Delusional Fanboy: Oh Sehun

Soulmate of the Day

"Oh my god, Baekhyun. Cutie at 3'o clock!" Sehun whispers exaggeratedly as he slaps his best friend at the shoulder, completely surprising the latter as he yelps, knocking off his sunglasses. It lands noisily on the floor and Sehun does not even try to cover his annoyance as he slaps the latter once more on the shoulder before directing his attention back to the so-called cutie sitting in one of the booths near them.

"Oh dear lord, what did I do in my past life that I got stuck with this idiot?" Baekhyun pleads to the heavens above as Sehun attempts to kick his knee, discreetly watching as his crush (or his future husband but shush, that only one of Sehun's thousand fantasies) for five years finally stands up from his booth and glances around with his nose scrunched up.

"He's so adorable," The pale male sighs in delight while Baekhyun throws him a disgusted look upon realizing who the cutie is.

"I can't believe I had to suffer two hours of sitting here with you so you can stalk your stupid cru-"

"HI JONGIN!!!" Sehun, the most embarrassing human being to ever live on this planet, screams the name of the love of his life while furiously flailing his arms around, in order to get his attention. The love of his life turns around swiftly and the smile that tugs on his lips is enough to melt Sehun into a disgusting puddle of goo. 

Ah, young love.

"Oh, didn't know you guys were here!" Jongin enthusiastically greets them upon approaching their place beside the café window before sitting down on a spare chair, "What are you guys doing here, anyway?"

"Oh, you know, Sehun here wants to stalk-"

"OH, YOU'RE SO FUNNY, BAEKHYUN. HA HA HA shut up." Sehun laughs nervously before lowering his voice at the last two words, throwing a look at his (former) best friend. 

Jongin looks so (adorably) confused between their exchanges, finally dismissing their response with a reassuring smile.

"So, Valentine's Day is coming up," Jongin starts and Sehun nods thoughtfully but inside, he's squealing and crying at the same time. Squealing because he's excited to know who his soulmate is. Crying because there's like, 0.00000001% chance that his soulmate is his number one best friend A.K.A his crush A.K.A Kim Jongin. 

(And no, Baekhyun is not his best friend. He was totally taken off Sehun's list of best friends since five minutes ago when he almost blurted out about Sehun's creepy habit.)

"Aren't you excited?"

No, kinda, maybe, Sehun thinks.

"Of course, I am! Totally excited to finally confirm the fact that you're my soulmate - OH , I mean, uh, find out that someone is my soulmate? Ha ha ha..." 

Yes, good job, Oh Sehun. That was such a nice cover up. Sehun thinks proudly but Baekhyun only snorts at his lame attempt of trying to cover up the fact that he almost spilled his undying love for Jongin.

"Oh my god, how embarrassing." Baekhyun mutters but it's loud enough for Sehun to hear because seconds later, he felt a pinch at his side, making him yelp.

Jongin remains unfazed by the secret war between those two friends of his as he leans his elbows against the table.

"Well, I hope I can meet my soulmate soon. Though I hope it's my girlfriend." It was supposed to be a harmless joke but Sehun can feel his heart breaking into a thousand pieces when he remembers that Jongin is off-limits because he's dating his classmate, Soojung.

"Ouch," Baekhyun comments at the sidelines with an amused smirk while Sehun dramatically places his hand on his chest, sniffling.

"Uh, are you okay?" Jongin asks in concern-filled voice while Baekhyun snorts.

"Hormones." Baekhyun explains with a smirk while Jongin nods his head thoughtfully.

"Shut the up, Baekhyun." Sehun throws a punch at the latter and he yelps once more at the sudden pain that his suffering shoulder is feeling. Jongin chuckles before finally standing up from his chair, a smile on his lips as he ruffles the younger male's hair fondly.

"Hey, can you stop by at my house later? Mom misses you already."

"Don't you miss me as well?" Sehun teasingly says while Jongin's face flushes, chuckling lowly.

"Of course I do. So, see you later, hm?"

"Sure." Sehun right now is anything but calm but thanks to his fantastic acting skills, he manages to put up a calm demeanor as the love of his life walks out of the café.

"Oh my god, Baekhyun."


"Jongin and I are going on a date!"

"Stop being delusional."


Byun Baekhyun is now officially taken off in Sehun's list of best friends.

