003 : Third

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* * * INFATUATION? * * *

not a chance.



The petite boy silently inhaled the still present vapors of the custodian's pine-scented cleaner, as the babbling of the surrounding students was evidently heard, even outside the classroom area. Kyungsoo was barely visible. An un-special person with no friends or family whatsoever. 



But he wasn't the only solitary soul who shared the same unwanted fate. Kai, who was situated a few seats away from him, was also as alone as he was now. Or so, he chose to be – considering the heaps of females around him were giggling nonsensically. 






Kyungsoo is without a doubt, an attracting human entity, but at the same time he's absolutely introverted. Meaning, he doesn't like interacting with other human beings, even if his image is as mellifluous and squishy as perceived. 



On spur of moment, the professor strolls into the classroom, his elegant yet lavish attire indicating to the personality he tends to radiate. His aquiline shaped nose to his perfectly sculpted jawline was a rather enchanting sight to witness. His lips were plush and incarnadine tinted as his eyes were dainty and beautifying as can be. Not to overlook his stature and ears. His ears were the most attention-drawing aspect about him. 



He gave off the expression of being extremely youthful to be an instructor, taking into account his age was deemed to be exactly the same as the students within the class. Kyungsoo began to smile out of consciousness, not realizing the fact that Kai's regard was fixated upon his own from afar.



"Sorry for being late, it's 10:29 am, what a pity,” The teacher retorts with a tad amount of weariness laced with his tonality. “I'll do the attendance, don't goof off or scream when I call out your name. It's disrespectful” Setting aside his list of attendance, his gaze falters down upon Kyungsoo's, reflecting a look of tenderness. 



"For those who don't know me, or for those who recently began this class and didn't catch my name beforehand, my name is Chanyeol, but please do call me Mr. Park," As he clears his throat against the behind of his palm, the tall-statured male commences to read off of his list of attendance, scribbling a few notes here and there when a 'present!' is heard.



"Kim Jongin," Downright silence. "Kim Jongin? Is there a Kim jongin here today?" Chanyeol retorted, observing the room before glancing directly at the boy with his arm stretched up nice and high.


"What did I say earlier about me calling out your name. I need a response, not a raise of the arm" 



"Come again? You didn't say anything along the lines of ' need a response ', all you said was the fact that we couldn't  yell out our names and act goofy," Jongin retaliates, kicking against the empty seat next to him as he avoids gazing at Mr. Park.  



Peering from over the shoulder of another individuals back, Kyungsoo's eyes promptly land upon the exterior of a leering Kai. 



His name is Jongin? If we're going by alphabetical order starting with first names foremost, that means . . .



"Kyungsoo? Do Kyungsoo?" 



"I — Present!," The volume sloshed within Kyungsoo's voice causes the whole entire class of 36 students to determinably gaze at him in a judging manner. Chanyeol's facial expression softens due to the physical attractiveness and charm Kyungsooo emits, a fit of laughter escaping the depths of his throat, provoking the attention of the entire class to fall upon him solely.

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chapter four will be up by december 2nd!!!! or earlier depending on my time.


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Chapter 5: Oh!! Author-nim!! I'll wait for the next chapter!!
Fighting!! And Take care~ ^•^
Chapter 5: ill waittt!!!! XD
Chapter 4: Nice chap here!! I like it.
Chapter 4: I like it <3
B1A4Fighting7 #6
Chapter 4: Oh my god. I'm in love with this fanfic.
Chapter 4: im a litlle confused
baekyool #8
Chapter 4: I loved it!! Thank you for updating..