When a puppy kisses a kitten...

I'd Tell you I Hate you but then I'd be Lying

~Key POV~

I kicked the snow lightly and snuggled deeper into my scarf as I walked through the campus grounds.

It had been about a week since I’ve come to S.A., and I’ve met a wide wide wide variety of people, and made a lot of friends. But I’ve been especially close to Amber, Taesun, Minho and Jonghyun.

I’ve been writing to Taemin, and he told me he met a ‘frog prince’, as well as he had a surprise for me. When I asked him if he tried at all to get into the school, he always avoided the topic. I wonder why..?

I sighed heavily and watched my breath fall in front of me. It was Saturday, meaning I had dance practice for a big portion of the day. Jonghyun had vocal practice, Minho had soccer and basketball practice, and Taesun had piano practice, which left me and Amber who had left ahead of me, telling me she’d meet me at the studio.

So, I was basically alone. That was fine though, I’d gotten used to the huge school grounds. I found out they have a junior and elementary division, which was off-limits during the weekdays to high school students.

It was separated by a big blue fence that was decorated with bright green vines and plump white roses. I’ve always wondered why they want the different divisons to be divided.

I shrugged to myself as I passed the coffee shops, waving to the people inside who were smiling at me. Somehow, a lot of people had come to find out about me and I was somewhat popular all of a sudden. Maybe it had something to do with my circle of friends.

I nearly passed the studio in the midst of my thinking. I checked my watch, realizing if I didn’t get in there in the next three minutes, I’d get my kicked by Taeyang hyung and Minzy.

I rushed in and into the locker room, going straight to my locker. I’d memorized my combination already and threw off my jacket, scarf, hat and other clothes, quickly swapping them with loose black and gray sweats.

My hair was getting longer so I used some bobby pins to keep it from my face. When I was done dressing, I shoved everything into my locker and slipped the lock on, then walked out to see Minzy pouting and eyebrows furrowed.


She blinked and looked at me. “Oh, hey Key.”

“What’s up? You look angry.”

“Nothing.” But her heavy sigh told me otherwise.

I followed her gaze to see Taeyang , who had one hand on the wall and was leaning to a short, shy, pretty girl.

I smiled smugly. “Jealous?”

She uncrossed her arms quickly and stomped away. “I. Am. Not!” she huffed.

I laughed. She so was.

The other students stood around and talked freely since we still had time before class started. I found Amber texting, sitting against the wall while talking to three other girls.

She looked up, saw me, and smiled. “Yo, Key”

I waved. “What’s up? Texting Taesun?”

Her cheeks turned a light pink but she nodded and turned back to her phone while her friends giggled softly.

I poked one and pointed to the girl Taeyang was still flirting with. “Hey, who’s she?”

Sulli turned to the direction of where I was pointing and made an O shape. “That’s Sohee. Taeyang’s been hitting on her for a while now. That player…” she growled.

I laughed a little. “So he likes her?”

She shrugged. “Maybe. It’s hard not to like Sohee, she’s so small and cute.”

I nodded then stood up and walked over to Taeyang hyung. He turned to me and grinned. “Key, what up?” he asked.

Sohee looked up at me and smiled shyly. I did the same before turning back to my hyung. “Let’s start practice, yeah?”

He pouted and I giggled at his expression. “Fine.” He clapped his hands and ordered for everyone to get into their spots. Sohee scampered to hers, which was coincidentally next to mine.

We warmed up with stretches, then started working on more dance moves, positions, and anything else. We ran through one dance we learned called Lucifer, and then practice was done already. I didn’t even realize it’s been an entire two hours.

I trotted to Minzy who still had that scowl on her face. “Noona~” I sang.

She blinked and raised an eyebrow at me. “Noona? You’re older than me.”

I shrugged. “I wanted to try saying it.”

Amber walked over to us and threw an arm over both our shoulders. “Wassup Minji? Still angry about Taeyang and Sohee?” she wiggled her eyebrows, making me laugh.

She pulled away roughly and literally stomped away. “I. Am. ing. Not!” she huffed again, similar to a few hours earlier.

Amber chuckled before walking back to the locker room. I felt someone tap my shoulder, turning, I saw Sohee.

She had her hand to her lip, fidgeting shyly. “Oppa? Could I ask you a question?”

I nodded slowly. She shuffled her feet awkwardly.

“Are you friends with Minzy?”

“Yes..” I said slowly once again.

“Well, I was wondering, does she hate me?”

I thought carefully about this and shrugged. “Why would you think that?”

