received reservation for summer next year. They promised to maintain what we have contributed to their village.”

Kris is happy that their effort in the beach is not wasted, smiling while looking the windy outdoor from the window. “Well, congratulation leader for that successful news.”

“All thanks to you guys.” She happily says. “Those girls we brought were also a big help.”

In the middle of their conversation, Kris finally hears some noise from the other line. Someone calls the leader’s attention and she assures to finish the conversation to that person shortly.

“So I guess that will be all for now, Kris.” The blond does not respond, knowing the other will hang up since she’s in rush but she doesn’t. “Do you know why we are called the legends, Kris?

...Because we make mysteries that normal students cannot answer.” The blond teen wonders why she suddenly blabbers about this all of a sudden. “I’m a year older than you but it does not stop you to be in a relationship with me and till now I’m happy for the experience to be your girlfriend. I’m so proud that I’m the longest one you have and even we broke up, you’re still relying to me. I love that whenever you’re having troubles, you find me as someone that calms you.”

“You keep on nagging me if I ever have one that’s why it always ends up like that.”

“Exactly, if I didn’t do that you’ll stay stiff like usual.” She chuckles. “I help you let loose Kris. I’m sorry. I really need to go but I need to tell you my discovery.”

“What’s that?”

He hears sigh. “Yonghwa had been my classmate since elementary and I’d known his hatred towards Park Chanyeol at that point — Well everyone in the class knew because he’s being loud about it. Without you and Summer, Chanyeol is long gone. I wonder myself why you three were inseparable — a mystery. But, the attachment last shortly  when the half-German left to her other home country. Since then, you all changed individually and back then, the chubby boy, I honestly didn’t know his name at that time, seemed he no longer exists. No one figures out that he and the pretty Park Chanyeol are only one. Do you remember when we’re still an item? There’s this spot where I always sit whenever you have a basketball game. In that row, a trio or sometimes duo sat along me. They reminded me of you guys but I told myself Kris was there playing, I was not aware someone used to be one of those kids and that was Park Chanyeol. I heard them talking Shen-sshi would ask why they needed to watch, as for her, ‘stupid’ game. Chanyeol-sshi would not really answer the question and simply shrugged with a smile. I followed where he was looking and caught it was you. I kept forgetting to tell you about this even when you quit the team. Thanks to Yonghwa, some riddles are answered. I’m both happy and sad, Kris. I’m happy that you reconciled with your old friend and sad that I’m no longer the person you express your true self with. Also, Summer seems to become a hindrance to your relationship with him.”


“I’m not stupid, Kris.”

“I’m glad someone know.” Truthfully, he wishes someone will know these things — not only the leader, but the whole humanity. He wants to spread his love for his wife so no one like Summer will hinder their bond, unlike the Chanyeol’s secretive relationship with Min,

“Well I guess we should really end this conversation.” The leader laughs.

“Are you sure? Maybe you have more to say.”

“Are you the one who’s nagging me this time, Kris?”

“No, I’m not, leader.”

“Well, I hope, Chanyeol is your true happiness. He looks very precious so you seriously need to take care of him.”

“Thanks, Sayumi.”

“Bye, Kris.”


The phone has no use for the blond teen for this moment and is returned to his pocket. Somehow, it makes him happy to talk to someone after being alone for a while now. Chanyeol is always with him but still vegetative.

He turns his head, staring on his resting wife and he can compare him to sleeping beauty.

If only he can wake Chanyeol up with a kiss like in the fairytale.




Another day pass and it is almost a week since he gone to that hospital with Chanyeol and Shen. His wife continues to travel in unconsciousness, and Kris is left taking care of him. Yes, he does most of the maintenance by himself and the nurse will be merely his assistant.

The blowing wind gets stronger and stronger specially in the nighttime. Kris always keeps the window close due to the violent weather. As darkness bites the country, the boy shuts the curtain along it and pays his focus on his wife next. Chanyeol’s eyes are open but like the doctor says his awareness is not there. Kris closes them next with his hand, tucks him securely in the blanket and kisses him goodnight.

“See you tomorrow, Chanyeol.” He says something simple tonight unlike the previous days and nights, he insanely calls and begs him to come to his senses.

Kris sits on the chair beside his wife’s bed, one last look to Chanyeol before he leans down his head on the futon and sleeps.


