where senselessness brings you


Normally, the members will find Jimin and Yoongi together in their dorm, the younger being straddled by the older in the couch. Both of them will be found laughing and talking about the things that happen during the day, including Yoongi’s annoyance in their consecutive dance practices where Mr. Son can’t find any satisfaction in the choreography. Sometimes, the two also bicker about the smallest and most nonsense things, like giving emphasis over the importance of their staggering height difference, but these things don’t last because they can’t resist each other and they end up settling the small fight. They sometimes tease each other but those things are not taken seriously. 


But this time, they are acting weird. Usually, Jimin greets the members as soon as he gets up from his bed and even initiates first in helping Seokjin in preparing breakfast. But this time, he doesn’t even spare a glance at the members, even at his boyfriend. He just eats silently. The members eye each other and they find Yoongi acting similar to Jimin. Yoongi is silently munching his cereal and is sitting across the other but they don’t acknowledge each other’s presence. With that, the members realize that there is a problem.


After breakfast, Taehyung decides to join Jimin in the couch, watching Inside Out. He talks to him and it seems like it is effective because it seems to lift Jimin’s mood until the latter is back to his usual self, the cheerful and loud nugget he is. And Hoseok is the one who tries to brighten Yoongi’s mood by consulting him about the production of their upcoming album. Of course, music is something Yoongi can’t resist. It seems to lighten his mood because Yoongi begins to throw up sassy and witty comments about how of an idiot and lame Hoseok is when it comes to his jokes.


And there goes their day. It looks usual with Jimin and Yoongi now smiling about things. It looks normal if no one points out that they are not well and it kills Seokjin to see them like this because he is not used to seeing the two so distant from each other. It makes him want to lock them up in a room and wait till they get back together to their usual selves but he knows that he and Yoongi will probably have a fight about it right after. So he consults his boyfriend, Namjoon about the thing that circulates between Yoongi and Jimin.


Namjoon talks to Yoongi and Jimin separately and he finds out that the two nymphs have fought over beanies. It is because Jimin wants Yoongi to wear matching beanies to the airport but Yoongi doesn’t want it because he thinks it’s too lame. Namjoon just facepalms because seriously, these two fight over the smallest of the smallest things. He then tells Seokjin about the talk and the eldest just sighs because this is not the first time the two fight about small things. Seokjin finds it weird that it’s been three days since the two had their fight and by now, it should’ve been settled already. Namjoon and Seokjin try not to interfere in their fight because it will be nice if Jimin and Yoongi themselves will sort their things out.


It’s been a week and the tension between the two has grown bigger. It already kills the members eternally because this fight is very nonsense. The two have been throwing out indirect comments that come out of nowhere like, “Hey Namjoon hyung, you and Seokjin hyung are so cute together. You’re lucky your boyfriend can’t resist you. He must really love you.” and “I don’t get why people get mad at people when they themselves were the ones who started the chaos.” loud enough for them to hear it.


One time, Jungkook goes to the living room and proposes a game for all of them to play.

“Can you repeat what you said?” Seokjin says.

“I will say a particular part of the face and both partners will have that part stick to each other. For example, Hoseok hyung and Taehyung hyung are partners and I say cheek. They will stick their cheeks up with each other’s.” Jungkook endearingly says.

“And how will we know who the winners and the losers are gonna be?” Namjoon asks.

“Well, each pair will only be given 5 seconds to do it.”

“And what will be the punishment?”

“I don’t know. You decide.”

“They will clean the kitchen.” Seokjin suggests.

“Nahh, kitchen is too small. Why not add the bathroom?” Taehyung suggests.

“Why not the whole dorm?” Jungkook suggests, smirking.

And everyone agrees.

“This seems fun!” Taehyung says, already indirectly agreeing to the game.

“Yeah. But I have colds. I can’t play. My partner might get it.” Hoseok says, frowning.

“Alright then, you will be the game master instead of me.” Jungkook speaks.

“Really?! Okay then!” Hoseok cheers.

“First off, let’s decide about who will be the partners.” Jungkook leads.

“I’m not playing. I’ll just watch you, guys.” Yoongi voices out.

“Ah, hyung! We’re six, excluding Hoseok hyung. Just cooperate this time.”

Yoongi doesn’t say anything anymore because even if he does, his sentiment will be voided anyway.

“Okay, let’s just pair Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung, me and Taehyung hyung, Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung.” The youngest decides.

“Let’s just be partners, Jungkookie.” Jimin says flatly.

But Taehyung already puts his arm around Jungkook’s neck.

“Actually, me and Jungkook will be perfect partners, right?” Taehyung says, pointing at the others, trying to make themagree with him.


“Fine.” Jimin crosses his arms.

Then, the pairs stand across each other.

“Alright, since I’m the game master, make your foreheads touch each other’s.”

The pairs, except Yoongi and Jimin, cheerfully attach their foreheads. It takes Jimin and Yoongi 3 seconds to attach their foreheads. And when they do, they don’t look at each other’s eyes. They detach from each other’s when Hoseok finishes counting up to 5.

“Okay, everyone succeeded the 1st round. That was very easy anyway.” Hoseok happily states, looking at each pair cheerfully. “2nd round, noses.”


Each pair walks closer to each other. “I’m so lucky Jungkook is my partner. His nose is so big.” Taehyung says, earning a smack from Jungkook.

“Namjoon and Seokjin hyung, I only said nose, lips were not included. Don’t be too excited.” Hoseok teases.

“I hate this.” Yoongi mutters.

“Just do it. I don’t want to clean.” Jimin responses, attaching the tips of their noses.


All pairs succeed the 2nd round and Taehyung and Jungkook are the happiest because it seems like they are really enjoying it.

“This time, chins.” Hoseok tells them.