“So here we have, ladies and gentlemen, Oh Sehun, a 17 year old. He is now supposedly watching his crush shake his to the music–”

“Chanyeol, please shut the fu–”

“I didn’t pay for this show to watch Jongin shake his .” Jongdae clicks his tongue in distaste before leaning over towards Chanyeol’s side, hoping to get (read: steal) the popcorn from his hands. But unfortunately, Chanyeol yelps because apparently, Sehun had elbowed him at his side, resulting to Chanyeol screaming like a mad man and spilling the popcorn on the floor.

“Yeah, you would rather watch Junmyeon shake his booty, don’t you, Jongdae? And besides, Jongin has a great .”

“Wow, how about you shut up and get your hands off my man, Byun Baekhyun.”

“Do you mean, Soojung’s man?” Baekhyun cackles at his own lame joke while Sehun glares at him, deciding to just shove Chanyeol on the shoulder because he is Baekhyun’s boyfriend and he should take responsibility for Baekhyun’s dumb attitude


“Shhh, shut up, you ing idiots. We’re supposed to be watching Jongin’s performance!” Kyungsoo discreetly glares at the four idiots (that includes Sehun) as he puts a finger against his lips to signal them to shut their mouths.

“See? Kyungsoo hyung here has his priorities straight, unlike you three idiots.” Baekhyun snorts as he attempts to throw the bouquet of roses, which was supposed to be given to Jongin as a form of congratulations on his successful performance, at Sehun.

“Yeah, sure, his priorities are straight but what about his ual orientation?”

“OH, BURNNNNNN!” Chanyeol screams as he throws his hands up, hitting Sehun straight at his face, reducing him into a whimpering mess.

“ing savage.” Jongdae joins as he attempts to stand on the cushion seat but ends up falling onto the floor, knocking Baekhyun on his shoulder.

Kyungsoo has long given up on them and secretly asks the heaven why he has to suffer this eternal nightmare.

The music finally comes into an end and Sehun whines, hitting the injured Jongdae on the shoulder.

“I didn’t see my husband perform because of–”

“You’re welcome!” Baekhyun cheerily cuts him off before grabbing his wrist and dragging him towards the backstage, where Jongin was waiting.

“Hey, Jongin. Your secret admirer is here to see you!” Sehun has never felt so embarrassed in his whole 17 years of living on this Earth and branded as the most embarrassing human being to ever live on this planet. Jongin appears muddled but dismisses Baekhyun’s greeting with a laugh before approaching his best friend, enveloping him in a hug.

“I’m glad you came.” Jongin pulls away and he flashes his oh-so perfect grin at Sehun, who might turn into a puddle of goo because he’s that in love with the Kim Jongin.

“Yeah, Ha ha ha, hereyougo.” Sehun grabs the bouquet of roses from Baekhyun and slams it against Jongin’s chest before his nervous expression turn into a complete horrified one once he realizes what he has done.

“Wow, you’re so embarrassing.” Baekhyun snorts and Sehun just wants to punch the brunette in the face but he must remain calm and composed because he can’t have a breakdown right in front of his crush and ruin his chances of winning his heart. Nope, not going to happen in a million of years.

“Didn’t know you were so excited to give me these but thanks.” Jongin beams with happiness before taking the roses and setting them down on the nearby table.

“Hey, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow.” Baekhyun hints again with a mischievous smile as he playfully pinches Sehun’s cheek to get his attention, “Aren’t you excited to know who your soulmate is?”

“Yes, of course!” Jongin has that childish smile on his face and he looks really excited like it’s Christmas tomorrow and Santa is going to give him the best gift tomorrow.

“It’s less than 24 hours to go before you realize that you’re actually paired up with this idiot.” Baekhyun jokingly jabs his thumb towards Sehun and the latter sends him a glare, pinching his side and earning another yelp from the older male. Jongin releases a low laugh before shaking his head, eyes twinkling.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind it.”


“Oh my god,” Sehun whimpers before deciding to drag the ranting Baekhyun away whilst screaming at Jongin to, “CALL ME BABY – OH , I MEAN, MAYBE. HA HA HA.”

Sehun is officially the most embarrassing human being on this Earth.

Baekhyun has never been a morning person and he makes sure not to wake up before his designated time on his alarm clock. But today is not his day because his stupid ing phone has been ringing for the past five minutes and he’s so close to throwing that damn thing against the wall.

“What did I do in my past life that I’m constantly being disturbed by unimportant people?!” Baekhyun cries out loud before rolling over his bed, yelping when he accidentally rolls straight to the floor. He manages to stay on the floor and doze off for like three minutes before his shrill ringtone of his phone echoes in his room.

“ this,” Baekhyun crawls his way to his nightstand (really, it’s only an arm’s length away but he’s lazy and tired and it’s 4-ing-AM) and grabs hold of the phone, pressing the answer button hastily.

