
It All Started With A Dream

Disclaimer : I am Kris's wife, conceptually, but realistically, I don't own him, and Chorong. I just own the story.

Words Count : 5400 

Genre : Slice of Life

Rating : Pg 13

Warning : Grammars, Language, Innuendo



For Chorong, Kris was just a friend of Chanyeol . He’s always around, usually past midnight, to play games at Chanyeol’s room. Other than his name and how he looked (if she had to describe, cute would be an understatement, he’s a lot cuter than cute), she didn’t know anything about him – where he lived, how he was a friend to Chanyeol or his exact age – because such conversation never came between her and Chanyeol (. . . not that she really wanted to talk about Kris).

Chorong probably bumped onto him only thrice a month, when she awoke at midnight and had a pressing need to pee or if she was thirsty. This went through for months, she never really saw him around or heard him talking (Chanyeol’s room was just beside hers, but the video games were always louder . . . not that she ever tried to dedicatedly eavesdropped). When he went to the kitchen to smuggle some snacks and Chorong was there for her usual cranberry milk, all he said was a friendly enough “hey,” and Chorong would nodded with a small smile, “I think there are some pack of cookies in the cupboard,” and then she left.

That’s it.

For months, that was all the exchange they had – friendly enough “hey”, small smile . . . that’s all.

So, of all people, why in God’s name it had to be Kris who constantly appeared in her dreams, for nights?



The first time he appeared, Chorong believed it was due to an incident prior to the dream. She startled awake that night and sleepily walked out of her room to go to the toilet and at the same time, Kris was walking out of Chanyeol’s room. Kris greeted her with his usual “hey”, and she replied him with a sleepy smile before she left to the bathroom. In her disoriented state, she didn’t aware she was wearing just her lilac nightdress sans the matching robe until she caught herself in the bathroom mirror. It was a see-through nightdress . . . and she didn’t wear a bra. That took her shorter than a second to be wide awake. She gaped at her in the mirror, hands slowly reaching up to cup her mounds. These – did he see these?


(Chanyeol thought she saw a spider that night. She had no plan to tell him the truth.)

Usually she counted sheep to fall asleep, that night, she spent an hour debating yes, he did, no, he didn’t until she get exhausted. So, when Kris appeared in her dream that night, she believed it was because she was too consumed by the debate. She didn’t even remember what Kris was doing in her dream so she didn’t dwell on it – except for the fact that prior to that dream, Kris really might have seen her s and it was a complete nightmare.

She spent the whole weeknights lulling herself to sleep with yes, he did, no, he didn’t. On Sunday night, she decided to believe the latter.



She saw him again after a week. She was sipping her cranberry milk halfway when she saw that long, big shadow of him (Chanyeol had the same pattern of shadow) walking down the stairs (but Chanyeol never really walked down the stairs - he either jumped or slide on the bar). She contemplated hiding under the sink but it was too late. He greeted her with a “hey,” except that he sounded a little friendlier, almost mocking-like.

Chorong blushed.

Because yes , he did!

She left (actually running) without a smile or a word.

The same night, Kris made an appearance again in her dream. He was knocking her room and calling her “hey, hey, hey” (if she had to described it, it almost sounded like he’s singing that one repeated line from Blurred Lines) four times, before she jolted awake to Chanyeol waking her up for breakfast. Still in dazed, she almost spite at Chanyeol for waking her up right before she can open the door for Kris.

She blinked. What . . .

The fourth blink managed to pull her back into reality. The . . . She thought as she sat up because what the , she’s not supposed to spite at Chanyeol for waking her up right before she can open the door for Kris.

Because Kris was a friend to Chanyeol and Kris was a friend to Chanyeol to her. If anything, it should be Chanyeol who should spite on her for waking him up right before he can open the door for Kris.

She plopped back into the mattress. She decided today she’s going to have fever.




The third time he appeared, he was with Chanyeol. They were cooking some weird at the kitchen and Kris, especially, tried to force those brownish jelly-like things down . He said more than “hey” which she couldn’t remember what but most of his words were still “hey”. That was the first time he said more than hey and touched her and there was a tiny, like really tiny stab of disappointment went through her when the alarm blared off that morning. Her mood went sour the whole day but she refused to believe it was because she didn’t get to touch him back.




