Ice Cream

Bad Girl, Good Boy.


Another week passed before Ms. Park allowed Hoon and Hanbi to take KyoungJae out of the school on the weekend. They were the first couple who were deemed responsible enough to not need supervision.


"Hi, KyoungJae. Do you want to go get ice cream?" Hanbi asked him.


"Okay, KyoungJae, let's go." Hoon picked him up, carrying him to the ice cream parlor. "What flavor do you want KyoungJae?"


KyoungJae pointed at the chocolate ice cream.


"Arasseo, KyoungJae. Hoon, you can go sit with him. I'll pay for it." Hanbi told them, "What flavor do you want Hoon?"


"Strawberry." Hoon walked over to the table Hanbi pointed at.


"One scoop of chocolate, one scoop of strawberry, and one scoop of mint chocolate chip," Hanbi ordered.


She took the three cups slowly over to the table. Immediately, KyoungJae started eating his quietly. His impatience made Hanbi giggle a little.


"Hanbi... I know you probably don't want to tell me. But honestly, why are you so kind to me and KyoungJae when he's around? But at school you are completely different."


Hanbi ate another bite of ice cream, thinking. "How about after we take KyoungJae home, we go to the park? And I'll tell you then."




Everyone finished their ice cream and they had to walk KyoungJae home. Hanbi held his right hand, Hoon his left. When they arrived at KyoungJae's house, his parents were waiting outside for him.


"KyoungJae, did you have fun today?" his mom walked over to him and asked. KyoungJae nodded, smiling widely.


"That's good, come, let's go inside, we love you so much dear." His mom cooed, carrying KyoungJae in her arms.


"Thank you for taking care of him," His dad said.


"You're welcome." They said together, feeling a sharp pain in their hearts watching KyoungJae and his mom being so loving to each other. That was what they wanted so badly, to be loved. His dad walked inside and they started walking towards the park.


Author's Note:

Updated this too :D

haha.. please drop a comment silent readers :D

let me know.. how this is..

because this is my first time writing in a narrator POV.. 

also i know.. short chapter.. my next one is longer :D
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I just finished reading the story. And it's great! Left me teary eyed since as a Hoon biased I imagined myself being Hanbi. haha! Thanks for writing this. <3
Chapter 28: Aww micha serves her right^^..but glad the couple went happly ever after!^^
Chapter 28: This story is so sweet. I love it! <3
Chapter 28: i love this so much!!!!
Rianne2580 #5
lol. true true.. idk.. XDDD<br />
OHH DUDEEEE... should i write a baby? XDDD<br />
that's a thought~~~<br />
okay. wait.. first soohyun<3
This is true XD But don't most teachers DISCOURAGE it? oh well, HoonBi's gonna have a very happy baby :)
Rianne2580 #7
lol. Eli<3 <br />
and yup yup i loved HoonBi<br />
and LOL.. idk.. XDDDD<br />
i wanted them to be free of their parents..<br />
and since Ms. Park kinda sorta got them together.<br />
and Ms. Shin always took care of Hanbi in the health room it made sense....<br />
since clearly HoonBi didn't have jobs yet. XD
Awwww, little Eli's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! And HoonBi :D hahahahaha this is the first time I've ever heard of school staff paying for an apartment for 2 of their students...
Rianne2580 #10
hello dongsaengie~~<br />
hey i gotta remember to ask you for a couple of simple posters!<br />
later later~ :D<br />
and lol. mianhaeyo~~~<br />
i was having an eli crazee..<br />
and lol woot woot! <3<br />
i just tortured her into a job with little children. XD