“Who are you and what do you–”


Of course.

ing Oh Sehun is the only one who has the guts to call him at 4AM to say that, “Kim Jongin is so perfect and I swear, we will get married soon.”

Talk about delusional fanboys.



Oh my god, it’s Valentine’s Day today.

“I’m coming over in 15.”

“Oh , what if it’s not Jongin? WHAT IF IT’S CHANYEOL–”

“Sehun, I know you’re nervous right now but hands off my man.”

“Ew, as if I want to end up with him.”

“SHUT UP, YOU LIL SHI–” Baekhyun gets cut off when he sees the red string moving, as if the person on the other end was trying to pull on it.

“It’s moving!”

“Yes, Sehun, I’m not blind, just in case you weren’t informed.” Baekhyun deadpans as Sehun throws a glare at him, tempted to throw a kick at his knee but holds himself back when he sees the string moving again. The string seems like it’s being stretched before it loosens once more and , does that mean his soulmate is nearby?


“As if you’re really going to think of that,” Baekhyun clicks his tongue before grabbing hold of the pale male’s wrist, dragging him along to see where the string will lead to. Sehun tries to dig his heels onto the marble floor but Baekhyun is (un)fortunately strong enough to drag the younger male. They can see juniors marveling over their own red string and Sehun prays hard that his soulmate can be tolerable enough.

“Please have mercy on my soul and give me a soulmate who is kind, sweet, has brown hair, can dance well, and has the name that goes by Kim Jongin.”

“Did I already tell you how much of a dork you are?”

“Don’t worry, Byun Baekhyun, I think you’re a loser, as well.” Sehun throws back with a sassy tone but Baekhyun simply grins at him cheekily, already used to his lame remarks. The string moves again and Sehun squeaks, hitting Baekhyun on the shoulder because he can feel the string getting more loose with each step they take.

“Oh my god, I hope it’s not Jongdae or Chanyeol.”

“Didn’t I tell you to stop and to keep your hands off my–”

“IT STOPPED MOVING, OH MY GOD. MY SOULMATE IS NEAR. WHAT DO I DO?!” They stop right in front of the cafeteria doors and Baekhyun can’t help but feel anxious but what the hell, they need to get this over with. The door are pushed open with a light squeak and Sehun is faster to push Baekhyun out of the way so he can spot who his soulmate is.

“What the , Sehun?!” Baekhyun screams as he rubs his cheek that hit the door accidentally before leaning over to spot Sehun’s soulmate but even before he gets to do it, the pale male shrieks, pushing Baekhyun away before running away, his long legs taking him to who knows where.

Baekhyun can’t even be bothered to chase over that idiotic male and decides to look at the moving string, trailing the string where it ends. The string stops moving for a bit and he freezes when he finally sees where the red string is tied to.

Oh my god, am I in a K-drama right now?

“I honestly thought he would propose right on the spot.”


“Uh, Sehun, are you still alive?” Jongdae cautiously approaches the male with a long stick in his shaking hands. He uses it to poke the male repeatedly on the side but Sehun doesn’t respond, not even with a small grunt. Chanyeol looks beyond frightened as he exchanges looks with Jongdae.

“Is he dead?”

“He looks dead.”

“Should we call an ambulance?”

“CALL 911!” Chanyeol screams, flailing his arms around and Jongdae runs away, shrieking his lungs out because he certainly doesn’t want to be knocked out by his gigantic arms.

“Do you even realize that 911 is for America only?” Kyungsoo mutters from behind before taking away the stick from Jongdae, ready to smash the stick on Sehun when Baekhyun comes to his rescue.

“I know how to do mouth-to-mouth CPR. Should I do it on him?”

“I can’t believe I’m stuck with you idiots.”

“Go away, I’m experiencing a heartache right now.” The pale male voices out his response, waving his hand to shoo his friends away before turning on his side and quietly resuming his sentimental phase. Baekhyun rolls his eyes before striding over to his best friend, pushing him and sitting on his back, refusing to stand up.

“Oh my god, you heavy dork. Get off of me!”

“No! Not until you stop being an emo freak and tell us why you’re being sentimental.”

“Yeah, aren’t you happy that he’s your soulmate?” Chanyeol, finally having the sense to stop flailing his arms and start asking the right questions, speaks out with curiosity laced around his voice. Kyungsoo and Jongdae both nod, eager to know his response.



“Wow, we should celebrate!”


“Why am I friends with you all?!” Sehun wails as he attempts to push Baekhyun off his back but to no avail.