The next time, he was a surgeon and he was trying to stitch her stomach. He was extremely short that it was such a struggle to see him trying to reach for the tools.

She woke up laughing.

Mind really did weird stuff.




Chorong went for a run a little later than usual one morning. She ran down to the usual park. It was pretty packed at that time and she scolded herself for waking up late. But her sleeps were all good and being less weird since the last time she saw Kris - which was almost two weeks ago.  She smiled, other than waking up later than the set alarm, she’s back on track.

Maroon 5 blasted in her ears as she paced past the walking oldies. She managed a polite “good morning” to each of them and they replied her the same. Her mood lifted. She started to think maybe it’s better to run at this hour than her usual option; the quiet morning park.

But as though there’s certain supernatural power was in that mood to mess around with her morning, the song changed to Wildest Dream just as soon as Chorong spotted Kris running down the track opposite of her. Her pace slowed to a halt. She contemplated turning back but that would put them in the same track and running along with Kris was just . . . offensive. Not only because he had seen her s, but have you seen his legs? They were probably equivalent to Chorong’s whole length.

It took only seconds for those offensive long legs to reach her and as soon as he saw her, he too, slowed to a halt.

“Hey,” he said.

He’s so tall, and handsome as hell – Taylor crooned into her ears and Chorong snagged off her earphones rather harshly. “Hi,” she replied.

“First time running?” he asked.

More words. Actual more words. Actual first time of more words. Chorong prided herself on not doing anything weird - like gasping or stumbling backward. “First time at this hour.”

“Oh.” He nodded as he bent down to outstretch his long leg. That moment, Chorong thought he was the biggest show-off ever. You should see yourself in my dream.

“Yes.” Chorong smiled, signalling with her body that she’s going back to running.

But then Kris remained there so Chorong stay stood there too with half-swung arms and it made her looked a little limpy.

“What time you usually run?” he asked, outstretching his left leg and then a realization hit Chorong. This is a conversation. A conversation more than a “hey” and “there’s leftover pizza”, a conversation outside of home, a conversation that didn’t involve Chanyeol (because by default, if you saw your friend’s brother or sister, first thing you would ask them is where is your friend), a conversation of them.


She and Kris.

No Chanyeol.

“Usually at seven. You? I never saw you around.” Kidding. I saw you enough in my dreams.

“Eight. Like right now.”

Chorong nodded.  “I see.” She should run (both run and run from Kris) now, she thought, as she reached for her right earphone. “I have to go. See you later.”

He nodded and Chorong ran off without a back glance. She plugged back her earphone and she felt as though Taylor was mocking her by the way she sang the wildest dream ah a haaa part with more lilt to it. Chorong rolled her eyes, “this is not funny, unnie,” she muttered before pressing next.

That night, Kris mocked her too as he rapped the hip hop version of Wildest Dream. He had stupid purple long straight hair with stupid hat and stupid glasses. He looked painfully stupid, his rap was even more.

She cheered for him anyway like a stupid fangirl, screaming oppaaaa and then he went to her and he shut her up . . . with his lips.

She gasped as she jolted awake. The colours of her room immediately pulled her back into the semblance of reality. Her chest heaved. “This is getting stupid!”  She rumbled as she punched her pillow. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” was her mantra to get back to sleep that morning.

(By the way, she went for a run after her second wake up.)

(At eight.)

(Kris wasn’t around.)

(“This is getting really stupid,” she snarled as she dumped her fanciest training suit into the laundry basket.)

(This cycle repeated for a day and a day and a day after that.)



And suddenly it’s already been a month.

She didn’t see him around anymore. Not at the park, not at her house, not in her dream. She didn’t want to ask Chanyeol. There’s a time she hadn’t seen him for about two months (not that she kept the count), so, if she suddenly asked Chanyeol, it would be suspicious.

Well, it’s not her business so she didn’t need to know. After all, Kris was just a friend to Chanyeol to her.

There was Sehun, though. It was always Sehun these days.

She was slurping ramen when Sehun walked in the kitchen. “Noona,” He greeted her.

Chorong slurped the whole strip of ramen before she managed a smile and a hello. She watched as Sehun gathered two cartons of juice, some packs of junk food and two packs of bread roll. “Let me help,” she said, picking up the juices and bread rolls. “Chanyeol is such a meanie. I wonder why you guys would want to befriend him.” You guys . . . as if she also talked to Kris.

