
Brat and Jerk

Chanyeol lets his office door creak open, hoping that it would just open by itself so he wouldn’t have to waste anymore of his energy.


That night, Chanyeol didn’t get any sleep. He shuffled around his bed, turning on the lights a few times to check if someone was at the door. He even switched out his sheets, because he felt like he was surrounded by a pool of sweat. His once warm and comfy bed, no longer felt safe, and all he could think about on and on was just how much of an idiot he was.


For the sake of his mental state, he believed he did the right thing. He believed that sending Baekhyun away was the right thing. He believed that he could not have a relationship with a 16 year-old boy was the right thing. He wanted to ensure himself that the decision he made was acceptable, and he should not get any punishment for it. And he may not feel guilt from others, but he sure is giving himself a hard time.


He dumps his laptop bag on his desk, slightly leaning on his chair, he flashes out a pen to sign legal documents. The pen fails to function as he roughly scratches it on a blank sheet of paper, hoping the ink will come back. To his bad luck he decides to fish out another pen, and ends up rummaging through his desk. The CEO is fascinated by a small chit of paper lying on his desk.

It may mean nothing to most people, however, with only a quick glance, Chanyeol sees a set of numbers scribbled on it.


The dustbin stands right under his desk, it shines against the morning sun. He scrunches the paper with so much force, his hands become an angry red. He throws the small chit of paper in the Dustbin, and walks out of his office.




Chanyeol makes it a habit to come late for work. He knows that if he leaves the house at 7:00 he’s bound to come across the kids with yellow Uniforms.


He walks into his office, sensing deja vu. Just like old times. When his life was a bore, and still is.


“Channie!” Jongdae screams, breath lavished with Coffee. “Where have you been!!”




“Chen!” He corrects, pouting and giving Chanyeol a distant look as if remembering something. He taps his chin, looking right through the CEO’s skull.  “Heyyy… where is that school boy of yours?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The CEO sighs, unlocking his office door, that smells pretty awful. Due to his unresponsive work ethics, the Janitors hardly come and do their job. Probably because Chanyeol pays them anyways.


“Oh please, OH GOD! YOUR OFFICE REAKS-” Chen plugs his nose.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Chanyeol grits through his teeth making sure to lock his office door behind him. He looks out the glass door to find Jongdae plastering his face over the door.


let me in! Chanyeol reads his lips. Chanyeol what's wrong?


Leave me alone. Chanyeol closes the white blinds that surround his office windows. The room becomes drastically darker.


He sits on his wheeled chair, regarding how messy his office looks. He takes a look over his dustbin, that’s now empty. His heart twists with heartache. The paper is still there. To haunt him.


His attention is directed towards a small spider that lays at the bottom of the dustbin. His eyesight blurs as his head brings him back into a flashback.


",,,...." Baekhyun’s eyes boggle up and down.


"What's wrong with you?"


"Spiders!" Baekhyun whined stomping his foot on the ground like a baby.

The older howls in laughter while Baekhyun looks at him angrily. "I didn't think you would be afraid of anything." Chanyeol lifts himself the chair trying to reach his computer but Baekhyun stands in his way.


"I'm not afraid of anything. Especially not you. So don't even think that-"


The flashback ends, and suddenly Chanyeol feels slightly more drowsy. His eyes water, wanting to let it out. When the tears finally fall, he knows it's too late. Who was he kidding. He was in love with Baekhyun. He doesn’t want it to happen but he hears Chen’s voice possess his head.


Did you ever think of Baekhyun's feelings? What he's going through right now! No! Because you only think of yourself!


He hears everything. He remembers everything.


"Hey you!" Chanyeol shouts like an old man, earning concerned looks from the students.


Baekhyun turns his head and is a little surprised to find the guy he shut in the closet to be alive. His eyes widen for millisecond until he runs away.


A lanky Chanyeol chases after him angry and revengeful. Fortunately Baekhyun trips on a rock and Chanyeol pulls him by one ear.


"So you think you could run away from me?" Chanyeol smirks triumphantly.


"I have detention isn't that enough?" Baekhyun scowls crossing his arms,

While Chanyeol finally let's go of his ear. "Old man." He mutters.


