Look at Me

Butterfly Kisses
She was tired,he could see that.

If it was'nt the messy knot of hair,the glasses askew on her nose or the too tight but very comfortable pajamas that he loved so much,they would've spend the day outside,in the park or at the arcade. Doing anything with her,just to bring that smile back again. But Junhong's girlfriend of 3 months was busy, with a lollipop and study munching ready she prepared herself for a huge study session. But then he came,skateboard and all with the intention of a day out. He felt down after she rejected with a cool voice saying that her study time was important. All he wanted was some quality time with his girl. So he bothered her,its not like he does'nt respect her education or anything no,he helps her alot,but sometimes Daemi can be a worrywort and its up to him to bring her nose out of the books.

"I think you are studing too hard Miss Kim!"Came an annoyingly cute high pitched voice of my boyfriend,who currently sat on my bed with Kura in his face. A gift from my grandpa and most priced possession,Junhong held the black tailed fox plushy moving it animatedly as I turned back to him. "Why don't you give your affection deprived boyfriend a kiss!?" I small giggle worked itself from my lips,unable to control the heat rushing to my face at the adorable scene. I'm not that easy Junhong. "well why don't you tell my boyfriend that he's becoming very demanding now-a-days Kura.."I said with a soft smile.Turning back to the desk with my Linguistic notes stacked high I sighed out. But behind me I heard a small shuffle and footsteps. Then Kura's redish yellow furr brushed against my oversensitive neck and imidiatly I burst out into a hickup of laughs,a crawling sensasion working its way from my neck all over my arms and body,cringing away into the arms of my giant boyfriend. "well boyfriends thinks that his girlfriend is'nt paying enough attention to him..common Deami, a little day out will do you some good,get some fresh air,get your blood flowing..its helps me when I get stuck writing my raps" He made some sense,and the kicked puppy look was slowly breaking down my walls.But as soon as I looked back at my study notes the brick wall rebuilded itself. "Nooooo..I have to stuuddddyyyy" Dragging the words for more emphasis,I flopped my body onto the desk groaning out in anguish. "Alright thats it!...I want my girl back" A pair of strong arms pulled my from my seat at the desk and threw me onto the bed,a squeal left my lips but was cut off when my giant boyfriend crawled over to me,half-laying himself into my body. Closing my face as I felt it heat up I groaned out. "You are such a good distraction its actually working"I said,muffled by my hands. "I know...now look at me" "Noooooo..." "Common bae...-" he kissed my sholder,those warm and large hands falt against my tummy and staying there. "look at oppa" "Mhmmmmmm"I feeling of his lips soon moved from my sholder,trailing up onto my neck as he shifted his body weight.Warm puffs of hair brushing against my neck making me cringe at the featherlike feeling. "look at me bae.." I peeked from between my fingers,I only saw the tuff of his curled blond hair and a black cladded sholder. Breathing in deeply I cought on the musk of his colone.. Wait he's wearing colone...and my favorite one too.. Oh gosh now I feel bad,he came here all prepared for me and I look like I just came outta bed. Taking my hands off my face and placing them on his sholders I leaned into his touch as his lips moved to my jaw now,tracing from my ear to my chin slowly. "Sorry Junnie,I totaly ignored you" "its fine...I got you now anyway" I finaly get to see him ,his eyes creased and a soft smile adorning his face. Soon that face drew nearer as his lips met mine.Softly,silently all my worries about Uni,and the exams soon fell away,relaxing under his grip. His lips was soft,pleasant and...clean.That was the only way to describe it,the movement precise and we easily flowed with each other knowing when to shift and when to draw back for air,only to united again for more of the addiction we seem to share. But the second time he pulled away he moved to kiss my cheek and eyes,then finally one last butterfly kiss on my forehead.

Sighing out in comfort of beig in his arms I snugglled deeper into his sweater."Thanx Junhong" "Anytime bae..."
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And for reading my story!
I know right,I killed myself with Zelo's cuteness in this one.
Thanx for the support
GummybearsBJJ #2
Chapter 1: awwww this is too cute