9 [Rise & Rename]

Lee Sooman's School of Exollence (Exo)

Baekhyun is a little more than exhausted. He didn't sleep at all the previous night because every time he moved, his body would ache. He wishes he could've gotten over it and slept anyway, but he's a wimp.

“Rise and shine, buttercup!” Taeyeon says, literally shining bright lights in his eyes.

Baekhyun groans, and closes his eyes. Taeyeon walks over and presses a kiss to his cheek; that got him up.

“Ew! How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested in you because one, you're like fifty, and two, I'm gay!” Baekhyun shouts, getting out of bed and staggering to the bathroom to take a shower.

“Uh...rude! And I'll have you know that I am forty-four!” Taeyeon calls behind him.

“That won't make him want you, Taeyeon. He's not interested,” Shindong whistles with a smirk.

He is currently carrying a sleeping Kyungsoo, who (obviously) won't get up. The boy can't even open his eyes, let alone got out of bed, but Shindong insists on getting up anyway.

“Shut up, Shindong! At least my trainee is productive,” Taeyeon sasses. Shindong snorts at this.

“My kid is like ten times more productive than yours.”

Shindong proceeds to put Kyungsoo on his feet on the floor. Kyungsoo falls on his face as soon as Shindong lets go; Taeyeon laughs. Kyungsoo does not get up; Shindong facepalms.

“Oh, yes; ten times more productive than Baekkie,” Taeyeon giggles, and Shindong collects Kyungsoo and leaves the dorm room.


Kyuhyun and Kangin stand in the doorways of their proteges’ rooms. They turn and look at each other before nodding and getting to work.

Kyuhyun sprays Junmyeon with some water, which woke Junmyeon immediately, and motions the boy with a finger.

“Come; we've got places to be.”

“But...don’t I need a shower first?” Junmyeon questions, mind still groggy with sleep.

Kyuhyun smiles sweetly, and proceeds to spray Junmyeon some more.

“There; all clean!”

Junmyeon gets up and finds a change of dry clothes.

Kangin stands beside Wufan's bed. He watches the boy sleep, and he kind of wants to disrupt the peace. He decides he will disrupt Wufan's peaceful slumber, and transforms on arm into a long wing. He then smacks Wufan in the face...hard.

“Ow! What was that for?!” Wufan shouts, holding a hand up to his cheek. “Ew! Why is my face wet?!”

“Oh...wings tend to have a slimy, gross residue after you neglect to clean them for a while; sorry about that,” Kangin replies with not-so-sheepish look. Wufan silently stands, and walks into the bathroom. He does not scream once he has the door closed and locked.


“Rise and shine, you little brat,” Irene says in a disgustingly sweet voice. Jongin stirs in his slumber.

Irene sighs and does what the only thing she can--she teleports away to get a giant tuna, comes back, and smacks Jongin in the face with it. This time, he does wake up.

“Have you ever heard of gently shaking someone to wake them up?” Jongin asks, annoyed. He staggers out of his bed and to his bathroom to take a steaming hot shower; he needs one in order to stay awake for the day.

He's out of the shower in around ten minutes, and he doesn't even have time to put on his shoes before Irene teleports them away.

“Why's she always in such a rush?” Chanyeol asks, pitying the younger boy, who is stuck with her as a mentor, just a bit.

“She's just strict; her mentor, when she was his age, was very tough on her, so she grew up stronger than all of us. Her powers had improved greatly from the intense, almost nonstop training she underwent everyday,” Sunny explains, looking a little upset.

“She certainly looks strong; I haven't seen Jongin listen to someone so well.”

The two are just now leaving the dorm to go train.


“Was that really necessary?” Luhan grumbles, rubbing the back of his head. Sungmin has just thrown a textbook at him.

“Yep, knowledge is power!” Sungmin says proudly, pumping his fist into air. Luhan gets out of bed to get ready, but not before rolling his eyes.

Much to Henry's relief, Yixing is already awake and functioning. He's tying his shoes when he notices Henry standing in his doorway. “Good morning, Henry-ge!”

Henry can't help the fond smile that finds its way onto his lips at the bright smile the younger boy gives him. “Good morning, Yixing. Are you ready?”

“Um…” Yixing pats himself down, mumbles to himself, and looks around for a second or two. “Yep! All ready!”

They leave the dorm, and make it about halfway to the building when Yixing realizes something: “I forgot my badge…”

Henry facepalms, and holds back the urge to scold the boy. They turn back, and get the badge. Before leaving a second time, they thoroughly check the room to make sure Yixing hasn't left anything else.


It's quiet...too quiet. The peace is good enough for Jongdae to be in a comfortable slumber, well, until he's shocked to reality.

“Ow! What the -” Jongdae has hopped out of bed by now (wearing nothing but his dinosaur underwear) and is ready to fight, but he just sees Siwon standing there with an amused smirk on his lips.

“...Dinosaurs?” Siwon asks after a few moments of awkward silence. Jongdae lets out an inaudible whine, and rushes around the room to find some pants.

