
Movie Date
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"DAE, YOU READY?!" Xiumin shouts from the living room, grabbing his jacket to protect himself from the frigid January air of Seoul. 
    "GIVE ME A MINUTE," Jongdae's answer comes from somewhere at the other end of the dorm. 
    Xiumin rolls his eyes as he zips up his jacket. "WE GOTTA LEAVE IN FIVE MINUTES, MAX."
    A muffled yes follows, making Xiumin smile a little. His boyfriend always wanted to look the best, even if they were just going to the movies or to the cafe for a quick coffee break. That's one of the many things Xiumin loved about Jongdae. Besides the obvious appearance perks (he could not get over Dae's bowed lips, even after ten months), the younger was an all around amazing guy. He was sweet, caring, and extremely hilarious, but knew Xiu's boundaries (most of the time, that is). That's what drew Xiumin to Jongdae in the first place; his personality. Compared to Kris, Lay, Tao, and Luhan, Jongdae was definitely the most hyper out of the Chinese half of EXO.     Compared to his stoic elders, Jongdae shone like a a beam of sunlight breaking through the clouds, drawing Xiumin ever closer. 
    Before the big split, they were just good friends. They hung out, talked a bit, mostly because they were the only two non-Mandarin speakers in the group. They still liked each other, but Xiumin was always leaning more towards Luhan. They had a special bond that no one quite understood, including them. But it worked, and they spent a lot of time together. The dating rumors quickly spread, but it was nothing more than a genuine friendship; one with a lot of hugs and friendly touches, that's for damn sure.
    Then Luhan left. They understood, it was definitely a good reason, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Xiumin cried a lot, but never in front of his team. He was the eldest and needed to take care of his friends, especially the maknae, who had a similar relationship with Luhan. But at night, when he was alone in his dorm room (Baekhyun had moved to the living room a while ago), he couldn't hold back the tears. They just kept coming, displaying the sadness and hurt that he couldn't show during the day.
    One night, Jongdae stayed up late. He was practicing the Overdose dance; he was never the best at dancing, and he really wanted to get better as to not let his group down. When he arrived home near midnight, it was silent. Or it should've been.     As he walked towards the washroom to take a quick shower, he heard the sounds of someone's muffled sobbing. He followed the sound to Xiumin's room, and without knocking he opened the door. He found Xiumin curled up on his bed, like a small child, twisted with his blankets and clutching a small plushie. He didn't move, so Jongade expected he didn't hear the door open. 
    "Hyung, are you okay?" he whispered. Xiumin jumped a little and whipped around, his eyes wide and mouth slightly open. His eyes were shining in the little light from the hall, rimmed with red from crying. His lips were shaking slightly, more evidence of his previous act. His cheeks were painted with thin trails of tears, some dried, some not.     He looked completely broken. 
    At that moment, Jongdae realized that the plushie his hyung was gripping onto was a Disney Bambi doll. His heart skipped a beat when he realized who's it was, and it wasn't Xiumin's. 
    It was Luhan's.
    Without a word, Jongdae moved to the bed and wrapped his arms around his hyung. As if by instinct, Xiumin immediately placed his head in the crook of the younger's neck and moved his hand not holding Bambi to grip Jongdae's thin sweatshirt. They sat like that for who knows how long; Xiumin's shoulders shaking slightly with silent sobs and Jongdae's hand combing through the older's hair.     Eventually, Xiumin stopped moving, his hand no longer holding Jongdae's shirt in a death grip. Not wanting to overstay his welcome and make things unnecessarily awkward, Jongdae slowly started to move off the bed. But before he could get far, Xiumin grabbed his wrist lightly, making him pause. 
    Without looking up, Xiumin took a shaky breath. "Can you stay with me?" he asked, his voice raspy after all the crying. He tilted his head up to look at the younger, his eyes almost pleading. This was the first time Jongdae had ever seen his eldest hyung like this, and he hated it. He hated seeing anyone sad, that's just his personality, but seeing his normally strong, emotionless friend crying by himself in the dark? It broke his heart. Jongdae immediately nodded. Xiumin breathed a sigh of relief, then guided the other back to the small twin bed. Xiumin lay facing the wall and     Jongdae got in behind him, wrapping his arm around the elder's waist. It was comfortable, and not at all awkward. Just the feeling of another heartbeat helped calm Xi

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Chapter 1: I've read your other works aside from this one and I honestly expected someone to die or someone to sob and have an anxiety attack,,,,,glad to know it is really a simple date at the movies....
abbieyen16 #2
Chapter 1: WAAAAAAAA!!! So amazing!!!! I loved your story!! 10 out of 10 would read again!!!
bubble1765 #3
This was so cute and fluffy!!! I love it!!!

Um, do you think we could maybe get a sequel???

Xiuchen alone time. ;) (Dear God I'm so sorry bathe me in holy water).