This One (Crying Like A Child)

For A Moment
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"It's just another Friday night

For you and your accessory

And there you are before my eyes

Two hours and for fifteen minutes you are here

I don't wanna scream lest I should tear

A whisper in the darkness disappears


-- This One (Crying Like A Child) by Utada Hikaru



The crowd’s loud roars rung in her ears. She didn’t mind them, though. Not at all. That’s not the reason why she’s here anyway, so why pay attention? She fidgeted in her place. This isn’t what she would do on a typical Saturday night. If only this day wasn’t so important to her, she would be fine sitting by the window sill, curled up with a book in her hand and a nice cup of chocolate milk. But this was so special, she would regret it all her life if she’d let it pass.

Her eyes darted to the ceiling as soon as the lights started going out one by one. It’s about to start,she thought to herself. Her heartbeat raced faster than the speed of light. She’d been waiting for this all her life, she even dared to spend more than half of her allowance for the whole month and risked her freedom by staying out at this ungodly hour though it’s against her parents’ rules. She knew she’d be doomed for a good 4 weeks or so, but that’s the last thing on her mind right now. What’s important is that she’s here and this night would be the happiest night of her teenage life and probably of her whole life.

A loud beat echoed through the walls and the people went wild, screaming and jumping all over. On the ot

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TheCravingAnon #1
Chapter 1: AHHHH even my own heart was racing!!!!!!!! QAQ This was absolutely wonderful<3333
This is cool XD
Happy birthday! :D Loved this!
@freespiritxj-lol it makes you think of them, right? thanks for reading! ^^<br />
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@khaye-omg,ss3. TT^TT if only all of my words would turn into reality...but don't worry.i know we're both going to see them in person one day. ^^ just keep on believing that it'll happen. ^^ thanks for reading! <3333
OMGG!!! Nikki unnie... This one-shot story is SOOOO AWESOOOMMEE!! I imagined, SUJU and Donghae oppa. and i don't knw why? But, after reading this... A tear fell down my eye.. I really imagined that i was there, watching the Suju concert on VIP seat, then donghae stared at me, with his adorable-fishy smile:)) OMO, and even got sad when d concert was going to end, but ofcourse, I'm glad as well because once in my whole lifetime, i had experience to watch the Concert of my favorite boy band. SUPER JUNIOR! ^^<br />
OMO... This story is sooo good unnie.<br />
That was really exactly my dream!!! Our dream ofcourse. ^^ And I want that dream to be real, SUPER REAL!! :)) <<333
freespiritxj #6
Lol, yeah I imagined DBSK as well!
@dazzling27-hahaha!yeah we have sinned again.i bet Heenim's very mad now.LOL!thanks! ^^
forgive me chuli.... haha<br />
i imagined jaejoong >/////<)oooo<br />
nice story nixxxxxxxxxxx!<3
apol_bong #9
its so short but still so awesome!...i was thinking of hyunseung while reading this... please do a sequel yah you kid you shouldn't be doing just oneshots!'re to good for it!...
rachelqsy #10
Your writing is really good! I studied Shakespeare too, and when I saw 'two blushing pilgrims', I was like "Hey! This girl studied Romeo and Juliet too!" :D<br />
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Thanks for subscribing to my story though :) I like yours, a lot.