living in the same roof?

Perhaps Love

 “Then I will call it off” he coldly said

He’s going to stand up when Shin hye hold his arms to stop him. She hate him, that’s true but she doesn’t want to call it off, not that she likes Geun Suk, but because it’s the condition between her and her father.

“Wait, please don’t call it off” she begged


“I have my own reasons” she answered

“Then what’s going to be my benefit if I don’t call it off?” he said with a devilish smile

“hmm this jerk” she thought

“I’m going to do anything you want” she said looking at his eyes

“Hey, I heard you attend a marriage interview” Jung Yong Hwa, his friend asked

He nodded

“then”? he curiously asked

“She’s interesting” He said with a blank expression

“so you’re going to pursue it?” Yong hwa asked

“I don’t know”
It’s already two days since the marriage interview, and since then Shin hye let herself to become busy, she don’t want to remember that hateful guy, though the truth is every time she go to sleep, she can see the handsome face of Geun Suk. 
Noriko entered her room telling that her father is back and he wants to talk to her to their hotel restaurant.
She go directly to the restaurant, when she’s walking towards the table where her father is, she can see a familiar image.
“That hateful guy” she irritatingly said to herself
“dad” she kissed her father on the cheek and sit across him, that makes her sit beside Geun Suk

“Shin Hye, this is Mr. Jang” her Father introduced pointing at the man beside him

“He’s my bestfriend and Geun Suk’s Father” He added

“Nice to meet you, Mr Jang” She smilingly greeted

“so you already knew Geun Suk, right? Mr. Park said

“yes, dad”

“So we’re thinking that since you’re going to be engaged next week…”

“next week?” she interrupted

“Shin Hye!’ her father scolded

“I’m sorry, please continue Mr. Jang” she apologized

“okay, we’re thinking that since you’re going to be engaged next week, you must live together, so you two can get along with each other.” Mr. Jang explained

“What? She loudly asked

“What’s wrong with that? Geun Suk already accepts it.” Mr Park said

She looked at Geun suk, who is smiling devilishly to her, and she sarcastically smiled back.

“of course, there’s no problem with that, dad” she sarcastically said

“that’s right. We’re going to get along with each other well” Geun suk sarcastically added while looking at her.
All her servants bowed politely as she leaves the house that she lived for days.
The only person that can come to her is noriko, aside from her, there's no one.She looked around first before finally stepping out from the door, and she saw how saddened everyone is.

"they will surely miss you, Miss Shin Hye" Noriko said
Though she only lived there for days her servants can't still deny that without her, the mansion will be empty again.

She nodded and then she sighed, she's going to say something when a car stopped along the driveway in front of the main door.

It's Geun Suk!

"we'll Leave now" she said to her maids
"you don't have to fetch me" she said as she stepped in the car

"Not that I want to" He coldly said

She pouted

"hey, why did you agree with this?" she curiously asked

"Why not? I'll be free to do what I want now" he said

"besides it would be easy for you to do what i want" He added

She pouted

"why? are you disappointed that I didn't said I agree because I really like you" he teased

She looked at him and then "Jerk!" she said

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
SapphireBlueWorld_18 #4
Chapter 3: i miss this couple.. update pls
please let me know once you update this story ok.
fanfictionlover97 #6
upload soon please !