“...I thought they were cool!” Jongdae insists after much hesitation. He found a pair of pants...with dinosaurs on them.

“Do you own anything without dinosaurs on it?” Siwon teases, tossing a T-Rex t-shirt at the boy. Jongdae scowls, and puts the shirt on. He finds another pair of pants, and slips on some shoes. The two leave the dorm in a tense silence.

“Are you upset about the dinosaur thing?” Siwon asks, worriedly, looking down at the boy.

“No,” Jongdae lies, it's obvious to Siwon that the boy isn't tell the truth because of the pout on his lips.

“Hey, don't be like that,” Jongdae is still pouting. Siwon nudges the boy, and he stops walking, scowl deepening on his features.

Siwon turns around, and without thinking, scoops the smaller boy into his arms, carrying him bridal style the rest of the way. 

Meanwhile back in the dorm room, Amber is still waiting on Minseok to get out of the shower. She agrees to count to five in her head before bathing in unannounced. Luckily the water shuts off, and she saves herself from the trauma of teen boy (*shudders*).

He dresses, and comes out of the bathroom in about two minutes (record time if u asked Amber).”Noona, how do I look?” Minseok asks, a bit timid.

Amber tilts her head. “What do you mean?”

“Well… you were kinda staring at me, so I thought I'd ask,” Minseok states, color rising to his cheeks.

“Oh, sorry...I guess I zoned out, but you look… nice,” Amber says, making the whole situation awkward, and even worse, making Minseok awkward.


“C'mon, kiddo, get up,” Donghae tries for about the fifteenth time, and he honestly wants to give up. He's been trying to wake Sehun forever, and he's starting to want to just drag the boy out of bed, and drag him to the meeting. Sadly, he can't do that because the boy might become upset. He resorts to blowing air into the boy's ear (which he should've thought of sooner tbh), and Sehun slowly lifts his head from his bed.

It doesn't take too much more coaxing before Sehun is dragging Donghae to the door, so they can ‘go see XingXing’.

Zhou Mi, however, is struggling, and feels like quitting his life before it dawns on him: he can stop time, walk Zitao to the meeting, and restart time. His plan saves him a lot of time and patience, so he rolls with it. He ends up at the meeting before Donghae and Sehun (even though he technically cheated)


“Now that we're all gathered together, we can begin talking about the fun stuff,” Sooman starts. He gets several excited/confused looks from the boys.

“Like who our enemy is?” Sehun asks, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Uh...no, not yet. I'm gonna give you boys some new names! Junmyeon, you will now be known as ‘Suho' as you are the most experienced, so you get the leader position and the title of a guardian. Wufan; you will be known as ‘Kris’, as it is a powerful name, and gives you the authority you deserve. Minseok; you'll be called ‘Xiumin’ just because I like the way it sounds, and it fits your personality. Jongin; you will be called ‘Kai' because it is mysterious, like your abilities.

Kyungsoo, your new name is ‘D.O.’ because it's small and powerful like you. 

Zitao, you will be known as ‘Tao', so I don't confuse you with Zhou Mi and because it's cool. Yixing, you will be known as ‘Lay' because of your gentle personality and abilities. Finally, Jongdae, you'll be called ‘Chen’ because it's a cheeky, fun, electric-sounding name for a cheeky, fun, electric boy.”

The boys look around at each other, almost as if to get used to the way the name looked according to its new owner. Once they were done, they returned their attention back to their teacher.

“You're dismissed to train, and work hard; I'll be out to check on you later.” The boys only complain minimally, and head off with their different mentors.

They all silently pray that they pass out, so they don't have to train as hard. Hopefully their wishes come true...

{1612 words}

This is a pretty boring chapter in my opinion...oh well, hopefully one person enjoys this more than me. On a happier note, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING AND READING!!! I SEND U ALL LITTLE HEARTEUS~~

Also I am actually glad Kaistal are dating bc they're literally both perfect and i want them to be open instead of secretive. I also hope the fans support them...enough of my ranting (if u wanna know more about my opinion on the matter, follow me on instagram @ those.kpop.boys)

-Byun Baconboy

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Ugh this is getting worse isn't it? I'm trying so please don't hate me!


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Chapter 18: I know how that feels :P
Good luck with your new fic :) hopefully you'll come back to this story someday!

teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 14: Good work again , it's good reading how they progress
Chapter 12: This ChanBaek song omegard.. >\\\<
Chapter 2: I loooooooove ur puns n witty words!! Had a good laughter haha...ok now I'm gonna continue reading bye ♥~
jennifer_yuki #6
Chapter 5: Wow. I love all the characters here... Minseok and taozi are adorable. And luhan being luhan, creep and dumb.X'D
Chapter 12: Aww but I like BTS and GOT 7 :( anywho PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! IT'S SO GOOD BLAH
Ugh I hate doing this, but Kris' real name is Wu Yifan. Can you please fix it - it's driving me nuts? Dx I don't wanna be mean about it or anything D: but I also can't just leave it...
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 11: Can't wait for more
teufelchen_netty #10
Chapter 9: Uh what a turn