Chapter 4: She's interesting

Tough love (T.O.P Fanfiction)

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Chapter 4: She’s interesting


Originally posted by gdragons-seoul

“What were the both of you doing inside?” -Jiyong questioned the moment i stepped outside, having him stand there with a confused look.

“I asked for her opinion on the neck tie” -His voice answered Jiyong from behind. “A girl’s opinion is better no?” -He smiled and Jiyong nodded and shrugged.

I still can’t believe he’s been trying to use my feelings to know what i am thinking. Does it really makes no sense at all that i am hired to be a worldwide-known idol’s manager? Sure, it sounded ridiculous but i sure as hell didn’t play any fouls. I just don’t get his problem sometimes.

Aishh… i shouldn’t even be thinking about how he thinks of me. I should’ve just do my job properly and only do just that instead of entertaining a bored guy’s thoughts about me. 

But i blushed when he comes that near towards me. I never had to blush for anything before, since i was never in love before. I don’t even know how it feels like to be in love. I only heard it through acquaintances of how your heart beats faster and how your stomach will twist into a knot when you’re talking to the person of your interest. But that didn’t happen to me. So I don’t think this is love though. It probably is just him who suddenly comes so near that i was shocked and my body underwent some complex process to reach the stage of blushing…. or the weather is just hot. And i’m wearing a jacket. Well, that makes sense.

“Why are you not making a ual joke out of it?” -T.O.P asked Jiyong curiously. Huh? Why must he even?

“I would but with her, i can’t imagine anything ual going on. So what joke am i supposed to make?” -Jiyong shrugged, “I am not getting you, Jiyong” -T.O.P replied but Jiyong ignored him and talked to me. “Let’s go” -He said.

“Go? Go where?” -I asked. This is so unprofessional and inefficient of me. I should’ve known everything of his schedule.

Jiyong laughed. “You’re still out of it huh? Relax. We’re going to go out, it’s not in the schedule. Gonna do some shopping since we have free time now before the next concert tonight” 

“Oh” -I exclaimed, 

“C’mon ice warrior we gotta go” - He said, urging me.

“What? Why do you call me ice warrior?” -I asked curiously, T.O.P still standing in front of us with a bowl of ice-cream that magically appeared on his hand, looking over to us. 

“Cause you’re a warrior. It’s like you are doing your own thing, battling with your own thoughts, so you can build your empire. Oh and about the ice part? Because you don’t feel love it’s like you’re an ice. Cold and-”


Originally posted by bigbanguploader

“She don’t feel love?” -T.O.P interjected.

“Oh you were listening? No, what i mean is she doesn’t know what is love. She doesn’t know how it feels like so she can’t express it” -Jiyong explained, “Oh, i wasn’t supposed to say it right?” -Blabber mouth said.


He wasn’t supposed to.

But he did.

And i learned my lesson.

Note to self: Never tell him my secret.

“A girl who don’t know about love huh?” -T.O.P muttered to himself, putting up his thinking cap face.

“Yeah and this-” -Jiyong started speaking, then hugged me, to which i stood there frozen like a mannequin thinking why the hell he keeps on doing that since yesterday. “See? No emotion. Her heart is not even beating fast-mmmmhmm” -I covered his mouth quickly so he can’t continue talking. Gosh, this man. 

“Yah!” -Jiyong shouted once i started walking out and wore my slippers so that we can quickly go without him talking again. 



Originally posted by cheonjaes

“Is it okay to love you?” -Jiyong teased me throughout the whole time we were walking in the hallway to the lift area.

I cringed and he laughed.


Originally posted by hell-ogoodbye

“Would you like to go on a date with me?” -He asked again, T.O.P looking over and ignoring us, looking at his phone again. Yes, this is the first time i would like to ignore Jiyong too. Even though i have to be responsible for him.


Originally posted by bigbanghoe

“I don’t even know what to say to you” -I sighed,

“Jiyong, shut up. You’re noisy” -T.O.P interjected. 

“Ah hyung!” -He tugged him and they did some boyish almost arm-wrestling, until we reached in front of the lift.

“, I think i had left my wallet in the room. Sorry! You guys go ahead and wait for me at the lobby” -Jiyong said after searching his pockets frantically, and ran back, while T.O.P and I entered the lift.


“So you haven’t been in love before? Not at all?” -T.O.P asked once the lift door closes. Why am i always in this predicament with him?

“Yeah, not at all.” -I answered. Since the secret’s out, might as well.

“Not even to your parents?” -He asked curiously.

“They’re dead” -I said quite straight forwardly. “Please, don’t give me that expression. I’m not that quite pitiful"


Originally posted by hell-ogoodbye

“You’re very interesting” -He started, “and strong for yourself” -He smiled lightly, “I’m curious though. What do you think love is supposed to feel like? Why do you think the heart beats faster when you’re around somebody that you like?” -He questioned. Geez, he’s so weird.

“Because the heart is nothing but a contracting muscle” -I looked at him dead panned. Which is true, scientifically.

He looked at me surprised, probably from my answer and he smiled again. “You’re really…. really interesting” -Locking eyes with me.

Err…. okay. “Thank you?” -I said, making him laugh.

What is even wrong with him? I don’t find anything funny.

“You’re so dense” -He looked over to me, “I think i got my answer now. To why he hired you. Because you’re safe” 

“Can you ever tell me something in simple terms?” -I protested. It’s so frustrating. He always have this very complex aura about him. Everything he says, and reacts to…. They have a meaning in between every sentence he says.


The lift reached the ground floor.

“Says the one who uses science terms to answer about love” -He said and walked out of the lift, leaving me flabbergasted. 


Originally posted by soo-hyuks

To be continued….

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rtbiana26 #1
Chapter 10: Hope your chapters become longer
bmsqrdd #2
This is so cute TTTTTTT
nputri91 #3
Woahhhh .. U must be in the good mood for this story author nim .. Kekeke .. ^.^
Akellia #4
Chapter 5: I really dont believe in love though how can you trust when a person says i love you when it could be a complete lie and feelings get hurt me honestly ive never been in love parents dont count that isnt even love they are life for both the caring and the cold but im cold for my reasons yeah i have crushes but i operate differently than regular people which makes me weird but i like weird i want to one day feel it but then i dont so one night stands and heartless relation ship works better than risking my heart please make more chapters atleast one more where she doesnt give in for a while i guess make he ice if u can
rtbiana26 #5
Chapter 5: Waaaaaahhhh
mintyblue #6
i like your story. keep it up!