7 [Drama & Such]

Lee Sooman's School of Exollence (Exo)


Jongdae repeats the process of sending electric currents to wake the other two. Luhan and Jongin immediately spring into action, and gain access to Baekhyun and Chanyeol's minds. Yixing stands behind Luhan and Jongin with a hand on each's back to give them energy to last throughout the process. Kyungsoo keeps Baekhyun and Chanyeol in place. Junmyeon begins convincing the two, and Jongdae falls asleep on the xouch.

"Okay, so guys, listen to me..."

"I know you guys are having some conflicts in your relationship. I want you guys to understand each other's hearts; Luhan-hyung, proceed," Junmyeon says, pointing towards Luhan.

Luhan's control is quite weak, but he manages to reach into the depths of Baekhyun's mind to get to his true feelings for Chanyeol. The whole point of the plan is to get them to confess to each other, and to get them to fall in love and be happy forever and ever (at least this is how it's supposed to go). Luhan forces these deep, dark emotions out of the younger boy.

"Chanyeol is like a knight to me, in a way; he's kind of protective. I really like him, and hope that he feels the same way, too. I want to date him, but it's his job to ask me out. I truly think he's a genuine gentleman and a sweet boy, who can be silly and funny sometimes. 

We haven't had much of a chance to hang out together, so I thought this date would have been a good opportunity to get to know Chanyeol better. I didn't learn too much; just that he's a liar and a player. If he only wanted to kiss me for a bet, why didn't he just say so? I would've felt less betrayed by that, but he chose to try and keep it secret. I don't want to say that he broke my heart, but I feel like he did. He's an , and my whole perspective of him has changed conpletely. He made a horrible choice when he agreed to the bet, and I am pretty sure he likes me a lot; I hope he feels just as heartbroken as I do," Baekhyun confesses. Luhan succeeds in getting out how Baekhyun has felt in the past, and how he feels about Chanyeol now.

Jongin is trying to access the hidden information in Chanyeol's mind, he really is, but Chanyeol has all of these mental barriers to keep him from getting to those feelings. Chanyeol is basically trying to block Jongin out of his mind, and with his strong will, he's doing a pretty fantabulous job. Jongin is using all of his limited ability to try to get there, but since this isn't really in his power range (and Chanyeol is really resisting), he's struggling and tired; sweat starting to form in beads on his forehead.

"I don't think I can do it; he's too resistant," Jongin breathes out, hands trembling.

"Chanyeol just relax and it'll be over sooner. We can get this over with if you keep resisting and won't cooperate," Junmyeon states, looking deep into the boy's eyes.

Chanyeol seems to think it over, but instead his body catches fire. Jongin and Kyungsoo leap away, in order to not become human bacon. Chanyeol stands, chest heaving up and down angrily.

"Ch-Chanyeol, calm down a b-bit; there's no need for-" Junmyeon is cut off by Chanyeol's icy glare.

Chanyeol turns his gaze to the Baekhyun, who was no longer under Luhan's control. The seated boy glares back at Chanyeol, just as angry. Yixing tries to get them to cooperate once again, but the two continue their staring contest.Baekhyun is the one to break the silence.

"You're an idiot, you know that?"

"I've heard that a few times, so yes," Chanyeol remarks. Baekhyun sighs deeply.

"Why...just why did you do that?"


"So, Wufan? Have you come to an answer yet?"

"Yes," Wufan takes the younger's hand in his, lacing their fingers.

"Y-Yes?" Zitao knows what it means, but wants to hear it from Wufan.

"Yes, I like you, Huang Zitao."

"Wow... I don't know how to react to that..." Zitao is truly speechless.

"What? Haven't you been waiting 3 months for this? You could be a bit more enthusiastic," Wufan says.

"I know, but...I just don't know what to say..."

"Yay?" Wufan tries, making the boys smile. 

"Okay...Yay," Zitao drawls as he rolls his eyes.  

"You could be a little more enthusiastic?" Wufan suggests.

"Yay~!" Zitao shouts, jumping up and down and tugging on Wufan's sleeve, like a child.

"I didn't mean that much, but it's much appreciated." Zitao giggles.

The two leave the building together to go find Luhan and Jongin. They walk hand-in-hand at a constant speed until they're at their dorm building, waiting for the elevator. The elevator doors open, beckoning them inside. The boys enter the contraption, and press the desired floor number.

"...Um, Gege, I...I have a really bad feeling about something. My stomach feels a bit...I don't know...just a bad feeling. I don't exactly know what it is, though; it just feels bad," Zitao looks at Wufan worriedly.

"R-Really, me, too" Wufan says, glad that he isn't crazy and the nagging paranoia isn't a figment of his imagination.

"I-I don't know...that's what is bothering me so much...like, it feels like we're being watched, but I know we're not...I feel-" Zitao is cut off by Wufan.  

"A weird presence," Wufan finishes, glancing at the slightly shorter male.

"Yeah...a weird presence."

Suddenly the elevator begins to shake, and the lights go out. It's pitch black, and neither boy can see the other; this must have been what was causing the bad feeling.


Just as Sehun has succumbed to his exhaustion, the room begins to shake. He doesn't notice at first, but then books and pictures start to fall off of shelves. He immediately thinks that it's some sort of natural disaster that he can't remember the name of in his panic, and begins to freak out a little bit.