Sehun snickered, trailing behind her up the stairs. “Don’t worry, noona. It’s our unspoken rule. If he was at my house, it’s his duty to get the foods.”

Chorong sent Chanyeol a glare as she put down the food on the floor but Chanyeol was too happy for the food to notice.

“Thank you, noona.” Sehun said just before she closed the door. She walked down the stairs to return to her ramen. Her mind did some rewind. Instead of the ever popular “hey”, Sehun greeted her with “noona”. Like Chanyeol. Kris, however, never called her noona. Why? If he’s Chanyeol’s friend, he must be younger than her. She slurped two strips of ramen. Or maybe Kris was just a plain rude kind of guy.

She scoffed. Just because he’s way taller, he can just “hey” her?

(It’s probably some kind of written curse; whenever she thought of Kris, the same night, he will appear in her dream. She didn’t remember the rest, but she can never forget the way Kris pouted at her and called her “noona”.)

(She’s not a fan of aegyo, but she melted in her dream.)

(She slapped herself as soon as she woke up. She. Did. Not. Have to younger boys!)



“Do you want a dessert?”

“You are all the dessert I need.” He said as he trailed kisses down her body. And down, and down. . .

Her eyes snapped open. Her heart was racing. It’s just a dream. It’s just a dream. Not real. No. She soothed herself as she sat up.

She couldn’t sleep anymore after that. It wasn’t a nightmare. But it wasn’t what she would call good either.

For the whole day, she felt like she’d sinned. She should not think of Kris in that . . . manner; whether it was a dream or not.



Kris was just a friend to Chanyeol to her. She cannot like a friend to Chanyeol. She cannot like a friend of her brother. It’s taboo - the very first-degree of taboo.

She decided one evening on her way back home that she needed to stop thinking about Kris. Even a thought of Kris was taboo, more so if he’s always in her dreams – doing weird s.

She sighed, staring up wondrously at the orange-hued sky. The sun was almost set. And as she looked down, it’s That Moment. The moment of those times when she didn’t know exactly how she got somewhere, but suddenly, she’s there, and she was staring at one of the most beautiful creature on earth.


There he was . . . right when she decided she’s going to stop thinking about him.

He was running around the court and when he jumped as he threw the ball forward, everything was suddenly in slow motion. Everything blurred and there was just her and Kris . . . uh, and the ball. He was in the air, he was sweating prettily (it’s possible for someone that impossible-looking), his hair was in small bun (and it looked ridiculous . . . –ly adorable) and the sun gave him that nice saturation. The ball got in and Chorong stumbled backward. Perfect. That shot. That shot was perfect.

Chorong sighed louder. This was not what she planned. It’s like the universe shipped them hardcore that she suddenly was here, and he suddenly was there. Well then, the universe. She turned to resume her walking but at the same time Kris also turned and the way he stared at her, had her pinned at her spot.

Well, wasn’t this funny? The way she stared at her brother’s friend and he stared at her back. Like that. Like the rest of the world wasn’t there anymore and it was just the two of them.

This felt wrong, although it seemed like they did nothing wrong. They were just . . . humans. Staring at each other was nothing wrong. She turned her heel and walked.

Then why did she feel . . . emotional?


She stopped mid-track. She didn’t have to turn to see who. Who else called her rudely like that?

She spun facing him. “What?”

There must be some expression on her face that got him tensed. The bump on his neck bobbed up and down as he swallowed. Chorong unconsciously swallowed too. Did someone’s Adam’s apple was always that handsome? Or was it just Kris?

“Sorry. I just wanted to say hi.”

“Then say hi.”

He fidgeted on his feet. Nervous gesture. Why would he be nervous? Was whatever expression on her face too scary? She rearranged her face which then must compute on some level, because his expression relaxed and he smiled. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She smiled too. “Long time no see.” Like really long time. (Dreams didn’t count.)

“I was busy. How are-”

“Hyung!” Someone called him from the court. He turned to his back and Chorong assumed he made some face that the guy who called him nodded and ran away immediately.

“Why you never call me noona?” She bravely asked, although it kind of wrong timing.

He frowned. “Why would I call you noona?”