The next moment Kris opens his eyes, he is on a different setting — but something that happened before and one of the most memorable chapter of his life.

“I like Summer.” The squishier version of Chanyeol appears in front of him, wearing glasses, sweaty, clothes stained by their playtime, playground during sunset in the background. Someone must have pressed the replay button the reason he is in this scene again — when Chanyeol told his infatuation towards Summer.

Kris remembers himself saying, “So what if you like Summer?” He wants to laugh at those words because back then, he thought Summer has more weight in his heart than Chanyeol. How could he not notice this version is adorable already? Plump lips and red cheeks that he kisses several times is present even at this moment. He cannot miss pointing out this little elf’s eyes which are big and twinkling.

The blond boy grits his teeth, shaking his head, his hands, and these movements cause the other kid to look so worried. His eyes widen more as Kris cups his soft cheeks with both hands.

“Krease?” Chanyeol calls him nervously.

“You’re lying to yourself, Chanyeol.” The shorter boy blinks in confusion, trying to get rid of the hands holding him, but the owner doesn’t want to let go. “You cannot like someone more than me.”

“Did the weather affected you? What are you saying?” Chanyeol keeps on squirming, but a growl stiffens him. “Y-y-you-you-you like…”

“Chanyeol, oh yes, I do like Park Chanyeol. But not only like — I LOVE him.” The chubby boy’s face gets redder than before that he seems to have a nosebleed soon. While he is in a possible inhibition, Kris advances by pulling the other boy closer into a hug. For sure, the other boy is surprised in this sticky situation—sticky due to their both sweaty body. “I will never like Summer more than I love Chanyeol. And, Chanyeol will never like Summer more than he does for me.”


“We spend more time with only the two of us than having her along. I never invited her to my house before, Gyuri-noona haven’t met her, we never play videogames together with her, I save you a lot of times than she does, she never had an Ice Cream Gyuri-noona—“

“That’s enough, Kris.” Chanyeol’s voice is not as deep as what he is hearing earlier, but this voice is not new anymore. Kris feels cold that sudden and the summer setting becomes autumn. Kris moves a distance so he can face the other again.

He has the current Chanyeol in front of him, eyes look so dark and hollow, pale skin and the temperature of his body is for a corpse. It is as if Kris has an undead version of his wife, in his patient’s gown, facing him.

Chanyeol tilts his head to the side, showing no emotion to Kris at all. “What if I my heart chooses Summer over you? Are you going to give me up?”

Even this person appears like this, Kris cannot be affected. He holds Chanyeol’s arms tightly, not wanting to lose him, and glares at him. “That can’t be true. Park Chanyeol, I won’t let Summer have you.”

“President.” Kris knows he is the one being called so turns he head behind. A shovel is tossed and lands near his feet. “Instead of talking to the air, why don’t you help me dig the floor.”

Shen, wearing their winter school uniform, is not far from him. She is already doing the task she is asking to him where she stands. Kris returns his view to his front and Chanyeol is no longer there. Before he starts bewildering, his thought is interrupted by Shen’s usual hysterical holler.

He does not ask anything anymore and grips the shovel. When he chooses the silence, and quietly digging, he hears snivels. Kris looks at the other teen and see her face expresses an unbearable pain.

“I hope you’re really okay now, Mr. President. If you are, it’s a great timing.” She says in between of her sobs. With those words, she seems to tell Kris that he is in daze in a while. “My buddy cannot go back and his organs started failing so here we are — preparing where he can rest.”

Like a spear is thrown and pierced directly to his heart, Kris falls onto his knees. He has the of what is feeling after saying that statement. This is too strange to be real.

Shen leans down, holding the shovel as this is her only support to stand, her teeth are gritting and moans in grief. Kris is not looking at her anymore but he can see her shadow. Her arm spreads and hand points somewhere. Kris follows where she is pointing — his sight ending to a black coffin.

“No! Chanyeol cannot be inside there! No, Shen… NO!” When he looks back to the girl, she is not on her post as well but the coffin remains on its position. Struggling, he gets up from the floor. He wants to find out himself if his wife is really in that container. Even with cold feet, he moves forward the coffin. He opens it and finds nothing inside but white roses.

Relief burst within him since Chanyeol is not there. He hopes the strange sequence of events dies now.

