Familiar stranger.

Strangers, again

It was a Monday morning. You woke up from a wake up call from your best friend, Yuri. 

Yuri: " Babygirl, you better wake up now or else you're gonna be late for school! Do you wanna go for detention again?" 

You: "Arasso, arasso! I'm awake alright. You dont have to nag so much you know."

Yuri: " You dare to say that again? Meet you in school. Love you! "

You: " Okay okay, love you!:"

-1hr later-

You: "Okay Mom, i'll be home late. I have extra lessons today. Love you, bye!"

-you were waiting for Myungsoo at the bus stop and he was 10 mins late!-

Myungsoo: " Hey babe, i'm sorry i was late i gotta make breakfast myself. Forgive me?"

You: "Tskkk, okay. Only this time."

Myungsoo: "Awww, you're so cute when you're pissed off. Hehe. Let's go to school! Kaja! ^_^"

-He sends you to your class and left to go to his as he is from a different class from you.-

It was your favourite subject which was Math. You paid extra attention in class since you wanna get A for your major exam until you didn't realize the class ended already. 

Mr Park: " Class, i hope you understand what i've taught you today. I hope you will use this 3 weeks wisely and to really prepare yourself for your major exam. Remember, this is your last lap. Don't be dissapointed if you didn't get the results that you wanted. I wish you all the best. Fighting!"

-Lunch time but you stayed back to do more revisions and did not met Myungsoo. You finally met him after your extra classes-

Myungsoo: " Aigoo, my baby is so hardworking. Look at your eyes, they looked so tired."

You: " Hahaha, you should be like me okay!"

-suddenly an idea popped out of your head-

You: " Myungsoo, i really wanna get A's for the exam but im scared if i can't"

Myungsoo: " Think positive babe, this is ur last lap. I tell you what, lets study together everyday after school"

You: " Hmm... im okay with that but my parents are not."

Myungsoo: " Aaaahh, thats right."

You: " What should we do then?"

Myungsoo: "Do you want us to be apart just to focus on our upcoming super super important exam?"

You: " Ermmm.. if thats okay with you, its okay with me. Don't you dare lay your eyes on other girls alright!"

Myungsoo: "Hahahaha, okay okay. Relax babe, we're just gonna focus more on our studies remember? Hmm.. how about this, every night before we go to sleep, we'll call each other to say good night. Is that okay?"

You: " Okay! call! :D"

-You guys really studied real hard for your exams and you guys totally forget to contact each other-

Day by day, you relationship were drifting apart but nobody was there to put it back together. 

Until it was the day of your graduation, you guys met each other, congratulate each other but in between there were no feelings towards each other. Your communications were just too awkward to continue.. 

Myungsoo: " Hey, congratulation on getting all A's! You achieved what you wanted."

You: " Haha, yeah. Thanks! Congrats to you too"

Myungsoo: "Ermm.. so.... i'll.... see you around?" 

You: " Yeah, see you..." 

2 yrs passed and you guys walked past each other.

Your P.O.V  " Wow, that guys looks super familiar. Its seems i knew him from somewhere. Its okay, I'll just smile "

Myungsoo P.O.V "Wow, she looks really familiar. It seems i knew her from somewhere. Nevermind, i'll just smile. "

In the end, all you guys did was smile and walked past each other.





P.S: Hey people, i'm sorry if my story was not up to your expectations. Its it okay? Comments? Im really sorry if its really really bad.. :/


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