

Picture credits go to the very talented artist at http://www.dlazaru.deviantart.com/ !!! Check out her work, it's amazing.

“Well we didn’t come so far for nothing.” Jin slammed his hand on the table and stood up. I looked at him quizzingly.


“Come on Mina, let’s dance.”

Did I hear correctly? Jin wanted to dance? Jin wanted to dance?! I stood up slowly and he offered his hand, which I took and followed him to the dancefloor.


T-ara’s “Lovey Dovey” was playing, and I saw Eunbin and J Hope in the corner of my eye having a danceoff with the golden couple Sojin and Jungkook. Eunbin was too busy to notice Jin and I awkwardly stepping to the dancefloor. Jin loosened his grip on my hand, and begun to bop to the music. I followed his lead. Before long, 2pm’s “Hands up” came on, and a few other couples joined us, jamming along. Jin was surprisingly natural on the dance floor and was not as awkward as I thought. We danced to song after song, jammed with couple after couple, even getting to dance with Eunbin, J Hope, Sojin and Jungkook.


Then, Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years” came on, and the crazy flashy lights in the hall simmered down to a calming deep blue hue. I looked around and found Eunbin and J Hope swaying together to the slow beat, as well as with the golden couple and many others. I looked around until I was met with Jin’s large brown eyes, which were watching me with a soft gaze. I bowed my head and stepped past the golden couple to reach him.


“May I have this dance?” Jin whispered, offering his hands. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. He cautiously placed his warm hands on my waist, and leant his forehead against mine. We swayed to the music, and I tried as hard as possible to calm my racing heartbeat. After tomorrow, we would all be graduating… and the day after, I will be leaving Seoul, leaving my family and all my friends… leaving Jin.

I opened my eyes and found Jin staring intently at me. I blushed and lowered my head.

“What, is there something on my mouth?” I whispered, and Jin smiled, not answering my question. “Yah, Seokjin.”

He stared at me for a whole minute without blinking before leaning in to kiss me. We swayed to the music softly, and as it ended, we pulled apart. My heart was galloping faster than the speed of light. It was now or never. The burning passion in Jin’s eyes seemed to agree. He reached for my hand and looked towards the door.

“Let’s get out of here.” He mouthed, and I nodded. Together, we slipped past everyone as they began to get hyped up for EXO’s Growl. Without letting go of my hand, Jin guided us to the hotel lifts, whilst reaching for the room key in his pocket.


As soon as the elevator doors slid shut, Jin slammed his hands beside my shoulders on the wall behind me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in.

“What floor?” I muttered as I fumbled with his tie. He peered at the card key.

“Seventeenth.” He answered before he continued to plant kisses all over my neck. I shuddered as he hit my soft spot, just as the elevator bell ding-ed, the doors sliding smoothly open. Thankfully there was no one in sight. Jin grinned like a six year old on Christmas day as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the elevator. I took off my heels and we ran along the quiet corridor as he searched for the room number. I played with his shirt collar as he fumbled with the card key. Finally, the door opened and we stumbled in, our hands all over each other, fumbling in the darkness and slamming the heavy door behind us.

This was our paradise.

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Chapter 1: This story is so good but so short!!! I love it!!! <3
hellobts1003 #2
Chapter 1: Uwaaaaaaa~~~ I want more about Jinnie TT TT I thought the end of this story is but its turned out to be hint of hehe ^^ Its lovely and cute author-nim! <33 I love it!
slilings #3