"Oh really, I'm an old man. That must mean you're kid."


"I'm 16 years old I'm not a kid!"


"You're a kid."







"You didn't call or anything! You just left and said nothing! You made me worry so much!" Chanyeol balls and on the other line Baekhyun remains silent.


"I was sick, I was being a good employee and took 2 days off, chill and stop crying." Baekhyun groans. "Seriously Chanyeol you're a grown man, I'm fine so stop crying."


"You have to be kidding me." Chanyeol facepalms.


"Come on!" Baekhyun laughs like a maniac. "Get out of your professional box for once you old man! Have a little fun!"


"What the hell Baekhyun! Where are we going to go? Everyone is going to see us and I'm going to get arrested!"


"No, not if we pretend we're just father and son."




"I think I'm in love with you." Chanyeol says quite easily.


Baekhyun coughs. "Me too."




     It’s been years since Chanyeol has been out and about. The air smells like summer, like the summers he’s had for the past years, accept empty. The sky has always been clear blue, birds are always chirping and everything just feels like it’s absolute perfect.


   Somehow, throughout the years, Chanyeol has been able to lead his father's company into major success. Of course, it was unintended, and if it weren’t for his peaky employee he hired 2 years ago, he would have never been on various news channels, on large billboards. Nowadays, he’s become more than a CEO. Model agencies endeavor ways to make the cover of a magazine feature him. The entertainment companies are eager to get their hands on the next best thing. Park Chanyeol.


     Except, he knows deep down, he really doesn’t care for this. He never has. Sure, he’s become hightenly famous through 5 years time, but it’s also been 5 years since he made the biggest mistake of his life. He tries not to talk about it, but his obnoxious new employee, or new secretary he should say, doesn’t let him hear the end of it.


      Chen long gone, married, and even a child to accompany him. A surprising ordeal, maybe because he thought Jongdae would probably never get married. The CEO decided to skip the wedding since he had no intention of trying to understand love, marriage, or anything of that sort. But Jongdae has always been his good friend, only 5 years ago when he left him to run off with some girl Chanyeol couldn’t help but feel alone.


    He couldn’t help but feel like he could have done the same.


    The piece of paper that holds valuable numbers still lays in his dustbin, untouched. He plans to keep it that way.


Those days are long gone behind him, his office is newly renovated, employee’s newly hired and he tries not to think of the past, but set his eyes on the future.


His new secretary, Kyungsoo approaches him one day with daily news.


“Sir, they want you at the Coex to do a speech, also you have a meeting with-”


“Not right now Kyungsoo.” The CEO waves off, distracted. He's had enough of the casual dinner meetings and making worthless speeches to people that really could care less.


But Kyungsoo knows to continue.


“They also want you at some school, talk about business fellowship that sort of stuff.”


Chanyeol's head snaps up at the sound of school. It’s been so long since he has heard that word, his ears perk up. He knows well enough why he’s so interested. He knows exactly which school, and he knows why for the first time in gloomy 5 years  he cracks a smile. In which Kyungsoo gasps.


“Oh my god, Oh my god, why are you smiling?” Kyungsoo freaks.


Immediately Chanyeol frowns. “I’m not.” The CEO dusts off his suit, lifting himself off his chair.


“You totally just smiled. Just tell me Park, you have way too many secrets, I want to know-”


“Get out-”


Suddenly both their heads snap towards a harsh banging sound that can be heard outside of the office. Kyungsoo eyes the CEO nervously, but advances towards the door anyways. Not needing a look, Chanyeol can already smell the smoke that piles up into the room when his secretary opens.


The lounge is on fire.


At exactly that time, the fire alarms go off, but the sprinklers don’t, Chanyeol knew he should have set those up, sooner, rather than wait. He’s never been in a situation like this so he turns to Kyungsoo, who is already opening the window.


“What are you-”


“We are jumping out.” He confirms, holding his fist to his chest.


The CEO looks at the scene that in front of him, a determined short man, eager to jump out of the window. It’s strikingly familiar.


Thank god they are only two floors up. Chanyeol jumps right after Kyungsoo, they see most staff already huddled into groups, calling for help, raging on about who could have started it. It’s only moments later, when Chanyeol imagines his room go up into flames, his desk, his floor, his dustbin, the paper.


