Hanbi's Turn

Bad Girl, Good Boy.


Hanbi was able to sleep on her own bed last night, so she went to school, despite having eyebags under her eyes. She hoped Hoon won't be too mad about her ditching him the first day they were supposed to meet the babies.


She walked into the classroom, not many people were there. She decided to put her head down at her desk and wait for the class to start.


Hoon walked into the classroom right before the bell rang, since many girls offered to be his partner for the project instead of Hanbi. He sighed in relief, when he was free. Then he saw Hanbi in class, he marched right up to her. "Ya!! Why weren't you here yesterday?! We had to meet the kids yesterday! It was part of our grade, now I have a B because of you!!"


He was really angry, he didn't even try to understand why I couldn't be here. He just assumed I wanted to ditch. She thought. "Ya, I couldn't be here yesterday okay? But I'm here now so let's just go see the kids since Ms. Park just walked in." Hoon turned around to see she was telling the truth.


Everyone marched together in their pairs towards the elementary school. Hoon was still fuming for getting a B. "You could have told Ms. Park, if you couldn't make it, maybe then I wouldn't have a B." He scolded her.


"Okay okay, I get it. It was a stupid mistake, I won't be absent on important days again." Hanbi conceded. "Just leave me alone about it already, you just think I ditched for the fun of it, when that is not the case."


KyoungJae ran up to Hoon hugging his leg, at this moment interrupting the argument.


"Hi, KyoungJae." Hoon knelt down and hugged the boy.


Hanbi kneeled down too, "Hi, KyoungJae. My name is Hanbi, I'm Hoon's partner for this project. I'm sorry I couldn't see you yesterday, something happened with my mom." Hanbi opened up her arms to get a hug from KyoungJae. The little boy released Hoon and walked over to Hanbi, wrapping his arms tightly around her neck.


"Hey, KyoungJae. Thanks, I really needed this." she whispered softly to the boy. "Do you want to go play on the playground together with me?" Hanbi asked him sweetly.


KyoungJae nodded happily, grabbing Hanbi's hand to drag her to the playground.


Shocked at Hanbi's 180 degree change in personality, he stood watching them play happily together. *Hanbi looks happy right now, I'm just glad that she loves kids too. Maybe I should give her the benefit if the doubt.*

Author's Note:
Next chapter will be my last update for the weekend.
unless i get a comment on my other ones :D haha.
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I just finished reading the story. And it's great! Left me teary eyed since as a Hoon biased I imagined myself being Hanbi. haha! Thanks for writing this. <3
Chapter 28: Aww micha serves her right^^..but glad the couple went happly ever after!^^
Chapter 28: This story is so sweet. I love it! <3
Chapter 28: i love this so much!!!!
Rianne2580 #5
lol. true true.. idk.. XDDD<br />
OHH DUDEEEE... should i write a baby? XDDD<br />
that's a thought~~~<br />
okay. wait.. first soohyun<3
This is true XD But don't most teachers DISCOURAGE it? oh well, HoonBi's gonna have a very happy baby :)
Rianne2580 #7
lol. Eli<3 <br />
and yup yup i loved HoonBi<br />
and LOL.. idk.. XDDDD<br />
i wanted them to be free of their parents..<br />
and since Ms. Park kinda sorta got them together.<br />
and Ms. Shin always took care of Hanbi in the health room it made sense....<br />
since clearly HoonBi didn't have jobs yet. XD
Awwww, little Eli's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! And HoonBi :D hahahahaha this is the first time I've ever heard of school staff paying for an apartment for 2 of their students...
Rianne2580 #10
hello dongsaengie~~<br />
hey i gotta remember to ask you for a couple of simple posters!<br />
later later~ :D<br />
and lol. mianhaeyo~~~<br />
i was having an eli crazee..<br />
and lol woot woot! <3<br />
i just tortured her into a job with little children. XD