“Krease,” a pat on his shoulder steals his focus from the coffin, looking back… reality welcomes him — and that reality is with a conscious Chanyeol. Yes, for real, he is awake, with wide worried eyes looking down his husband, cupping his face.

“Chanyeol.” Kris is panting as he said his name, climbing the bed — he cannot control the longing for this person — and — kisses him once their faces are on same level.

He has his eyes closed.

He only wants to feel his warmth, his supple lips that melts him and molding them into one, smells his intoxicating scent, and hears his soft-hiccups-cry.

This kiss is so sweet, not aggressive, but full of yearning.

As they depart their face, Chanyeol is sniffing, crying too much he cannot say a word. He looks adorable. Kris encourages him with a soft hush and rub on his back till he is able to speak normally.

“I’m sorry, Krease.” Chanyeol finally says and Kris cannot help chuckling about it.

“What is the sorry for?” The blond says, holding the back of his head so he can peck on his wife’s forehead. “I’m the one who should say that since I left you behind.”

Chanyeol shakes his head while rubbing both of his eyes, must be to gaze at him straightly. Kris is thankful he can finally see this adorable boy again.

“No, it’s my fault because I don’t know who I truly am.” Chanyeol bashfully but sincerely says as he weeps. “What I truly feel about everything… about you… A dream that I had brought me back.  My young self leads me to a black endless horizon. It seemed we’re not going to stop any soon so I was beginning to regret going with him. In the midst of our journey, he unexpectedly stopped and said that you’re calling him. He suddenly disappeared like a dust. I don’t know where to go from there but a voice called my name and it was yours. I said to myself that I want to go back in your arms… and never let go… and reply to what you keep on telling me. Krease… I’m sorry… I didn’t realize how much I love you too.”

Chanyeol supplies him with lengthy words but the last is what Kris has been waiting to hear. He gathers the boy back in to his arms and kisses his head deeply.

“Thank you for answering my feelings, Chanyeol. Oh yes, I love you so much. I’m sorry if I didn’t trust you enough.” Chanyeol glances up and reaches his lips to his.

“That’s ok. We both have flaws that only us can correct as long as we work together.” Chanyeol says, beaming. “Let’s forgive each other and start anew, my love.”

“Uhh, I think I heard that ‘my love’ before.”

“Maybe. In a different universe but same pair of people.”

“Do you mean soulmates?” Kris knows he is grinning mischievously and Chanyeol does not mind.

“Yes.” And for the nth time this night, Kris and Chanyeol’s lips meet in commemoration for their reunion.




Last night is a blessing for Kris and he anticipates colorful fireworks will blast this morning as he opens his eyes — only to be disappointed when Shen’s face greets him above, with a menacing look. His startle makes him launches from the bed and his meets the floor. Because of the movement, the other teen in the bed wakes up, sitting up, and peeks on him.

Shen stomps her feet as she walks forward the blond, lifting him from there by pulling his collar.

“I swear, Shen, I only sleep beside Chanyeol and nothing else.” Kris convinces. He admits, Shen is sure strong and she will always turn into a ferocious tiger for Chanyeol’s sake.

Shen’s sharp eyes looks at him skeptically before staring at Chanyeol. On the other hand, Chanyeol has an expression of a begging critter to his friend.  Shen sighs as she lets go of the tallest teen and rushes to her friend for a hug.

“Oh my dear young master, you have no idea how much I prayed to see you healthy again, and this is so surreal that God granted it.” Kris understands how excited Shen is because he felt the same hours ago.

Chanyeol simply answers with, “I miss you too.”


Shen acts hyper as usual, telling what’s going on outside, especially in their school, but there is something different to her that separates her from her legit self. When Chanyeol asks her about his parents, she gets more fake as she behaves like being controlled.

“I’m hungry.” Chanyeol blurts in the middle of their conversation, snapping her.

“I’ll get some food in the cafeteria for both of you.” She responds right away.

Kris sits back at the edge of Chanyeol’s bed and furtively test her. “Wow, Shen, you’re so kind today.”

“I just feel like it.” She says. Once she gets the order of the couple, she goes out of the room and Chanyeol and Kris look at the door for a while. The blond teen stops gazing and gets stunned by his wife’s slight worried expression.

Kris does not want to see this face from his newly awaken lover, so he removes the heavy air, saying, “Why am I seeing such beautiful face? Am I still dreaming?”