Rudeeee. He’s rude. This was why you can never trust perfect-looking people. They always had this off attitude somewhere.

“Nevermind. I’m going home.” She spun and walked away fast – in a rude way.

She didn’t want anything to do with him. He’s just a friend to Chanyeol and that was all he’s going to be.




Chanyeol got himself a girlfriend ‘a week’ ago. She was told that he had been pursuing her for months but Chanyeol didn’t have any idea that that girl had already acknowledged him as her boyfriend for two months until a week ago when she fought him on why he never tried to kiss her. They called it usual case of misunderstanding. Chorong called it usual case of stupid.

And now she had to see them kissing with every inch of their life; that type of kissing that was not for anyone to see.

“Something to drink, noona?” Sehun offered her a can of beer.

“Please.” Sehun smiled and opened the can for her. The foam burst out and they laughed. “Thank you.” She said and drained two huge gulps. “Don’t you have a girlfriend, Sehun?” She asked as she looked around the room. All strangers – all Chanyeol’s friends. Why did she come here? Well, Chanyeol insisted she should go out to make friends, and he insisted further that it would be fun. Fun, his . Thank God, there’s Sehun. At least there’s a familiar face.

And then sneaky little thought wondered why wasn’t Kris here . . .

She took another swig. Well, wasn’t it better that he’s not here?

“. . . and he decided not to come.” Sehun said, speaking loud to rival the singer - Jackson, who Chorong regarded as a kind of person that was always high on sugar. He was good looking, but god, that was a terrible singing.

Chorong glanced at Sehun, suddenly felt bad that she didn’t pay attention. She took a rewind of what he said that she managed to catch. “A he?”

Sehun blushed. “A he.”

“Aww . . . That’s adorable Sehun. I wish he can come. Sorry about my question.”

“It’s okay, noona. I always called him my girlfriend too anyway.”

Chorong wanted to ask for the name but Sehun was dragged away and forced to sing. Sehun was as cute and as handsome as Kris, Chorong wondered how many girls were heartbroken over the fact that he’s gay. She smiled but then another sneaky little thought hit her fast like freight train.

Kris wasn’t here . . . and Sehun’s boyfriend decided not to come.

She felt her blood ran colder. A million thoughts were racing against her; a million thoughts that made little sense and when they did connect and made sense, they were all so much worse. What if it’s Kris? Had Kris ever rang her as gay? But then she never knew Sehun was one. Her gay-dar was never fully activated anyway.

She drained the can. Kris could be gay, Kris could be Sehun’s boyfriend – the alcohol chanted at her. She grabbed another can. No, I’m not heartbroken. Not even close. And another can.




Chorong rolled over with a groan, a trickle of sunlight sneaked beneath the edge of the curtain stabbed her in the retinas. She shut her eyes, her head felt like it could explode. The cold air made her skin tingle. She pulled the duvet around her tighter. Something felt . . . off. Her eyes shot open. She raised the duvet and stared down at herself. Her clothes were off!

She couldn’t feel her blood . . . but then, she was in her room?

“You’re awake.”

She shrieked at the deep, male voice that wasn’t Chanyeol’s.


Oh my God, Kris!

Is this a dream? This better be a dream!

“Don’t panic.” He walked in and set a glass of water and two pills on the table. He sat on the edge of her bed. She stared at him like he had an extra limb. He’s real. It wasn’t a dream.

Oh god.

How – a lot of hows in her head but the room was still spinning along with her stomach that she couldn’t articulate any out of .

“Did you undress me?” She felt like crying.

“Yes.” He said, with such a casual face as though it’s everyday he undressed a girl.

“Are you gay?” Chorong and her sense of timing . . .

He swivelled slowly at her, staring at her like she’s so, so stupid. “What? No. Did I ever give you any indication that I could be gay?”

Seven parts of her felt some kind of . . . happy? But the other three parts were anxious and that three parts managed to take over. “Did we have . . .?”

He sighed. “No.”

“Then why did you undress me?”

“You puked all over your clothes and mine last night. I wanted to redress you but you were so . . .” He trailed off. Chorong frowned. So . . . what? He cleared his throat. “Nevermind. Get up, drink this and take this.” He pushed the water and the pills to her.