The small chit of paper is still there. He knows he’s being dramatic, he knows it’s not the right thing to do, but he suddenly becomes alert, ditching Kyungsoo last minute he runs back into the building.




Chanyeol could not remember all that went on inside the building because before he knew it he out. Hearing the small voice of fire fighters, confused attempting to get him out of the way.


When he wakes up he hears voices, before he see’s anything.


“Dr. Byun, the burns aren’t bad, just one on the arm, although it’s quite deep.”


Chanyeol opens his eyes, they dart around trying to find the doctor, He is disappointed to find a rather older looking lady, maybe in her forties, jotting down notes on a clipboard. A nurse accompanies her, explaining the damage.


The CEO drifts back to sleep, and when he wakes up fresh, and bandaged he’s surprised to find the doctor, seated next to him.


“I’m doctor Byun, it’s nice to meet you. It seems that you have suffered from minor burns and you will be discharged in about two days.” She smiles reassuringly. Light glistening though her eyes. Chanyeol opens his eyes wider for a clearer view. It can’t be, this smile, he’s seen it before. The face, he’s seen it all before.


“Mrs Byun.” He croaks through his throat. He’s not sure where his conversation is leading, but he knows one thing for sure. He lets a tear trickle down his eye, while the women looks at him confused. She doesn’t know.


“Well, in that case, I’ll send a nurse down to tend to your wounds, so sit tight.” She smiles.


The next few hours are spent waiting, waiting for something to happen. Chanyeol asks himself numerous questions, like how he didn’t know Mrs Byun had been a doctor. But through previous knowledge it was a good assumption since she was caring towards her son, knew the perfect remedies for a fever, and had admitted her son into a science magnet school.


It all made sense once he thought about it. It just goes to show you, that Chanyeol didn’t look like he cared. But he really truly did. And after hearing that infamous last name, he couldn’t help but yearn for the first name that fit with it.




It felt so damn good to say it. Even in his head, it rolled off naturally. Baekhyun. he thought. It’s been so long.


“Baekhyun.” He says softly, staring at the ceiling, hoping he could die right now, so that wherever Baekhyun was now, he would know, he deserved it. He closes eyes waiting for sleep.


“Chanyeol?” Someone responds back.


So maybe he has died, because he is sure no one would respond to that name. But when he painfully turns his head towards the door way he see’s a man in his early twenties, dressed in  blue nurse attire, with a shocked look.

His hair is a jet black, different from 5 years, ago when it used to be ash brown. His eyes are brighter, more prominent, and he looks better than ever. And even though Chanyeol knows this may be a dream, he begins to cry. He cries his heart out, like never before.


It’s his Baekhyun.

It’s been so long.

I should have waited. He blames himself.

I should have waited for you.


“What are you doing here?” He asks, advancing towards the hospital bed.


“Would you believe me, if it had something to do with you?” Chanyeol answers.




“You’re a nurse?” Chanyeol lets Baekhyun tend to his wounds, something he finds ironic, since 5 years ago he was taking care of that child when he had a fever.


“I kind of have to, it runs in the family. First internship as a nurse, then instantly become a doctor. Didn’t you ever wonder why a rebellious boy like me ever got into a Science Magnet school?”


Chanyeol stays silent. He’s never thought about it until  5 minutes ago. He watches Baekhyun's slender hands rub alcohol on his arm. He stares at Baekhyun’s older, much more mature features. Trying to pinpoint what has changed, it’s pretty impossible since Chanyeol is still staring at his fingers.


“I’m surprised you graduated.” Chanyeol cracks a smile, while Baekhyun rolls his eyes grudgingly.


“I’m surprised you managed to lift up your business from the shadows without me.” Baekhyun shakes his head, wrapping a new bandage around his arm.

Chanyeol shrugs, staying silent so that he could admire Baekhyun for whatever time he had. It seemed that maybe 5 years was enough for Baekhyun to stop hating the CEO. He watches the boy walk towards the sink to rinse off the residue on his hands.


“Oh, you must have seen me on T.V.”


“No, I visited. Okay, maybe stalked the building a couple of times.”