Chanyeol’s eyes sharpen attacking him with a kiss — is that considered a kiss? — he bites Kris’ lower lip hard and the owner does not mind at all.

“I hope that answers your question.” Chanyeol entices more, playfully his own lips, while staring at his husband’s. Kris may not control himself and jump over him at this very moment.





Dr. Shin makes some more examinations to Chanyeol before he and the hospital decides to discharge. Feels so alive to be outside of the confinement at last, Chanyeol asks his husband to shop at the grocery on his own. They rebuild their relationship with a mightier trust for each other and shows as Kris permits him.

Chanyeol makes sure to pick the freshest and best quality of items and purchases them in the cashier happily. Humming, he pushes his cart loaded with goods to the taxi stand. He multitasks when he hears his phone ringing from the back pocket of his pants. He sees “My Husband” flashing on the screen.

He wonders what the sudden call is for but somehow he gets thrilled seeing him calling.

“Yes?” He cannot hide his feeling, answering like a high school girl.

“Chanyeol, I’m sorry but you need to hurry up.” Kris’ calmness is opposite to the message he is about to relay to him. “Your parents are here.”



To be continued…




I hope there are still people who read this fic. If there's still some, say something lil' about yourself (one of your new year's resolution maybe?). 2016 is another successful year for EXO and I hope 2017 too. I personally hope something better happen in this OTP fandom.

Some sad news were announced and some friends in this fandom shut down. It saddens me that there's smaller percentage of KY fanfic produced in 2016 than before. That's why I'm here continuing with my contribution.

This is a lengthy one to compensate from my hiatus. Maybe the next update is on April since that's the beginning of my vacation from being a teacher. Teaching is tough but a bit enjoyable. There are few grammar and typo crap but I'll try to fix them some time.

Let's meet again ;)


Chapter 25: Who owns Chanyeol? (Not in Summer)

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Nikita_trivedi #1
Chapter 35: Ok so I'm sorry I tend to give comments at the last... ? first of all..... really unique story! I loved how u showed the relation between kris and yeol as frenemies and then slowly turning them to friends. And then to lovers. The progress was slow and right. Summer was actually too good to be true at first and at that moment itself I realized that she is going to be the villain since only those kind of people turn out like this. I absolutely loved those romantic moments between kris and yeol, how kris always attacks the poor boy and corners him. And also how chanyeol puts his entire trust in him unconditionally. I admit that I found shen's character more irritating. Okay admitted that her nature is of protective type towards yeol but she is too loud and doesn't know her place. Always interfering with krisyeol and following him around. I found that really annoying. The story was interesting till the school part where u perfectly depict Ted students lives and their school fun but it actually turned angsty after the turn of events. Like when the family part actually started. I kinda miss the school fun! Overall the story is going really well! I'm a hardcore krisyeol shipper. I don't know why this story has so less views but nevertheless keep going!! ? you are doing a great job!!!
Chapter 34: Glad that Kris is back. Hope that they can get revenge on younghwa and get the parents blessing though it seems difficult. Thanks Ten for this special update..
Please love love love! We can’t spread our love with KrisYeol without Ten! Aren’t you happy that Kris is back?
Chapter 33: I always look forward to your update. they should stop hurting my baby yeol, where is Kris, Channie needs him now the most.
thanks for the update Authornim.
Chapter 31: Things are getting interesting here.
I'll be looking forward to what is going to happen next and when Kris will appear again. ^_^
pinkyeorrie #6
Chapter 28: Owh noooooo...please dont stop writing about krisyeol, please...
It'so hard to see them separate ways in real life. There are a lot of baekyeol fans out there, but i'm still kriayeol shipper.
Dont give up, keep fighting, we-your readers will wait for your krisyeol stories...
Chapter 28: iyeeeaaaayyy an update! thank you so much for staying in this krisyeol ship and writing this story! i owe you my happiness
Chapter 28: This wendy is me, i'll help krisyeol too if they need me to get them elope at NYK.

Ten, you does make me cry
Shen's kiss is the new Judah's kiss. SPOILER: the dreams they both have will be in the later chapters, isn't it? I knew that if the scene was so perfect something bad would came out.
Chapter 27: Test 123. Thank you for this update Ten. I dont know whats wrong with this comment box TT. My comment get cut short. It's me chaa of krisyeolcola