Chorong wanted to sit up but then she remembered she only have her bra and on. He seemed to understand her conflict. He reached up to the end of her bed and handed her a shirt. She assumed he’s being true with his word that he really did want to redress her last night. “After you’re done, take a shower. Breakfast is ready.” He ordered before he walked out of her room.

Chorong stared at his retreating back. He seemed . . . mad.

But then, who wouldn’t? She puked at him!

She tugged the shirt on, grimacing at her own smell. She smelled awful. Why the hell it had to be Kris who dealt with her last night? She frowned. Why Kris? He wasn’t there. And where the hell was that son of a – uh, their mother? She looked around for her phone and it was there beside the glass of water. She clambered to her feet. There was a message from that son of Mrs Park.


Noona, I’m sorry. I had to stay with my girlfriend. >,<

Kris hyung said he will take a good care of you. He better do!!


She gritted her teeth. This jerk. They just dated a week/two months ago and he ditched his sister already? And he left her to Kris – who was supposed to be his friend, not hers.

Wait. She glanced back to the text and stared hard at the word hyung. Kris is a hyung! She made a mental count. Chanyeol is a year younger. If Kris is a hyung to him, Kris is probably her age. Suddenly she didn’t feel dizzy anymore. She swallowed the pill and sauntered to the bathroom.




After she felt presentable enough, she walked down to the kitchen. Kris was already there, seemingly just finished his breakfast.

She shyly took her seat and he set a plate of omelette and a glass of cranberry milk at the side.

“Eat.” He ordered.

She took a forkful. It tasted amazing but somehow her stomach couldn’t settle with it. Kris was staring hard at her and her stomach grumbled in protest to that, not to the food. She downed her milk, gathering her courage to ask. “Are you mad at me?”

“Yes.” He answered without missing a beat.

“Why? I didn’t ask you to-“

“You should know your limit, Chorong. And Chanyeol told me you’re on diet. You didn’t eat last night. You should always eat before you drink. And you drank a lot, which made it even worse.” He snapped and it stunned her. “Eat.” He repeated his order.

Chorong pouted. He scolded her as if she’s seven. This was not the Kris that she knew. Kris that she knew, um, in her dreams was stupid, adorable, and uh . . . a little ert. In reality, Kris that she knew was friendly enough, but kind of rude (but it’s debatable now that she knew he’s not younger). This one was scary – maybe it’s the real him? She took another forkful. But his omelette tasted really good. It’s a simple omelette, though. Or maybe it was just Kris.

“Hate me all you want. I’ll leave after you eat.” He said, standing up to get to the sink.

She stared at his broad back, frowning. “I don’t hate you. Did I ever give you any indication that I do?”

She heard him scoffing. “You can’t be anymore obvious with it.”

She frowned harder. How? “I don’t hate you.” In fact it was kind of the opposite . . . “What did I do?”

He turned down the faucet. Now it’s all silence between them. “You always ran away from me.” Her mind recalled. All encounters, it was always her who walked away first. “It’s like you can’t be around me for another second.”

Now this was the usual case of misunderstanding. “No, you don’t underst-“

“And you didn’t run at that park anymore after you saw me there.”

She straightened up. “No, it’s you who didn’t run at the park anymore.”

He seemed baffled and so was her. She can hear both of their gears.

“What time did you run?” They asked at the same time.

“Eight.” Chorong answered first.

“Seven.” He said slowly she almost couldn’t hear him.

They gasped. Chorong couldn’t breathe. Is this what she thinks it is? Her heart beat faster but it’s muffled and distant and not really there. He stared at her like he wanted to say more, but he didn’t. And she didn’t either. So there’s that.

He turned back to the sink just as soon as there were spots of pink spreading on his cheeks. He turned back the faucet, muttering “woke up early for nothing” . . . or something.

Chorong turned back to her food. She’s still stumped by this whole thing – waking up almost with Kris in the same house, his misunderstanding, her misunderstanding. . .

“I don’t hate you. At all.” She restarted. “It’s just me and my conflicts.”

“What conflicts?” He asked, slowing down the harsh flow of the water.