She pouted a little. “Since I joined this class, she’s been looking really upset. But before that, I would always see her on campus, looking all cheerful. But now she’s all mad, and it was ever since I joined this class…”

I nodded slowly and thought for a bit. She doesn’t hate Sohee, right? She just hates that Taeyang hyungis flirting with her. I gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, she doesn’t hate you.”

She smiled a little and bowed a bit. “Thank you oppa” she said before walking away. She was stopped shortly by Taeyang, who had a stupid grin on his face. Sohee was blushing again now.

I rolled my eyes secretly and went into the locker room.


~Jonghyun POV~

I threw open the dorm door and stepped inside, shaking off the snow that had been thrown at me by elementary brats.

I had to go to the other divisons to promote the choir, even though I wasn’t even in that club. They still made me do it anyways, saying I had the best voice.

I had given monotone lectures about the perks of being in the choir, being able to sing, etc. and I was later thanked by kids who pelted me with snow.

I looked through the apartment and saw I was alone. So Key was still at practice..

I smiled at how clean our rooms were. An extra bed had arrived, so he didn’t have to sleep with me anymore. Too bad though, he was really warm. Almost like a huggable heater.

Having Key be my roommate has been one of the best things to happen to me. First, he cleans up. A lot. He’s like a neat freak, and it cracks me up. But he scolds me for not cleaning for myself. Second, he’s been a lot of company, he’s filled in that gap my old roomie left. He’s helped me with homework, or whenever I’m confused about anything. He gives off happy vibes that fill up the whole dorm, and makes everything light hearted. He may have a sharp tongue and diva attitude, but he really has a heart of gold that he somewhat hides.

He’s been working hard to keep up with the rest of the academy, and has become pretty popular in such a short amount of time.

I smiled at the thought of him, but blinked and stopped when I found it a little weird. Do I like Key? Yeah, of course. Do I love him..? I do find him attractive..

Just at that moment, the door swung open, making me jump a little.

“, it’s cold out!” Key hissed. I heard clothes rustling and soft thumps. He must be taking off his coat and shoes.

I jump on the couch ad smile up at him while turning on the TV. He looks back down at me. “Oh hey Jjong, when’d you get here?”

I shrugged as I flipped through channels. “Not long ago.”

He nodded once before he went into the kitchen, asking if I wanted anything to eat. I replied no and he came back with a sports drink and flopped down next to me on the couch, snuggling into mu chest.

He caught me by surprise, but I did not move away. “God Jong, you’re so warm” he slipped his hands around my waist and clung to me.

I don’t know why, but my face turned red. I refused to let him see it as I cleared my throat a little. “You’re so cold” I pressed the back of my hand to his cheek and he smiled.

“I know, it’s freezing out” he sighed heavily as he nuzzled closer, turning to the TV. Why is my heart beating just a little quicker?

“What show is this? He asked lazily.

“Star King” I replied. He giggled.

“It’s so funny.”

I smiled sincerely. I just love how he can be so energetic one moment, and then be tired the next.

“Hey Jjong?”

“Mm?” I asked, resting my head on his.

“How long have you been here?”

I took a deep breath. “Third grade.”

“Wow. Why?”

I bit my bottom lip and didn’t say anything for a while. But he noticed this, picked his head up, and looked at me.

“Forget if I asked that, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want.” His expression had become a mix of concern and a little regret. I didn’t want to see him like this so I shook my head and straightened up a bit.

“No, it’s fine” I patted his head before taking a deep breath.

“My parents… well, mostly my dad. He didn’t like me playing the piano or guitar or singing or anything. He always told me to become successful, like a lawyer. He didn’t support me as a singer. So, I ran away. My mother encouraged me to, even though she loved me. She said my father was being cruel, and I deserve something better. So, I just left.

I was walking around the day I left, when I saw a piano shop. So I went inside and played the piano for a while. The store owner was nowhere to be seen, so I sang too. All of a sudden, the door had opened and I saw a boy who looked older than me. His name was Onew, or Jinki. He told me I had a good voice. We’d become friends, and I stayed at the music shop.

I found out his uncle was a teacher here, and one day when he visited, he heard me. He asked if I’d join the academy, and I said not without Jinki. He let him come along too, and Jinki turned out to be the music teacher’s favorite student. He’s now the second teacher actually.

Onew saved my life. My dad was never a good father, always expecting me to do better than my best. Onew, Minho, and all of my friends here think my best is just great. So, I’ve never wanted to leave. This place can be like hell at times, but I think S.A. saved my life.”

I smiled, bringing back the memories of my painful childhood, and the warm feeling that had brought me here.

Key looked up at me with sparkling eyes, his mouth in almost a ‘w’ shape. “Amazing! I wanna meet Jinki!”

I raised an eyebrow. “You haven’t met Onew yet?”


