Icecream Love

Icecream Love [One-Shot]


Kikwang and I were since middle school best friends. But in some way our friendship is… weird. Let me explain: it’s because we both know that we have feelings for each other. But we never mention or talked about it, till one day I was brave enough to tell him how I feel.


It was a warm and sunny day. We all were free from our schedules and we had a great mood. In short: It was a perfect day! So every member did something different. Junhyung, Doojoon and Kikwang were sitting on the couch, drank coke and watched some movies. Dongwoon played with his Iphone and Hyunseung and I were sitting in the Kitchen and ate some icecream…yeah…I love Icecream~!


Because me and Kikwang have so a deep friendship, I know every single weak point of him. He really can’t stay for a long time calm. He needs a variety. And when he gets bored, the first thing he wants to do, is to annoy me (of course in a funny and cute way…).  In fact, I like it. I love it when he starts to tease me with his cute expressions and his wonderful grin.


So as I was eating, I suddenly noticed from the side a hand with a spoon which bailed a big piece from my icecream. I turned around and saw Kikwang up the rest of the ice from the spoon.


“YAH Kikwang! My icream!!!” I looked at him and pouted.


“Don’t be angry soebie I’ll buy you a new one”, he smiled at me with his cute eyesmile.


But it didn’t help him and I started to chase after him. He ran into our bedroom and as I followed him and wanted to catch him, I saw him coward under the blanket with hope, that I can’t see him. I wanted to laugh out loud because it looked so funny and cute in the same time. Quietly I walked to his direction and pulled of the blanket.  There he lied down and we both started to smirk.


“Are you still mad at me?” he asked me with his puppy eyes.


“If you’ll buy me new Icecream I will forgive you!”


“Sure cutie. Now give Oppa a kiss!”


Kekeke…Kikwangie didn’t know how gladly I wanted to kiss him! But… I couldn’t. I was too shy.


“Don’t want to…” I said and blushed lightly.


“soebie…give Oppa a kiss!!!”


“Noooo… forget it!” Now I blushed even more.


“Awww pleaseee?? Please give me a ki-“


He couldn’t even finish his sentence as I pressed my lips against his for just one second.

He looked shocked but than his expression changed to a bride grin. I was red like a tomato as he finally said


“AAAAhhhh seobie!! You are way toooo cute for this world!” and started to laugh.


I couldn’t stand it anymore. I wanted that he become mine.


“Say it!” I said and hoped that he didn’t hear my heart beating fast.


“What do you want me to say?”


“AAww Kikwangie!! Why don’t you say it?? I love you and I know you love me too!” And with this sentence I jumped up from the bed, gave him another kiss and ran away with a smirk.


From that day, every morning I wake up and see him next to me sleeping like a baby, hugging me and saying that I’m the cutest in the world. And I know, that he will love me till the end and I will too.

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KiSeObB2STbias #1
Chapter 1: hahahahahahahahahahha.. gwiyeowo..
Ace_B2uty95 #2
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww it's sooooo cute *_______* *cry rainbows and stars*
helloimys_lover #3
Adorable over load !
PriyankaP #4
This is EPICLY CUTE!!! I think I'm sprouting rainbows and unicorns.....
B2stb2utyviu #5
@ShineeBabyx Thank you!! T.T I'm so glad that you like it although it's short