“Finally, someone who understands what I feel.” Kyungsoo rolls his eyes as he kicks Baekhyun on the side, making the latter fall onto the floor with a yelp.

“Okay, but seriously though, why aren’t you happy that he’s your soulmate?”

“What else,” Sehun states bitterly as he sits up, groaning because of the pain that shoots up across his back and it’s all thanks to Byun Baekhyun, “He has a girlfriend and he obviously likes her.”

“Aw, you still have me.” Jongdae says as he attempts to sit on Sehun’s lap, only to get pushed away by the youngest male. Jongdae squeaks as he falls onto his , whining that Sehun is so ungrateful when it comes to his love but of course, it falls on deaf ears.

“Aw, come on and I’ll treat you to ice cream.” Baekhyun loops an arm around Sehun’s waist and pulls him up, gasping in shock because Sehun is heavy as hell, what the heck.

“Really?” Sehun sniffles as he lays his body weight on Baekhyun’s smaller body, leaving Baekhyun whimpering at the added weight.

“No, but we can steal some money from Luhan.” Baekhyun grins cheekily and Sehun simply sighs before nodding his head in agreement.

Okay, at least Baekhyun is now back to his official list of his best friends.

“Have you seen Sehun?” Jongin has been looking around for a few hours already but he still hasn’t seen the pale male walking around the hallways. It doesn’t help that they don’t even have classes together. He releases a sigh, completely irritated and annoyed as he glances at the red string on the pinky.

He had already followed the red string this morning and to his shock (and happiness), the other end rests on Sehun’s pinky finger but even before he can approach his best friend, Sehun had bolted away from his locker with the string hanging behind him.

Minseok, a friendly senior and a close friend of Jongin’s, shakes his head sympathetically before Luhan perks up beside him.

“Yeah, I saw him with Baekhyun this morning! They look like they’re dating each other.” Luhan snickers at that kind of thought but it only leaves Jongin freezing at the possibility of Sehun and Baekhyun ending up together. It’s not completely impossible – they’ve been hanging out a lot ever since Jongin had engaged into a romantic relationship with Soojung.

But still, it leaves a gaping hole in his chest when Luhan mentions about them.

He bids goodbye half-heartedly to the couple before slumping against the nearby locker, twisting the red string on his pinky. He had already broken up with Soojung last week and they finished off nicely since it’s already been a deal between them that once the red string appears, they can break up, not unless if they end up as soulmates. But as Jongin as predicted, his soulmate is not Soojung and besides, it’s not like he’s completely in love with her.

Jongin lets out a deep sigh, shaking his head in a miserable manner before dragging his feet to the cafeteria. He still hopes he can talk to Sehun and maybe confirm the fact that they’re really soulmates.

He arrives at the crowded cafeteria but his heart stops when he watches sight of the black-haired male talking animatedly with Baekhyun, his red string resting on his pinky looks so bright in contrast to his pale skin.

He finds himself following the red string and even before he realizes it, Sehun is already shrieking and trying to duck under the table with Chanyeol and Jongdae screaming, “PLAN A! PLAN A! PLAN A!”

“Uh, where is Sehun?” Jongin pretends not to notice the shaking male under the table and with Chanyeol trying to block his vision by standing so near him.

“Who is Sehun? What is a Sehun? Is that a vegetable of some sorts?”

“Oh my god,” Kyungsoo slams his head on the table, finally giving up on humanity, as Baekhyun tries to cover up Sehun but of course, with Sehun’s tall frame and pale skin, he’s too recognizable.

“Sehun, I know you’re under the table.”

“EL OH EL. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, JONGIN? HA HA HA.” Chanyeol laughs nervously while still attempting to block more than half of his vision and Jongin sighs.

“Who the even says LOL in real life?” Jongdae stares at the giant in distaste while Baekhyun, finally earning his common sense, slams his head on the table as well. He probably gave up on humanity, like Kyungsoo.

“It’s okay, guys. I can handle this difficult situation in my life.” Sehun finally emerges from the table, trying to put on a mask of bravery before approaching an amused Jongin. Jongin sinks his teeth onto his lower lip as he tries not to laugh out loud at their plan.

“Good luck, soldier. I’m so proud of my baby bro.” Chanyeol tears up and pulls Sehun into an embrace before reluctantly letting him go. He does a salute, together with Jongdae and once more, Jongin bites onto his lower lip to prevent the laughter from escaping his lips.

“I SHALL BE BACK!” Sehun screams before grabbing hold of Jongin’s arm, taking him away as Chanyeol and Jongdae whoops in delight.