I thought for a bit. Oh right, he goes to design classes instead of music class. I patted his head. “No worries, I’ll bring you to meet him soon enough.”

He still had that sparkle in his eyes as he put his head back against my chest. We talked for a while, about our pasts and everything. I found out he had a difficult pat, with his parents constantly gone and some guys picking on him back in elementary school, but he always stood up and fired back.

After a while, a comfortable silence settled upon us and we continued to watch TV for who knows how long.

Some hours later, Key’s head suddenly dropped and fell to my lap. I was surprised at first, but chuckled when I saw that he had fallen asleep.

He looked so peaceful and innocent, almost like a kitty. I smiled at him as I let him rest in my lap.

Some more pointless shows later, I got restless and my legs had fallen asleep. I carefully and gently pushed Key off my lap, letting his head fall onto a pillow as I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I was in mid-sip when I realized that I hadn’t ever told anyone about my past, even Minho or Amber, except Key.

This just makes him even more special than he already was to me.

I was feeling sleepy too, but I didn’t want to leave Key. He was sleeping on the couch right now, and I know if I wake him up, he’ll throw a fit about how he needs his ‘beauty sleep’.

I walked back to where he was and knelt beside him. He looked like an absolute angel.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think he really was.

I leaned closer to look at him better. He had sharp girl-like features and a cupid’s bow lip that was slightly parted so he could breath softly.

I didn’t even realize I was so close until I could feel his breathing on my nose. I didn’t want to back away, but at the same time, I didn’t want to move closer. What if I wake him up?

…He wouldn’t wake up right? He’s had an exhausting day, so there’s little chance he will…

Before I even know what I’m doing, I make the space between us smaller until our lips are almost touching. Just the thought of his lips touching mine makes my heart go crazy.

Why am I acting like this? Maybe I really do love him…

Or maybe I just want to kiss him.

I guess there’s only one way to find out what it is…

My eyelids fall halfway down as I quickly close the tiny two millimeter space between our lips.

I press them gently against his, and I felt butterflies rise in my stomach, having a party. His lips were so soft and plump, they tickled mines.

The moonlight poured in through the window, casting a shadow over us, but still his face somehow glowed against the darkness so I could see him clearly. And what I saw was an angel.

When I pull away, I just stare at him for a long time. We’re still extremely close, but he hasn’t awaken yet to my relief.

I blush madly when I realize what I’ve just done.

I just kissed Kim Kibum…..

I get up slowly and walk over to the other smaller couch to lay uncomfortably and watch Key for a little more.

The butterflies were still dancing in my stomach, and I still felt like I wanted to be with him, to kiss him again. I wanted to make Kim Kibum mine.

Well, thank goodness he was asleep.


~Key POV~

Pssht… I can’t believe that idiotic puppy would think I’m asleep..


Chapter 8 ^^~

I'm in such a great mood, I just HAD to update.

BTW, idk why i put Sohee into here..
She's just so small and cute looking. ^^
She and Taeyang were actually voted to be the two who would be most likely to spend Christmas alone... xD
Oh yeah, do you guys know that the Wonder Girls are gonna be on their own show on Nick?! :O I'm so gonna watch it ^^~

You see the chappie picture? That's my favorite Jongkey pic everr <3

UGH... i hate midterms and finals...
-_____- Not to mention my basketball gameS next week (yes, i emphasized the s)

Well, i'm about to fall asleep so byebye ^^~

Subecribe, comment, & thanks a bunch for reading, ~!!(:

Anngyeong (~.^)

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Sorry, couldn't update before 0923 OTL TT^TT writer's block .


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HaruKoiUta #1
Chapter 19: I just found this story and love it so much! >w< plz update soon!
Chapter 19: You're not gonna update this?! TT____TT I miss is soo muuuch?!?! TT______TT
Chapter 19: Please update! It's been sooooooooooo long! Pretty please~ >.< <3
Chapter 18: I just answered the question but i thought you asked if you should continue the ff so i answered of course yes -_-
i think many people misread like me so please continue and please update :)
Chapter 19: OMG Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz update this REALLY SOON...
HiBirdSong #6
Chapter 19: It was Heechul!? I thought it would be Kai... I'm so surprised! Please update soon! Hwaiting!
HiBirdSong #7
Chapter 12: Every time I read my user name in the A/N I'm like OMG!how!? Even though I now it's my user name since I'm reading it while online but still... It amaze me every time..
HiBirdSong #8
Chapter 3: When I read that his hobby was rapping at first I thought 'he likes to ____ people? And Jjong think its cool!?' Haha my bad ^^'
HiBirdSong #9
Your inspiration was Gakuen Alice? Then I must read it!