“What the hell, Hoseok?” Yoongi splutters.

“What? I’m the game master. Now, do it. 1!” Hoseok starts counting while Yoongi glares at him.

The counting makes Jimin panic which causes him to hold the Yoongi’s face and brings his chin to his. The move makes Yoongi silent. They stay like that, Jimin holding his face until they hear Hoseok’s cue.


“Okay, we’re already done with the 3 rounds and it seemed like it was easy for you. These pairings are perfect. You’re lucky you’re partnered with each other because you have similar heights.” Hoseok points out. “Now, we’re gonna take this game to the next level. This time, foreheads, noses and chins simultaneously.”

“Is that even possible?!” Jimin says, looking hysterical.

And Hoseok just laughs, “Okay. Okay. I’ll count up to 10 instead of 5. Now, 1!”

Each pair is having a hard time sticking up their foreheads, noses and chins all at the same time.

“This is so ridiculous.” Namjoon mutters, holding Seokjin’s face, still trying to attach them.

“We can’t do this! Jungkook’s nose is too big!” Taehyung says hysterically, panicking and Jungkook glares at him. “Yah!”

Jimin and Yoongi have managed to make their foreheads and noses touch but still contemplate in trying to make their chins touch. There are only 2 seconds left when Yoongi holds Jimin’s face and make their foreheads, noses and chins touch each other’s simultaneously, with their lips touching as well.

“Time’s up!”

“Ahhhhhh!!” Taehyung and Jungkook says in unison, dropping on the floor.

“Only Namjoon and Seokjin hyung, Jimin and Yoongi hyung succeeded. Which means you, Taehyung and Jungkook failed. Say hi to the dorm.” Hoseok teases.

Taehyung stands up stomping his feet, still not believing what happened, “Was that even possible?! How did you do it?!”

“Well, Namjoon and Seokjin hyung, Jimin and Yoongi kissed each other. As simple as that.” Hoseok interjects. “Also, Jungkook’s rule only said to touch each other’s, he didn’t say to only touch the tips. So you two are dumb for not thinking.”

“I take back what I said. I’m so not lucky for having Jungkook as my partner.” Taehyung says, earning a glare from the youngest. “Now, we’re gonna clean. Gosh! I hate this.”

“That’s life, brother.” Hoseok puts his arms around Taehyung and Jungkook, the two shoving his arms.



Yoongi still can’t take away from his mind what happened earlier. I only did that because I don’t want to clean,he keeps telling this to himself like a mantra. It keeps bugging him because he had seen Jimin’s reaction, he was so shocked and couldn’t even talk. He knows they’re still not in good terms but honestly, he isn’t mad at him anymore. He can’t just bring himself to be the one apologizing first to Jimin but he knows it is his fault in the first place.


Yoongi himself can’t believe both of them resist each other for a week. This is a record but not a good one. He really misses Jimin. When Jimin touched his face earlier, he couldn’t understand what he felt. He misses his touch, his voice and his presence. And when he felt Jimin’s lips against him earlier, his heart bursted with rainbows. It has been so long since they have been so close to each other.


At the living room, there’s a seated Jimin looking at the television. He isn’t really watching. He is just spacing out. He is still in shock from what happened earlier. While Taehyung and Jungkook have started cleaning, kitchen being their first stop, Jimin feels a hand slipping on his. He looks at his side and he sees Yoongi. He is shocked for a second when he feels Yoongi lying his head on his shoulder.


“I’m sorry.” Yoongi squeezing his hand. “And I miss you.”

Jimin misses him too, so much honestly and he can’t bring himself to resist Yoongi, now that the latter is the first one to make a move. Jimin squeezes Yoongi’s hand back.

“I really miss you too, hyung.” Jimin looks at him, unlinks his hand with Yoongi’s and wraps his arms on his neck. “I’m sorry, too.”

Yoongi feels Jimin nuzzle his nose on his neck. He embraces the younger back, arms wrapping on his waist and let himself be engrossed to the hug. “I couldn’t believe our fight lasted for a week.”

“I’m really sorry, hyung. If it wasn’t for my stupidity, we hadn’t been through that. I knew you were really not up to those kinds of things but still, I forced you.”

“I feel sorry too, sunshine. I really wanted to do it but I couldn’t. I will try next time, okay?” Yoongi holds Jimin’s face to make him look at him. “I love you so much, Jimin.” Yoongi pecks Jimin’s lips.

“I love you too, Yoongi-hyung.” and their lips touch each other’s again, a bit longer this time.

When they pull apart, they look at each other, “If I didn’t kiss you earlier, we would be doing those right now.” Yoongi smilingly points Taehyung and Jungkook who are bickering.

“If it wasn’t for your nose, we wouldn’t be here!” They hear Taehyung interject, still sulking over their loss.

Jimin and Yoongi laugh at the same time, attention now back to each other, "Yeah. And I can already depict that our fight will just get worse."

Somehow, Yoongi and Jimin are thankful to Jungkook’s game and for pairing them up because it made them realize how they missed holding each other and feeling each other’s presence. But at the same time, they feel bad because this time, it is now Taehyung and Jungkook who have a fight.



I don't have any problem with Jungkook’s nose.

I'm sorry, like I said this just came up to my head.

I love his nose so much. And I hope you liked a sassy Hoseok.


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eleven2000 #1
Chapter 2: Ahhh so cuteee!!
derpfs #3
Chapter 1: SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE d'awwwww. Yoongi is a man. < 3
Authumnder #4
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD IM GOING TO CRY YOONMIN ISNT EVEN MY FAV OTP but here u are ruining my otplist oh my god this one is so good im crying
also that taehyung and jungkook's scenes, im laughing so hard
Naralove #5
Chapter 1: Its so cuuuteee