“You were always in my dreams. Literally, I mean.” He pivoted, leaving the tap open. She gulped. She knew she should confess or else it will stay as misunderstanding – and she didn’t want this to be a case of stupid like Chanyeol and his girlfriend. “Turn the faucet off.” She said and he obliged without removing his gaze off her. “Since that night when I . . . uh, you . . .” Damn it, how to say ‘the night you might saw my s’ out loud? “. . . the exhibitionism . . .” she settled with that, “you started to do stupid s in my dreams. You sang, you cooked, you did aegyo , you-” kissed . . .

He blinked, and it made her want to run away, but that will caused more misunderstanding – and also considering Kris was apparently sensitive with that.

“Wait. Exhibitionism?” He tilted his head, his face had a big question mark.

He looked totally confused, so maybe he didn’t see. She sighed. “One night, I bumped on you when I wanted to go to the toilet and I was wearing a nightdress and –“

“Ahhhh . . .” And there’s a lightbulb floated on his head. He grinned. “I remember. I wanted to go back home at that time.” He grinned wider and Chorong somehow dreaded with what image he had in his head. “Very nice s by the way.”

kkkk, he did!

“Kill meee.” She pushed away the plate and proceeded to drop her head on the table. She wondered if she could melt on the floor until Kris went away.

“Okay, sorry. Forget it ever happened.”

“That was what I was trying to do that I had to run away from you.” Her whined muffled against the wooden table.

She can hear his grin and then she heard the squeaked of the chair beside her. Ugh, he decided to sit there of all place. “Tell me the rest. What else did I do in your dream?”

She shook her head. There’s no way she would want to tell. “Nothing more. I can’t remember.”

“Really?” He sounded disappointed. After a moment, he poked her shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have bad s.”

“That’s not the point!” She snarled as she looked up. “The point is you saw them.”

“The point is, you were just careless. I saw them again last night.”

“WHAT?” She almost flipped the table. What. The. Hell. She was going to kill Chanyeol and then maybe started a new life, moved to a mountain and raised some goats.

“Well, you were . . . “ He blushed. “You were moving too much, and the bra was not your exact size do you know that?”

She blushed again. He’s right. This all happened because she was careless as . She dropped her head back to the table, she felt like crying now. Why it had to be Kris? She started to plot Chanyeol’s death, thinking which part of Chanyeol she should dismember first.

“Don’t drink too much next time. And learn the manner beforehand if you really want to down a glass. Eat.”

She rolled her eyes inwardly. She kind of wanted him to leave. She kind of wanted him to stay. Her head got dizzy again.

“I really don’t want to sound pushy, but eat, Chorong. You didn’t eat last night too.”

Chorong heaved a sigh, giving up. She picked up her glass. But wait a second – it’s cranberry juice and milk. “You made this?”


“How did you know I like cranberry and milk?”

He blushed as he played with his fingers under the table. “Well, it’s not that hard to pay attention.”

Now her stomach grumbled again, and it’s not because she’s hungry. “So, you . . . like me?”

He dropped his head to the table. “I thought it’s obvious and that’s why you hate me and you ran away from me.”

Another case of stupid. How would just “hey” considered as obvious? She grinned. “So you like me.”

He turned his face away from her. “Kind of.”

She smiled. Morning was ruined, morning was made. “Good. Because I kind of like you too.”

He turned his face to her. His cheek smooshed on the table as he smiled at her. It was damn adorable she probably should bend down and -

No. There’s another conflict. He’s her brother’s friend. (Although, she didn’t want to acknowledge Chanyeol as her brother for at least three days.)

“What?” He asked. His face fell as though he can see everything through her expression. She felt exposed. But then again, she was already exposed enough to this guy . . . in certain way.

“Don’t you think it’s weird? You’re my brother’s friend.”

He sat up again. “Why would it be weird? He knew I like you. And besides, he’s dating my cousin.”

“Oh.” It appeared that her vocabulary had taken its leave. Apparently there’s no such concept of taboo for Chanyeol. Jeez, all her worry . . .  She took a deep breath. This was it. If it’s done, there’s no turning back. “There was something else you did in my dream.”


She dropped her fork, letting it rattled on the plate. And next second, she was straddling his lap.

He gasps. His eyes widened to their fullest and she watched him, mesmerized. She can hear his heart pounding – or maybe it was hers? She curled one hand around the back of his neck, gathering her courage. “This. “ She leaned forward – he smelled like fabric softener and somehow it smelled familiar – and their lips touched. His lips were perfect and . . . moved . . . just right.

