
Before We Fly

The land seems so bare, the skies seems so bright. Baekhyun feels the odd of this place and he can already sense his dislike towards this college. But he keeps it inside, as his parents have done so much to send him here and it was his choice to accept this offer.

Baekhyun came from a small family in the sub-urban area. He has an outgoing mother, a father filled with ridiculous jokes, and a brother who is younger than him by 11 years and never leaves him alone. All the 4 of them are amazed as the father drives into the main gate, eyeing every features of the school. Also known as college. Or whatever it is called. Because Baekhyun sees this so called prestigious college just like a school, due to its cliché building shapes.

“Please follow me,” an usherer, maybe one of the students, greets him as soon as he gets off the car and approaches the said hall. The student is smiling brightly at him so he smiles back and follows him inside to a sight of an empty hall, with a few school-like desks arranged like multiple stations.

“Good morning,” he flashes the most charming smile towards a middle-aged woman in the counter. The woman smiles back while eyeing his attire before handing out a file, “Please complete all the forms in here and submit it to the next counter over there,” she points towards another counter. Baekhyun nods and takes the file from her, looking through the many forms inside while heading towards a few empty desks and chairs. He sits on one of the chairs and casually takes out the forms. As he starts to fill in the forms, a lanky boy sits next to him. Baekhyun notes that he must be another new student like him too so he smiles towards his direction. But the lanky boy does not notice it. He barely looks towards Baekhyun’s direction.

Baekhyun shrugs it off and continues filling his forms. Soon enough, more and more students come in and sit nearby. It takes about 30 minutes for him to complete the forms and as soon as he finishes, he realizes that the forms need to be put into the ring file. But there is no holes yet and he does not have any puncher with him. He looks up and around. The lanky boy next to him is still not finished, focusing on his forms like the whole world depends on it.

“Do you have a puncher?” Baekhyun abruptly asks the lanky boy. His focused eyes shoot upwards at the question and he looks at Baekhyun with the same intensity, “What?”

“Do you have a puncher? For this?” Baekhyun tries again while gesturing to his forms. Somehow the boy is still clueless until soon he shakes his head slowly, “No,” and continues filling the form. Baekhyun furrows at the reaction. Looks so ridiculous. Like his father’s jokes. He ignores him and simply inserts the forms between the files and stands up, walking towards the counter to submit.

“Thank you, please sign here,” a woman says, gesturing to a form on the desk. She takes his file and puts it in a box, before choosing a key, two shirts; green and purple, and puts it in a basket.

“This is the laundry basket. I have also put two shirts. The green one is for CAS, the purple one is for general purpose. You can take your things to your room now, it’s E201,” she smiles. Baekhyun stalls for a while, trying to fully comprehend the things she mentioned before taking the basket and thanks the woman. Then he walks out of the hall, feeling a little bit overwhelmed at how he is now registered in this college. As he walks towards his parents’ car, he wonders again what made him so brave to grab this opportunity. He was already in a university doing his foundation, for God’s sake. Why did he quit and came here?

Oh yeah… because he came from a middle-class family and it was very rare for a boy like him to get Federal Scholarship to study overseas.

‘That’s it, I’m going to do this IB-whatever--its-name. To fly,’ he monologues, and smiles secretly.

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I planned to update this story and my other one "Partners" tonight but my flu is being such a so I just updated "Partners". Mianhae! I'll update a.s.a.p


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PandaBirdable #1
heyyy r u planning on continuing this?
cuz its really good
You're an IB student? Cool. Me too :-)