Sehun might be embarrassing but still, he’s adorable.

“Okay, so what was that all about?” Jongin finally finds his voice after laughing internally at Sehun and his friends’ attempts to shield him away from his soulmate A.K.A Kim Jongin. Sehun still has the decency to blush in embarrassment but his expression quickly dissolves into a deadpan look as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“You don’t need to know. Anyway, why don’t you go and run off to your girlfriend, like you used to?” Bitterness laces his voice and Jongin bites back a wince as he rubs the nape of his neck, his lower lip jutting out into a pout. Sehun tries his best not to stare at those kissable lips.

“Are you still mad?”

“About what?”

“Me having a girlfriend.” Sehun sighs before nodding his head slightly and Jongin suddenly feels the guilt tugging at his heartstrings.

“Well, yeah, who wouldn’t? We barely hung out because you were too busy with her.”

“But I know that’s not the only reason why you’re mad.” Jongin mutters lowly and Sehun finds himself gazing back at those soulful brown orbs and , he can’t lose his cool now. He’s a cool and manly man and he is not easily swayed by a simple stare.

“Then what is the other reason?”

“You like me, don’t you?” That has Sehun freezing on his spot and he finally drops the deadpan expression on his face as he tries not to scream.

“I–I, of course not!”

“Yeah, sure, Mr. Denial.” Jongin teases as he takes a few steps forward, closing the gap between them. Sehun tries to lean away because whoa, too close, too close. But Jongin catches his wrist and pulls him against his body, wrapping an arm around his waist to prevent any escape.

“Jongin, don’t–”

“I already broke up with Soojung a week ago. We had a deal that we would break it off once Valentine’s Day arrives because we both know we’re not really soulmates. And besides,” Jongin leans forward and Sehun’s heart is caught in his throat, preventing any words to fall from his lips. Jongin’s breath is ghosting over his lips as he feels like collapsing on the ground but thankfully, Jongin has quite a grip on his waist as he steadies him.

Even before Sehun can speak and push him away, Jongin has his lips pressed against the pale male’s thin lips. It was a simple peck but it is enough to melt Sehun into a puddle of goo, like always.

“I.” Another peck.

“Like.” Another peck.

“You.” He finishes it off with another kiss but this time, he kisses him longer with his hand on Sehun’s back to steady him. Sehun has long thrown away his anger and envy at Jongin before throwing his arms around the latter’s neck, pressing his lips against his and god, it feels like heaven already.

“I’m in heaven right now, aren’t I?” Sehun mumbles against his lips and Jongin has to pull away to laugh over his cheesy line. Sehun juts out his lower lip, throwing a punch at his best friend because who dare he laughs at that cheesy line?!

“You just ruined the mood!”

“Yeah, sorry,” Jongin tries to stop his laughter but he really can’t help it – Sehun trying to be cheesy is really adorable.

“You were supposed to say, ‘Damn, Sehun, you’re so cheesy and I love it. I’m so glad you’re my soulmate because I now have an endless amount of cheesiness to indulge myself into every single day. We should totally make out more.’” Sehun mimics Jongin’s low and velvet-like voice, making the latter burst out laughing again.

“Yeah, sure, you can tell me straight to my face that you want to make out, Sehun.”

“I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Sure, whatever, Mr. Denial.” Sehun fumes over the new nickname and tries to hit Jongin on the shoulder but Jongin has quite a grip on his wrist, pulling him close once more and presses a kiss on his lips.

“I love you. I’m so glad you’re my soulmate.”

“I hate you too, Jongin.”

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972 streak #1
Chapter 1: Mr Denial suits Sehun to a T.
Thank you so much for sharing this hilarious story. I could actually feel Kyungsoo.
Chapter 1: It's soooo cutee~
I am smiling like a freak...and thank god my mum's busy in her work to notice me!
Chapter 1: Aww this oneshot is so cute! I'm smiling and my cousin is looking at me weirdly.. hahah
Chapter 1: C.U.T.E
I'm dying because laughing my head off coz of those idiots (beagle lines) XD
Lmao this definitely made my day :)
HaJung357 #5
Chapter 1: This was so good. I really liked it. Funny because of Kyung Chan Baek and Dae and of course Sehun being all shy and Kai so sweet.
beasdgfhjkl #7
Chapter 1:!!! Sekai forever!!
Sapphire_Archer #9
Chapter 1: This is so goddamn funny welp xD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Sehun and his idiotic friends omg. And Jongin and Sehun omomomomo my sekai feels are back again <3 Great job, author!