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Literally My Life Story.
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Hi! I'm Oh YeonHee or Abigail if you prefer. I really like to live out to my life. Doing things that I want to do and experiencing other things. Yes, I have gone a lot in my life, but I love the present day of me. There were so many ups and downs to my life I can't even count the important ones. I wanted to share this shory to those who are life me and in a way have been suffering like me. Anyway this is my story. It's a very long story about me and how I got this far. I want to give hope to people who are like me.


I was a outgoing person. I would meet with guys all the time. Who doesn't have the time to date? People thought I was a or something but I didn't care. I meet with a whole lot of guys. Guys who are shy or scared. I approached to them first. There were so many skills to get a guy but that's another story. I enjoyed my life and honestly, I had so many regrets and failures but that leads to the present me.  I was 22 when my life was amazing. I finished collage early and became a blogger as a career. Nobody came into my way of life. If I wanted something, I had it. That was because of my rich father. Since I was little my father and I had the most amazing relationship. My mother left our family after middle school. My father still regrets treating her in such ways, but he was happy he had me by his side. After my mother left, we were poor. We barely got thru the day by asking or begging for food. My school life was horrible. My friends betrayed me, bullied me, others started to hit me, it was crazy. They said I wasn't a human for them. They said I was worst than a human. Back then, my dad barely had fees to go to afterschool, so I was very uneducated. Plus, I lived in America for about 4 years and I did speak fluent Korean but it was only to a certain point and, I was Korean. My dad eventually became a strong and leading chairman, but I wanna talk about my school life first. All I remember is this one student who hated me. He was the worst. He was my nightmare. He would be the one you lastly want to meet out of all the other students. There were so many thoughts when I heard his name. It was like the mornings I always thought of when I had a really bad day. He was rude, mean, selfish, hateful, disgusting, too many ugly words to describe him. This is only the intro of my story there is so much more to this. 

My first day of school in Korea started in Middle School. My family was good, both of my parents were happy. I was happy and mostly excited to go to the first day of school in Korea. I kind of got confused with the uniform we had to wear. I absolutely had to idea we had uniforms in Korea. There were also very strict rules of dress code. You couldn't have earrings, so that went away and also dyed hair. I had to get my hair color to this black. I looked so Asian. I got in the uniform eventually, and it was winter so I wore a coat I bought from America. (Abercrombie and Fitch) Also added a beanie because in California, it's all about fashion. I wore some leggings under my skirt and jeans to make it a bit more cozy. I'm pretty sure I looked a lot Americanized. Well I had big eyes and a fit body. I didn't really care about what people thought about me. I only focused in how I looked to myself. My dad decided to drop me off because I wasn't sure where the school was. When I got off, I saw a three story building.

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itzmebia #1
Chapter 1: i thought naeun was the main character. nvm then