What a meeting!?

The First Dance

"YO HURRY UP TAEHYUNG!" shouted Minghao.
"Okay okay. I'm done"
We were about to become late for class so we ran. Huffing and puffing from the rush of trying to get to class, an anouncement came on the speakers.
"Hey if anyone has interest for k-pop, come on down to the club on tuesday!" 
WHAT. Since when does a school have a club like that! It's only been a month since I came to this school! How much better can this school get. 
Minghao and I just looked each other with a shock but actually shedding tears in the inside. I cried because i knew i had music and i couldnt skip... WELL WHATEVER I DONT GIVE A FACK I MUST SEE THIS CLUB. The day of the club i didn't know anyone else exept the people in my language class. I had signed up for this facebook page of theirs so i could get their notifications.

a few hours latee

BRUUHHHHHHHH. "I literally don't want to be in this class anymore." I check my phone in science classbecause the teacher literally didnt give a and pretty much i was in the back corner so that made it easier on me.

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