The shaking stops, and the room is pitch black, save for the moonlight creeping through the curtains. He's not going to lie to himself; he's really scared because he's not prepared for thus situation, and Yixing isn't there. He audibly gasps; Yixing isn't there. He stumbles out of bed to find the door to the dorm--he can't remember whose it is; his or Yixing's--to go find his boyfriend. He reaches what feels like a door to have it swing open and hit him in the face.

"Ow!" He grunts, not really able to see the intruder, but probably because he just got whacked in the face by a ing door.

"S-Sorry! I didn't expect you to be at the door...or in here at all. Where's Yixing?" It was Minseok, seemingly alone.

"I don't know; I was just about to go look for him. Come with me, hyung?" Sehun admits, searching for something to pull himself up with.

As he stands, he feels a headache coming along; he's probably got a bruised nose or something--he can't exactly pinpoint the pain at the moment.

"Alright, let's go, Sehunnie."


Minseok was just minding his own business eating some of Jongdae's hi-chews that he keeps "hidden" behind the microwave, and then the building began to shake, knocking him off balance and face-first onto the cool kitchen tiles. He slowly rises, and the power goes out. He's not sure what's going on, so he decides to go look for Yixing (though he has a no clue why).

He reaches what he believes is Yixing and Luhan's dorm--across the all and down one door to the right--and tries the knob. The door is unlocked, so he swings it open, only to hit something (or rather someone) that was behind it.

He hears a groan of pain, and it turns out to be the youngest boy on their floor; Oh Sehun. He apologizes, and they soon head off in search of the rest of the floor.

"Hyung...do you know what's going on? What this whole shaky thing is all about?" Sehun questions, gripping Minseok's hand a little bit tighter than he'd like to admit.

"I'd love to say that I did, but nope. Maybe the rest of the boys will have some idea what's happening.


"Oh my god; what's happening?!" One boy screams, voice laced with panic and fear. "We're gonna die! We're gonna die!"

"Get it together, Junmyeon!" A smack is heard. "You're supposed to be the most calm out of all of us!" It was Luhan who had been speaking.

"Chanyeol? Can you do the fire thing? It's kinda dark...," another boy, Yixing, says. "Chanyeol?" He gets no response.

"Baekhyun? Your power is light, right? You should probably be using that now," an annoyed voice, Kyungsoo, demands. The room is illuminated by Baekhyun's palms.

"Happy now? What are we gonna do? It's too dark to go wandering about for the others," Baekhyun says. Now that they can see, they notice that Chanyeol is unconscious on the floor by the kitchenette--most likely from hitting his head on a countertop.

"Thrilled, and we should wait and see if-" the door opens, cutting Jongin off. "Never mind."

"...Wait, where's Tao and Wufan?"


"Are you serious right now? Out of all the bad things that could happen..." Wufan grumbles out of frustration. Zitao is clinging to his arm like it's a life preserver, and he's agitated that they're in this predicament.

Just as Wufan is about to mumble another complaint, a voice sounds from the speakers:

"Attention all students; this is not a drill. We are currently under attack. This is only the beginning, and it is bound to get worse off from here. We are sending for the most elite students in the school to fight off the enemy, as those who are trained for this are far too old to do anything. Do not fret or fear; you are safe here at school...for now. This little stung was just to prepare us for what might really happen if we do not stop these men. I, Lee Sooman, ask that you remain calm and collected until further notice. Thank you."

The lights are back on, and the elevator is moving again.

"Enemy? The most elite students? What the hell is going on here?" Wufan groans, absolutely bewildered.

They exit the elevator, but run into one of the S.M. Elites, the strongest of the strong in the school (and possibly the nation) and those who are trained to kill.

"Come with me," is all that's said, and they're wisped away by the man.


Back in Chanyeol and Jongin's shared dorm the boys were in various degrees of panic. Some hyperventilating, others voicing their concerns; all of them speaking over one another.

And S.M. Elite appears in the room, and without another word, all 10 boys are poofed into Lee Sooman's office.

{1828 words}

I realized that this was supposed to be a crack fic, but in my opinion it's a bit too dramatic for that, so it's genre is really undetermined right now...

Ugh...I'm so disappointed with this because it's so bad and the storyline is all over the place and random. I'm sorry for those of you who decided to read this, and ended up disappointed.



-Byun Baconboy

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Ugh this is getting worse isn't it? I'm trying so please don't hate me!


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Chapter 18: I know how that feels :P
Good luck with your new fic :) hopefully you'll come back to this story someday!

teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 14: Good work again , it's good reading how they progress
Chapter 12: This ChanBaek song omegard.. >\\\<
Chapter 2: I loooooooove ur puns n witty words!! Had a good laughter haha...ok now I'm gonna continue reading bye ♥~
jennifer_yuki #6
Chapter 5: Wow. I love all the characters here... Minseok and taozi are adorable. And luhan being luhan, creep and dumb.X'D
Chapter 12: Aww but I like BTS and GOT 7 :( anywho PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! IT'S SO GOOD BLAH
Ugh I hate doing this, but Kris' real name is Wu Yifan. Can you please fix it - it's driving me nuts? Dx I don't wanna be mean about it or anything D: but I also can't just leave it...
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 11: Can't wait for more
teufelchen_netty #10
Chapter 9: Uh what a turn