“Oh… I didn’t even realize-”


“That's ok…. you don’t have to apologize.”


Yes I do. I have to you idiot. Don’t act like I never hurt you. Don’t act like nothing happened.


“Do you have a boyfriend?” Baekhyun asks out of the blue.


“I- uh…. no.” Chanyeol shifts nervously in the hospital bed. He feels the air become heavier, when the boy asks him this question. “Listen Baek-”


“I said you don’t have to apologize for what happened to us. You did the right thing…” The nurse’s back his turned towards the sink. He doesn’t dare look at Chanyeol.


“I didn’t. Okay Baekhyun, It was wrong. I WAS WRONG. So please be angry at me! Let it out, so I can at least feel a little satisfied.” The CEO can see Baekhyun’s shoulders tremor, and a small sniffle.


“I missed you… you jerk…” Baekhyun lets a tear silently drop down his cold cheek. And somehow the tears he’s been crying for 5 years have always been cold, but now standing here with Chanyeol in the room, his tears come out warm. “You never came to look for me… you never...called me.”

Baekhyun sobs, finally revealing his crying face.


Chanyeol’s heart stops, he’s never seen Baekhyun cry.


“You left me all alone! FOR FIVE YEARS! You couldn’t wait! You could have waited, until I became older! You continued with you business LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED! I WATCHED FROM THE SIDELINES I WATCHED YOU AND WAITED FOR YOU PARK CHANYEOL SO THAT ONE DAY WE COULD MEET AGAIN!” He screams at the top of his lungs, somehow all the pain and recently has that has built in his chest over the span of 5 years suddenly dissipates.


Chanyeol just watches he takes in every insult that comes his way. When Baekhyun’s voice cracks the CEO looks at the ground shamefully. He’s ashamed of himself. For all the things he has ever done to Baekhyun. The room becomes silent again, and Baekhyun finally shuts the sink off.


“Get some rest.” Baekhyun turns off the lights. His expression solemn and back to normal.


“Baekhyun. It’s been 5 years, and you’re angry, and resentful. But somehow, after all those years, everything that has ever reminded me of you, from spiders to little chits of papers, even when you weren't there Baekhyun, I am even more in love in you then I was the first day I confessed it.”

Chanyeols confession comes out fast, obviously unintended but he had to say it sooner or later.


“You were always the immature one Baekhyun, always irrational, but you were always right. You knew more than me, and I took that for granted… and I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Chanyeol chokes out, mostly because tears were dominating his face.


“Crybaby” Baekhyun mutters.


“Says you.” Chanyeol smiles, wiping the tears away.


Baekhyun steps towards the CEO, a little hesitant at first but he finally makes it to the side of the bed. This time Chanyeol can clearly see the boy’s face. He see’s it so clearly it’s not alright for him to call the nurse a boy anymore.


“5 years, Jerk.” Baekhyun removes sweaty strands of hair off Chanyeol’s beautiful face.


Chanyeol nods his head, and before he attacks Baekhyun's soft long awaited lips.


“5 years Brat.”



Wow idk about you guys, but that did not feel satisfying at all lol. Maybe I’ll make an extra chapter, like a filler. Well as far as I can say now, it’s over what are your thoughts?

Was Baekhyun too nice?

Should he have played hard to get? (I think so, but Baekhyun’s character didn’t seem like it)

Also what if the significance of Chanyeol saying brat last? IDK ok these questions are better un answered, :)

Anyways thanks to all the subs, and especially the commenters. Your love and support really push me to write, so please anticipate a new fic, maybe post some ideas. For now, Au revoir.

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Beau1996 1373 streak #1
Chapter 5: Very enjoyable!!
174 streak #2
Chapter 5: Cute
Beau1996 1373 streak #3
Chapter 5: I enjoyed this story + cute and ending - can be hard to write too!!
Chapter 5: super story (。・ω・。)ノ♡(。♡‿♡。)(๑♡⌓♡๑)
Chapter 5: Damn, so it all started when a boy locked a CEO inside a janitor room.. woooshhh xD
ilovereixx #6
Chapter 4: A sequel, juseyo!
Te amo..
Chapter 5: Beautiful!