The Kiss too, felt strangely familiar.

Maybe  because . . .

She felt his arms wrap around her waist, holding her close. He then broke the kiss, but their lips were still close enough in contact. “I kissed you last night.” He whispered.

Their lips brushed against each other as she smiled.

. . . heck, it was familiar after all.





a/n : This was originally written for Hunrong. But then halfway, I started to think it's weird bcs my younger brother's friends are always here too to play games.

Of course I never thought of them that way, but as this is Chorong's POV, I can't help but put myself in her shoes and I started to feel like a creep, like a pedo (although they are just 2/3 years younger). 

So, Kris is better since he's older. And Sehun's character here was Kris's. 

I hope you liked it. :)


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Chapter 1: This is gold! Why I found this story only now...hahha
Chapter 1: Oh gosh, you don't know how much I miss reading your stories! (And I figured that you hv probably deleted Kaieun's compilation T^T) And I truly miss your sense of humor!
Dang, if I were Chorong, I won't be able to face Kris ever again, goodlooking or not, I just don't want to face him anymore LOL! And those dreams too lmfao.
You never dissapoint me with your stories :) Keep up the good work unnie!
Chapter 1: I--Wha--WHAT DID I JUST READ
I don't know what to say.

You. Are right. This is weird. I freaked out at the s part. More than Chorong. Chorong is cool.
Crush or not, if he saw my s, NA-AH, NO, I'll dig a hole and bury myself in it and never get out.
And I'll never talk to him again.

s aside. This is really cute????
Krisrong don't have a lot of interaction, actually, aside from the s and the dreams (which, by the way, are weird too lmao I love your reference about 'tribute to MJ' kris)
Hey. HEY. HEEEYYYY. I'm going to associate Kris and 'hey' from now on.
And you make me miss Kris T___T
You know how Chorong thinks of Kris and describe him and Kris just sounds so cute and handsome as hell well basically I miss him

I love, love love Chorong's thoughts, especially about Chanyeol
this part really gets me--> "that son of a – uh, their mother?" lmaoooo
And how she's not going to acknowledge him for the next couple days
oh and I'm going to assume kris' cousin is bomi bye

then!! the last part!!
"very nice s" KILL MEEEEEEEEE
chorong's reaction is very mild I'll probably scream NOOOOOOOOO every time "NIP-" is even mentioned
the secondhand embarrassment for cho's s is very high on this part
But again, this is cute. But now I have weird thoughts about s. never mind.

Honestly I like this writing style? I think writing funny story / part is hard, but you have the talent, and in 'be here' it's angst so I feel you try to tone it down. While in exopink fandom, I rarely find a really funny story, sooo. Not that 'be here' isn't great, I just prefer happy genre in overall.

Strangely I kind of feel the Hunrong vibe before I read your a/n. I don't know. And I suspect some 'truth' in this story. Hopefully not the s part. I bet the 'hey'/meet in kitchen/the dreams. One of them must be from experience!!!! Just a guess.

Thank you for this ming! Now I'm craving for krisrong :s Damn it.
Chapter 1: i think, this is my favourite work of you so far. second after the one in your kaieun compilation, the one where jongin is a badass. still steamy about you hiding them by the way. i love be here, but i need more chapters. ha!

i don't know why do you think this is weird. because of the nip*les? it's not weird, in fact i think thanks to the nip*les, there's a development. considering they had too little of interaction before that.
i love the last part so much! when everything unfolds, the head-drop, "kind of" lol, the cranberry milk confession.. you keep making kris perfect isn't this unfair?
umm, what if, //what if// you write kris's pov? or just a bonus story when he had to deal with chorong? i want to know especially the part where he saw the nip*les again and when he kissed her! but if you can't, i don't mind, but .. *puppy eyes*

i realized something. chanyeol didn't talk at all in this chapter. lol. i love sehun's cameo. i thought you're going to make ntr (do you know this? or i need to explain?)

i know you're better at one-shot, but i feel kind of bad that one-shot doesn't really get attention. this need attention and love. same goes to krisrong.
thanks for this, ming! bookmarked !

p/s : don't you dare to hide this!! i'm going to hunt you
Nice fic I love it much much ^_^