It's Been So Long

A Thousand Years

(Author's POV)

Key slowly opened his eyes and groaned. Today was SHINee's 23rd concert....

without Jonghyun.

Key groggily got out of his bed and put on his most flamboyant pajamas, and walked downstairs. Nobody was awake and he could hear Jinki snoring, so he                  decided to make waffles.

At that moment Minho walked in, caught sight of Key, and heaved a depressed sigh.

"What's wrong?" Key asked Minho while stuffing waffles in his mouth.

"Key, it'll be okay, I know you miss Jonghyun very much and you were just one of the closest to him out of the whole group. But I want tonight to be different. Our Shawols have been noticing your new behavior, and it's making me worried," Minho replied and sat down next to Kibum.

"I told you already! I don't miss him!" Key shouted, almost waking Jinki and Taemin up. "Sorry," Key apologized even though everyone was still asleep.

Minho got up and got right next to Key's face. "It's obvious you miss him, and I wouldn't be surprised if you loved more than a friend, as more than a band member." 

Key shivered as Minho's breath touched his face and he turned to face Minho, their faces inches apart. Minho grabbed Key by the neck and Key just stared, wide-eyed, at Minho. 

Minho closed the gap and they kissed. Neither of them  felt anything, not even the slightest spark, but that didn't stop Minho from getting pleasure. The two were making out, Key now on Minho's lap when Jinki walked in.

"Am I interrupting?" Jinki stared blankly at them as he grabbed some waffles and sat across from them. Key and Minho sprang apart.

"H-h-hi, Jinki," Minho and Key stuttered together.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Jinki seemed totally fine with his band mates making out in front of him.

(8 hours later, at around 11:00 PM)

SHINee walked on stage for the award ceremony. Red Velvet was 3rd, Girls Generation was 2nd, and...

SHINee was first! Everybody in the crowd starting howling, whooping, and cheering for the group of four men. 

"But we have one surprise for you guys." 

Key sighed. He wanted to go home. Maybe he could even call Jonghyun since it's been 3

years since they had talked. 

Their "surprise" walked onto the stage, got on the ground, and posed. Shawols everywhere screamed, cried, fainted, you name it. 

It was Jonghyun.

Key froze, and began to cry, and shouted at Jonghyun how much he hated him for leaving. Taemin, Jinki, and Minho were talking with him and group hugging, but not Key. Jonghyun had abandoned Key, and they were best friends.

Key suddenly started running to Jonghyun and the others moved out of his way. Key jumped into Jonghyun's arms and grinned but said, "Never leave me again!"

Jonghyun smiled widely at him and said "I don't count on it."

The crowd was screaming, having seizures, and fainting, when Key moved in and kissed Jonghyun for a few seconds, then again, and the last time even had tongue.

Shawols everywhere couldn't even anymore, and their parents walked into their children curled up in balls in front of the TV. 

But Jonghyun and Key were finally together. 


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Chapter 1: Aw...that must have been a nice dream! And....I'm the 1st to comment! ^^
It's so sweet! It's nice that JongKey got together finally! Keep it up and write more JongKey fics!
WrenRin #2
Chapter 1: Sorry that the story was rushed. Did it right before school. I hope to do more with an actual plot but for now, vale!